Carl Timner

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Carl Timner (1987)
For Angela Davis, 1972
Vietnam III with Rudi Dutschke, 1968
Catherine of Alexandria, 1984
Melancholy in Rome, 1983
Variations on "The Black Rooms" - Homage to Karl Hofer, No. 1 Red Headscarf, 1995
Study for illustrations of the "Song of Solomon", No. 7, 2006.
Vietnamese woman and student, 1972
Sky over the "Valle Umbra", 2006
Landscape with Tree and Vase - German Landscape, 1986-1996
Weidendammer Bridge, 2004
Series Druckereibilder II, 1978
Series of printing pictures IX, 1978
The Stone Town Suite, 1978
Bologna citta 'assediata, 1980
Sunflower, 1976

Carl Timner (born June 29, 1933 in Berlin ; † August 27, 2014 in Trevi / Perugia ) was a German painter , draftsman and graphic artist of contemporary realism . Carl Timner lived and worked alternately in Berlin and Rome , most recently in Trevi in ​​Umbria. Timner's work consists of painting and drawing, of figure, portrait , still life , landscape and cityscape .


Carl Timner grew up in Berlin. He studied at the State University of Fine Arts, today University of the Arts , in Berlin-Charlottenburg (basic apprenticeship with Hans Uhlmann , painting class with Max Kaus ) and 1952–1953 art history , archeology and philosophy at the University of Göttingen . From 1953 to 1956 he lived in Rome and worked in the studio of the painter Corrado Cagli. He had close contact with the artistic circles around the painters Renato Guttuso , with whom he was friends, Giuseppe Capogrossi , the brothers Afro and Mirko Basaldella as well as the writer, painter and politician Carlo Levi .

In 1968 Timner was Renato Guttuso's assistant at the Hamburg University of Fine Arts and co-founder of the Rote Nelke artist group in West Berlin , to which he belonged until 1973. Afterwards he was one of the co-founders of the Association of Democratic and Socialist Artists (VDSK). He was often involved in exhibitions and activities of both associations.

In 1971 Timner married the Italian Clara Moriconi, whom he had met through his brother, the painter Angelo Moriconi , who was close to him . 1972–1975 Timner was chairman of the Standing Committee on Culture Days - Progressive Art West Berlin together with the actor Michael Kramer and worked in the 1980s for the Artists for Peace Initiative . As a visiting professor he worked and taught life drawing from 1978 to 1986 at the University of the Arts in Berlin.



At the beginning of Carl Timner's painterly oeuvre, which according to the catalog raisonné comprises around 1300 paintings, stylized figurative and abstract compositions took up a large space. Political events at the beginning of the 1960s, such as the building of the Wall and the Cuban Missile Crisis , which accelerated the Cold War between East and West, and the strengthening of civil rights and student movements , especially in the USA (For Angela Davis , 1972) and West Berlin (Vietnam III with Rudi Dutschke , 1968), found wide resonance in Timner's work over the course of the decade. Political and socially critical issues were henceforth a focus in his work. Timner's series on Chile, written in 1974, which was a bitter reaction to the bloody coup in Chile in 1973, played an important role during this period , see below Canto Particolare Del Cile, 1978. This was followed by studies in a series on the civil war in Lebanon . Questions of peacekeeping also formed a leitmotif in Timner's work in ever new variations, for example " Catherine of Alexandria ", 1984, a Christian martyr, a myth based on Hypatia of Alexandria , who was slain by Christians as a non-Christian, against an accusation the intolerance of religions.

Timner's committed realism is rooted in European art history from the Renaissance to the realism of the 1920s. His conscious connection to the classical tradition of realistic painting, which differentiated his work from the tendencies of critical or expressive realisms, made him appear as an artistic outsider (Melancholie in Rom, 1983). In his work there are direct references to traditions, such as in the paintings “Hommage à Velasquez ” (1972), “Old Woman ( Käthe Kollwitz )” (1974) and “After Caravaggio (Cupid as Sieger)” (1998). The work of Karl Hofer was also an important inspiration for him (series: Variations on “The Black Rooms”, homage to Karl Hofer, 1995). The focus is on the human figure as an expression of a humane attitude. Anatomy, movement and clothing studies led to numerous intimate figure compositions, mostly female, such as the drawings for ' Song of Solomon ' (2006). These act in the indicated space in different positions (Vietnamesin und Lernende, 1972), individually or in groups. Also significant in Timners work is portrait painting , like the 1980 painted portrait of the very old actor Curt Bois , the American US after his exile in West Berlin worked. In addition, Timner also painted numerous landscapes of Italy (sky over the "Valle Umbra", 2006) and Germany (landscape with tree and vase, 1986/1996, German landscape) as well as city pictures (Die Weidendamm-Brücke, 2004) and still lifes (series of printing pictures : Druckereibilder II, 1978 and Druckereibilder IX, 1978).


The painterly work is accompanied by drawings - a total of approx. 1400 sheets, executed with lead or colored pencils, (mostly colored) wax crayons, charcoal, chalk, pastel or red chalk on (sometimes tinted) paper. Some of the works served as studies or direct preliminary stages to pictures, but many of them have an autonomous, emphatically pictorial-plastic, lively character. Very often people are depicted after living models or photos that Timner took of model sessions (Halbakt frontal, auf Stocker, 1998). Women can be seen embracing, holding on to one another or being in some other way related to one another (study on “Song of Solomon”, 2006). Within the entire work complex there are series that not only accompany paintings, lead to them or are close to them in terms of content, but also expand the range of painterly subjects. Timner has also continuously designed templates for posters, covers (Die Steinstadt-Suite, 1978) and illustrations (Canto Particolare Del Cile, 1978) for books (Bologna Città Assediata, 1980) as well as graphics , especially lithographs (Sonnenblume, 1976).

Solo exhibitions (selection)

  • 1954 foyer of the German Theater , Göttingen
  • 1956 Galleria Schneider, Rome
  • 1961 Diogenes Gallery, Berlin (West)
  • 1963, 1964, 1972 shop gallery , Berlin (West)
  • 1969 Ben Wargin Gallery , Berlin (West)
  • 1969 Galleria d'Arte Molino, Rome (K)
  • 1971 Art Association and Art Gallery , Bremerhaven
  • 1972 New Munich Gallery, Munich
  • 1972 (K), 1975 (K), 1979 (K) Majakowski Galerie, Berlin (West)
  • 1973–74 House of Friendship with Foreign Countries, Moscow (traveling exhib.)
  • 1973, 1974 (K), 1977 (K), 1982 (K), 1984, 1986 (K), 1992 (K), 1999, 2001 Galleria Ca 'd'Oro, Rome
  • 1974, 1976–77, 1980 (K) Galerie Schnecke, Hamburg
  • 1978 House of the Church, Berlin (West) (K / Wander-Ausst.)
  • 1978 Centro Internazionale delle Arti, Bologna
  • 1978 (K), 1980 (K), 1983 (K), 1985 (K), 1987 Gallery 2000, Berlin (West)
  • 1981 Museum of Western and Oriental Art, Odessa (K / traveling exh.)
  • 1981–82 (K), 1984, 1986 (K) Galerie Schwarz auf Weiß, Berlin (West)
  • 1983 IG Metall educational institution , Bad Orb (K)
  • 1984 Marchwitza Culture House, Potsdam (K)
  • 1984 Galleria La Tavolozza, Palermo (K)
  • 1988 (K), 1992, 1994 (with Heinz Willig), 1998 Kommunale Galerie, Berlin
  • 1988–89 Museum of Labor , Hamburg
  • 1990 Saalbau-Galerie , Darmstadt
  • 1999 Gallery at the New Palace , Potsdam
  • 2000–01 Arte Spazio Gallery, Tucson (Arizona)
  • 2003 Complesso Museale di San Francesco, Trevi (Perugia) (K)
  • 2008 Schwartzsche Villa , Berlin (K)

(K) = catalog

Exhibition participation (selection, all with catalog)

  • 1961 International painting 1960–61. Art exhibition for the 900th anniversary of the city of Wolframs-Eschenbach, Teutonic Order Castle Wolframs-Eschenbach
  • 1963 Mostra Internazionale di Pittura, Galleria d'Arte Urso, Rome
  • 1971 May 1st Salon. Berliner Realisten 71, Haus am Lützowplatz , Berlin (West)
  • 1971–72 La situazione dell'uomo nel tempo presente - 15 Artisti tedeschi (XXVII Biennale d'Arte Città di Milano), Palazzo della Permanente, Milan
  • 1973 May Salon 1973, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin (West)
  • 1973 Exhibition by the artists' association Die Rote Nelke, West Berlin, Neue Berliner Galerie, Berlin (GDR)
  • 1973–74 Art Report 73rd annual exhibition of the German Association of Artists, Academy of the Arts , Berlin (West)
  • 1974 The portrait as a commission, Municipal Gallery, Berlin (West)
  • 1974–75 Aspetti dell'Arte Contemporanea in Italia, Anno 1974, Castello di Sammezzano, Reggello (Florence)
  • 1975 May 1, 1945. May 1, 1975. Thirty Years of Peace, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin (West)
  • 1975 Realism + Reality, Kunsthalle Darmstadt
  • 1977 20th annual exhibition of the New Darmstadt Secession. Painting - graphics - sculpture, exhibition halls Mathildenhöhe, Darmstadt
  • 1978 1st May Salon 1978. Working world, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin (West)
  • 1978–79 West Berlin realists. Painting and graphics since 1968, Kunsthalle Rostock (traveling exhibition: Rostock - Moscow - Berlin [West])
  • 1980 30 years of BBK. Exhibition of the Professional Association of Visual Artists Berlin, State Art Hall , Berlin (West)
  • 1983 Più vero del vero. IX Rassegna Nazionale di Pittura Città di Pistoia, Pistoia
  • 1983 1st May Salon 1983. May 1933 - May 1983, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin (West)
  • 1983 1933 - Paths to dictatorship, Staatliche Kunsthalle Berlin, Berlin (West)
  • 1984 Steel Collection - Realists in Berlin, Berlinische Galerie , Berlin (West)
  • 1989 1 ° Salone d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Palazzo dei Congressi Roma
  • 1990 Art & War 1939-1989, House of World Cultures , Berlin (West)
  • 1996 The power of images. Künstleronderbund in Germany. Realism of the present, Martin-Gropius-Bau , Berlin
  • 2002–03 Overview 2002 painting. Künstleronderbund in Germany, Kommunale Galerie, Berlin
  • 2003 Overview 2003. Künstleronderbund. Painting - Graphics - Sculpture, Municipal Gallery, Berlin
  • 2004 Overview 2004. Künstleronderbund. Painting - Graphics - Sculpture, Municipal Gallery, Berlin

Works in public collections and murals

Monographs and exhibition catalogs (selection)

  • Carl Timner. Canti scuri, Berlin (West): Galerie Diogenes (exhibition cat. / Introduction by Eberhard Roters )
  • Timner, Rome: Galleria Ca 'd'Oro 1974 (exhibition cat. / Introduction by Antonio Porcella)
  • Carl Timner, Rome: Galleria Ca 'd'Oro 1977 (exhibition cat. / Introduction by Renato Guttuso , poem by Nicos Bletas Ducaris)
  • Timner ... not forever also unteachable, Berlin (West): Edition New Paths 1978 (exhibition cat. / Poems by Hans-Ulrich Treichel , introduction by Günter Berndt)
  • Carl Timner - Druckereibilder, West Berlin: Majakowski Galerie and Druckhaus Norden 1979 (exhibition catalog / text by Oskar Wehling)
  • Carl Timner. Una spiaggia, Rome: Galleria Ca 'd'Oro 1982 (exhibition cat. / Introduction by Costanzo Costantini)
  • Michael Nungesser, Carl Timner, about becoming different. Life and painterly work of a committed artist, Berlin (West): Edition Neue Wege 1983 (catalog raisonné)
  • Carl Timner, Berlin (West). Painting, drawings, graphics, Potsdam: Kulturhaus Marchwitza 1984 (exhibition catalog / organizer: Association of Visual Artists of the GDR / text by Gisold Lammel)
  • Udo Christoffel (ed.), Carl Timner from conversations with the painter (depictions of Berlin artists. Volume 2), Berlin (West): Kunstamt Wilmersdorf 1988 (exhibition catalog / texts by Rainer Höynck , Hermann Raum and Iris Billaudelle, poem by Nicos Bletas Ducaris)
  • Hermann Raum, Carl Timner. Hand drawings from the years 1947 - 1989, Berlin (West): Edition New Paths 1989 (catalog raisonné)
  • Carl Timner. New pictures and drawings from 1988 to 1998, Berlin: Municipal Gallery and Museum, Berlin (West): Kunstamt Wilmersdorf 1998 (exhibition catalog / texts by Michael Nungesser and Christiane Schön)

General literature (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Red Carnation" painter Carl Timner has died . In: Berliner Zeitung . Berliner Verlag, Berlin September 21, 2014.
  2. Hermann Raum: Carl Timner - hand drawings from the years 1947–1989 . Edition New Paths, Berlin 1989, ISBN 3-88348-056-8 , p. 19 .
  3. ^ Rainer Höynck: For Carl Timner . In: Udo Christoffel (Ed.): Carl Timner . Wilmersdorf Art Office, Berlin 1988, p. 10-16 .
  4. Michael Nungesser: Carl Timner - About becoming different . Edition New Paths, Berlin 1983, ISBN 3-88348-051-7 , p. 20 .
  5. ^ Atelier and gallery Laubbach Carl Timner painting drawing
  6. TREVI - Carl Timner - Note biografiche
  7. ^ Gallery Schwartzsche Villa Exhibition: Carl Timner: Pictures and works on paper
  8. Andre Rebstock's Jazz Rock Lyrik Orchestra - Die Steinstadt Suite