Bundestag constituency Eichsfeld - Nordhausen - Kyffhäuserkreis

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Constituency 189: Eichsfeld - Nordhausen - Kyffhäuserkreis
Bundestag constituency 189-2017.svg
Country Germany
state Thuringia
Constituency number 189
Eligible voters 216,673
voter turnout 73.1%
Election date Sept. 24, 2017
Constituency representative
Photo of the MP
Political party CDU
Voting share 38.0%

The Bundestag constituency Eichsfeld - Nordhausen - Kyffhäuserkreis (constituency 189) is an electoral district in Thuringia . It includes the districts of NordhausenEichsfeld and the Kyffhäuserkreis .

The predecessor constituencies were the constituencies Nordhausen - Worbis - Heiligenstadt , Eichsfeld - Nordhausen and Eichsfeld - Nordhausen - Unstrut-Hainich I . For the 2017 federal election , the northern part of the Unstrut-Hainich district left the constituency, while the Kyffhäuserkreis was added to the constituency. The change in the constituency division became necessary because Thuringia lost one constituency in the 2017 federal election.

Bundestag election 2017

The 2017 federal election took place on September 24th. Manfred Grund (CDU) was able to defend his direct mandate in the redesigned constituency, but the influence of the CDU stronghold of the Catholic Eichsfeld weakened somewhat due to the redesign. Some Eichsfeld locations from the northern Unstrut-Hainich district now belong to the adjacent constituency 190.

Bundestag election 2017 - WK Eichsfeld - Nordhausen - Kyffhäuserkreis
(in %)
Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Manfred Grund CDU 38.0 33.8
Kersten Steinke THE LEFT 15.3 14.5
Steffen-Claudio Lemme SPD 14.3 13.9
Jürgen Pohl AfD 21.4 21.1
Stephanie Kespohl GREEN 2.6 3.1
Ronald Krügel FDP 4.9 7.7
Uwe Reiche Free voters 1.8 1.4
Karl-Edmund Vogt ödp 1.2 0.7
Severin Rascopp Individual applicants 0.2 -
Eckehart Rieth Individual applicants 0.2 -
- NPD - 1.6
- Pirates - 0.3
- MLPD - 0.1
- UBI - 0.6
- DM - 0.2
- The party - 0.9
- V party³ - 0.2

Bundestag election 2013

Bundestag election 2013 - WK Eichsfeld - Nordhausen - Unstrut-Hainich-Kreis I
(in %)
Gains and losses
compared to 2009
 % p

The 2013 federal election in constituency 189 took place on September 22, 2013.

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Manfred Grund CDU 49.8 44.8
Sigrid Hupach THE LEFT 19.8 19.9
Carmen Listemann SPD 16.5 15.3
Steffen Dreiling FDP 1.4 2.8
Norbert Sondermann GREEN 3.1 4.0
Thorsten Heise NPD 3.3 2.9
Heiko Windisch PIRATES 2.0 1.8
Susann May ödp 2.0 1.2
- REP - 0.2
- MLPD - 0.1
- AfD - 5.3
Marco Tasch Free voters 2.0 1.8

Bundestag election 2009

The 2009 Bundestag election in constituency 189 had the following result with a turnout of 66.8%:

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Manfred Grund CDU 43.0 38.5
Joachim Schwiderke SPD 17.0 16.6
Alexander Scharff THE LEFT 24.5 24.0
Andreas Klaschka FDP 7.4 10.7
Michael Hoffmeier GREEN 4.1 4.8
Thorsten Heise NPD 2.8 2.7
Karl-Edmund Vogt ödp 1.1 0.7
- REP - 0.2
- MLPD - 0.1
- PIRATES - 1.7
Bärbel Macamo Single applicant ( Willi-Weise project ) 0.2 -

Bundestag election 2005

The 2005 Bundestag election in constituency 190 had the following results with a voter turnout of 76%:

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Manfred Grund CDU 37.4 32.4
Manuel Müller SPD 29.7 28.3
Johanna Scheringer-Wright LEFT 20.7 22.4
Franka Hitzing FDP 4.8 8.4
Julian Karwath GREEN 2.5 3.9
Thorsten Heise NPD 3.3 3.2
- GRAY - 0.7
- REP - 0.5
- MLPD - 0.3
Karl-Edmund Vogt FAMILY 1.6 -

Federal Parliament election 2002

The 2002 Bundestag election in constituency 190 had the following results with a voter turnout of 76%:

Direct candidate Political party First votes in% Second votes in%
Manfred Grund CDU 41.3 38.0
Eckhard Ohl SPD 34.6 36.8
Gerhard Jüttemann PDS 15.1 12.9
Andreas Kniepert FDP 5.1 5.8
Claudius Hille GREEN 2.5 3.4
- NPD - 0.7
- REP - 0.6
- GRAY - 0.3
- Schill - 1.1
Karl-Edmund Vogt ödp 1.5 0.6

Previous MPs

Directly elected members of the constituency were:

choice Surname Political party First votes in%
2017 Manfred Grund CDU 38.0
2013 Manfred Grund CDU 49.8
2009 Manfred Grund CDU 43.0
2005 Manfred Grund CDU 37.4
2002 Manfred Grund CDU 41.3
1998 Manfred Grund CDU 40.1
1994 Manfred Grund CDU 51.4
1990 Gerhard Reddemann CDU 56.6

Constituency history

Constituency 189 (2009-2013)
choice Constituency name area
1990-1998 296 Nordhausen - Worbis - Heiligenstadt District of Nordhausen, district Worbis , district Heiligenstadt
2002 190 Eichsfeld - Nordhausen Nordhausen district, Eichsfeld district
2005 190 Eichsfeld - Nordhausen - Unstrut-Hainich District I Nordhausen district, Eichsfeld district, from the Unstrut-Hainich district the communities Mühlhausen, Anrode, Dünwald and Unstruttal as well as the administrative community Hildebrandshausen / Lengenfeld unterm Stein
2009-2013 189 Eichsfeld - Nordhausen - Unstrut-Hainich District I
since 2017 189 Eichsfeld - Nordhausen - Kyffhäuserkreis Nordhausen district, Eichsfeld district, Kyffhäuserkreis

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. constituencies
  2. a b c http://www.wahlen.thueringen.de/wahlseite.asp ? active = BW01 & startbei = federal elections / BW_wahlresults.asp