Worbis district

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Basic data
District of the GDR Erfurt
County seat Worbis
surface 558 km² (1989)
Residents 75,521 (1989)
Population density 135 inhabitants / km² (1989)
License Plate F and L (1953–1990)
LZ (1974–1990)
WBS (1991–1995)
The district of Worbis in the district of Erfurt

The Worbis district was a district in the Erfurt district of the GDR . From 1990 to 1994 it existed as the district of Worbis in Thuringia . His area is now in the Eichsfeld district in Thuringia. The seat of the district administration was in Worbis .



The Worbis district was in Eichsfeld on the inner-German border .

Neighboring areas

The district of Worbis bordered clockwise in the north, beginning with the (rural) districts of Göttingen , Duderstadt (until 1972), Osterode am Harz , Nordhausen , Sondershausen , Mühlhausen and Heiligenstadt .


When the state of Thuringia was divided into districts in 1945, the previous districts of Heiligenstadt and Worbis were merged to form the Eichsfeld district. In 1946 the name of the district was changed to the district of Worbis (based in Heiligenstadt). As a Catholic enclave in Protestant Thuringia, the Worbis district became a stronghold of the CDU Thuringia after the Second World War . Already in the election campaign for the local elections in the Soviet Zone in 1946 , the SED was facing a severe defeat , as the CDU election events were overcrowded and those of the SED were hardly attended. The attempts of the SMAD to intimidate the population (for example, District Administrator Aloys Schaefer was arrested immediately before the election ) did not result in any change. In the local elections, the CDU received 34 seats in the district council, the SED with 14 and the VdgB with 2 were far behind. With the votes of the CDU, the CDU member of the state parliament, Hugo Dornhofer, was elected chairman of the district assembly and Adolf Braedel (CDU) was elected to the state parliament. In the state elections on October 20, the CDU also achieved the best result in Thuringia with 68% in the district. In the aftermath of the election, the delivery obligations of the farmers of the Eichsfeld were increased as a punitive action. As part of the alignment of the Eastern CDU, Dornhofer was forced to resign on February 19, 1948. Braedel had to flee to the west in April 1950.

On July 25, 1952, there was an extensive administrative reform in the GDR , during which, among other things, the states of the GDR lost their importance and new districts were established. The then district of Worbis gave several communities to the district of Heiligenstadt . From the remaining district area, together with parts of the districts of Mühlhausen and Nordhausen, the new district of Worbis , based in Worbis, was formed. The district was assigned to the newly formed district of Erfurt .

On May 17, 1990, the district was renamed the Worbis district. On the occasion of the reunification of the two German states, the circle was awarded to the re-established state of Thuringia in October 1990 . During the district reform in Thuringia , it went up on July 1, 1994 together with the neighboring district of Heiligenstadt in today's Eichsfeld district.

Population development

Worbis district
year 1960 1971 1981 1989
Residents 67,719 69,934 73,810 75,521

cities and communes

After the administrative reform of 1952, the following cities and communities belonged to the Worbis district:

District administrators and chairmen of the district council


Important companies were among others:


The district area was opened up for national road traffic by the F 80 in the direction of Nordhausen and Halle (Saale) and the F 247 in the direction of Mühlhausen and Gotha .

The routes Heiligenstadt – Leinefelde – Halle , Leinefelde – Gotha , Leinefelde – Worbis – Teistungen and Leinefelde – Geismar were used for rail traffic .

License Plate

Motor vehicles (with the exception of motorcycles) and trailers were assigned three-letter distinctive signs starting with the pair of letters LZ from around 1974 to the end of 1990 . The last number plate series used for motorcycles was FB 00-01 to FB 09-50 .

At the beginning of 1991 the district received the distinctive sign WBS . It was issued until January 31, 1995. Since November 29, 2012, it has been available in connection with the license plate liberalization in the Eichsfeld district .


  • Ed. Council of the Worbis District: 30 Years of the German Democratic Republic 1949-1979. Worbis district. Worbis 1979
  • Paul Grimm and Wolfgang Timpel: The prehistoric and early historical fortifications of the Worbis district. In: Eichsfelder Heimathefte special edition, Worbis 1966
  • Karl-Heinz Kabisch: On the development of the socialist education system in the Worbis district. Special edition Eichsfeld Heimathefte Heiligenstadt 1979
  • District management Heiligenstadt u. Worbis d. SED: 40 years of the German Democratic Republic - successful implementation of the "Plan for the Development of the Eichsfeld". Heiligenstadt 1989
  • Jürgen Gruhle: Without God and Sunshine. Volume 4 Altkreis Worbis. A documentation. Books of Demand 2003

Individual evidence

  1. a b Statistical Yearbooks of the German Democratic Republic. In: DigiZeitschriften. Retrieved October 6, 2009 .
  2. Gerhard Reddemann: Election took place 20 years ago; in: Eichsfelder Heimatstimmen 10 (1966), pages 344–346; Printed in: Winfried Becker: CDU and CSU 1945-1950, 1987, ISBN 3-7758-1151-6 , pages 411-413
  3. a b Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Municipalities 1994 and their changes since 01.01.1948 in the new federal states . Metzler-Poeschel, Stuttgart 1995, ISBN 3-8246-0321-7 .
  4. Law on the self-administration of municipalities and districts in the GDR (municipal constitution) of May 17, 1990
  5. Law on the further democratization of the structure and functioning of state organs in the state of Thuringia of July 25, 1952
  6. Andreas Herzfeld: The history of the German license plate . 4th edition. German Flag Society V., Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-935131-11-7 , pp. 302 .
  7. Andreas Herzfeld: The history of the German license plate . 4th edition. German Flag Society V., Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-935131-11-7 , pp. 505 .

Web links

Commons : Kreis Worbis  - Collection of images, videos and audio files