Carl Elias Adolph von Hachenberg

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Carl Elias Adolph von Hachenberg (born November 14, 1718 in Neuwied , † March 18, 1776 in Breslau ) was a Prussian colonel and commander of the 5th standing grenadier battalion .


Origin and family

Hachenberg came from a Rhenish noble family . He was married to Freiin Wilhelmine von Staff, but the marriage remained childless.


Hachenberg began his career in the Prussian army in 1733 with the infantry regiment "von Dohna" . He advanced on May 12, 1739 to Sekonde- and on 4 May 1749 to first lieutenant , rose on June 11, 1756 continued on the staff captain and was the same year in September captain . With his promotion to Major in February 1761, he was also commander of the Grenadier Battalion "from Kosch Bahr" which from the Grenadier - companies of Garnisonegimenter "of Mützschefall" and "from Blanckensee" was composed.

In the Silesian Wars he took part in the battles at Hohenfriedeberg and Prague, took part in the sieges of Kosel and Prague and attended the attack on the Ölmützer transport. In the Seven Years' War he was able to stand out against the Russians, especially in Pomerania on the Persante in 1761 .

Hachenberg, who was meanwhile also the heir to Deutsch-Breyle in Silesia , was promoted to lieutenant colonel in May 1769 and to colonel in May 1773. He died after 43 years of service.


Individual evidence

  1. a b military weekly paper . Mittler & Sohn, Volume 23, Berlin 1838, p. 81.