Charles Maung Bo

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Cardinal coat of arms of Charles Maung Bo

Charles Maung Cardinal Bo SDB (born October 29, 1948 in Mohla , Myanmar ) is Archbishop of Yangon .


Charles Maung Bo came shortly after the death of his father in the Congregation of the Salesians of Don Bosco and received on 9 April 1976, the sacrament of Holy Orders . He then worked as a parish priest in Loihkam and Lashio .

On July 7, 1990 appointed him Pope John Paul II. The bishop of Lashio , where he had been since 1986 apostolic prefect. The Archbishop of Mandalay , Alphonse U Than Aung , donated him episcopal ordination on December 16 of the same year ; Co- consecrators were the Bishop of Myitkyina , Paul Zingtung Grawng , and the Bishop of Kengtung , Abraham Than . On March 13, 1996, John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Pathein . John Paul II appointed him Archbishop of Yangon on May 24, 2003 . The inauguration took place on June 7 of the same year. Bo is also President of the Episcopal Conference of Myanmar.

In the solemn consistory of February 14, 2015, Pope Francis accepted him as a cardinal priest with the titular church Sant'Ireneo a Centocelle in the college of cardinals . Cardinal Bo represented the Pope from January 24 to 31, 2016 as the papal legate at the 51st World Eucharistic Congress in Cebu, Philippines .

Bo is one of the critics of the Chinese dam project on the Irrawaddy River .

Charles Bo was a participant at the religion summit in Lindau on Lake Constance , which the organization " Religions for Peace " organized in August 2019.


Charles Maung Bo is a member of the following organizations of the Roman Curia :

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Concistoro Ordinario Pubblico: Assegnazione dei Titoli o Diaconie. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , February 14, 2015, accessed February 14, 2015 (Italian).
  2. Myanmar: Church opposes China dam. Vatican News, June 12, 2019, accessed June 13, 2019 .
  3. ^ Religious summit of Lindau: A balance. Bayrischer Rundfunk, August 23, 2019, accessed on August 24, 2019 .
  4. a b Nomina di Cardinali Membri dei Dicasteri della Curia Romana. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office, April 13, 2015, accessed April 18, 2015 (Italian).
  5. ^ Nomina di Membri del Pontificio Consiglio per il Dialogo Inter-Religioso. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office, March 17, 2001, accessed January 11, 2015 (Italian).
  6. ^ Nomina di Membri e di Consultori del Pontificio Consiglio della Cultura. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office, January 17, 2009, accessed January 11, 2015 (Italian).
  7. ^ Nomina di Membri della Segreteria per la Comunicazione. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office, July 13, 2016, accessed July 13, 2016 (Italian).
predecessor Office successor
John Jocelyn Madden SDS Bishop of Lashio
Philip Lasap Za Hawng SDS
John Gabriel Bishop of Pathein
John Hsane Hgyi
Gabriel Thohey Mahn-Gaby Archbishop of Yangon
since 2003