German association for hiking, mountaineering and orienteering

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The German Association for Hiking, Mountaineering and Orienteering of the GDR (DWBO) was a sports association in the German Gymnastics and Sports Association (DTSB) of the GDR , in which athletes were united who did hiking , mountaineering and orienteering . The association existed from 1958 to 1990.


In the Soviet zone of occupation , the first initiatives to reorganize the mountaineers came from Dresden . Even before the official ban on the German Alpine Club (DAV) by the Allied Control Council Act No. 2 , former members of the dissolved Saxon Mountaineering Association campaigned for a "reorganization of the Dresden Alpine Club" in June 1945 . On June 14, 1945, an “organizational leadership of the anti-fascist mountaineers of Dresden” was formed. The anti-fascist mountaineers joined forces on April 19, 1946 with the members of the Dresden local association of the former tourist association “Die Naturfreunde” (TVDN) to form the anti-fascist tourist movement (ATB). After an appeal by the FDGB and FDJ on August 1, 1948, to form a “unified democratic sports movement”, in 1949 the “tourism” sections and a specialist mountaineering commission within the GDR's sports movement were formed. The tourism sections were the first post-war organizations for hikers and mountaineers in the GDR.

After the DAV was re-established in the Federal Republic of Germany in 1952 , it was not permitted again in the GDR as a “relic of bourgeois associations”. Instead, the German Hikers' and Mountaineers Association (DWBV) was founded on June 14 and 15, 1958 in Dresden .

On its fourth day of the association, the DWBV decided on April 25, 1970 in Dresden to rename it to the German Association for Hiking, Mountaineering and Orienteering of the GDR (DWBO). The sport of orienteering was thus included in the association name. In 1984 the association had 67,238 members.

Postage stamp from Deutsche Post for the World Orienteering Championship in 1970

The DWBO hosted the 3rd world championship in orienteering , which took place from 25 to 27 September 1970 in Friedrichroda . Athletes from 16 countries took part in this world championship.

At the year-end meeting of the DWBO Presidium on December 16, 1989 in Bad Blankenburg , as a result of the political changes in the GDR, it was decided that the Presidium's office would cease work and that working groups should be formed for the three sports of mountaineering, hiking and orienteering, which would serve the future Should develop the structure of the association. As a result, the DWBO's presidium resigned at the presidium meeting on February 7, 1990 in Dresden, and a working group was formed to continue the work of the association. The working group dissolved the DWBO and favored the formation of a German hiking association and a German orienteering association, as well as supporting the efforts of mountaineers to form an independent GDR association.

The establishment of a German orienteering association (DOLV) was approved at the 18th meeting of the federal executive committee of the DTSB on February 24, 1990 and this was carried out on March 24, 1990 at the central school of the DTSB in Bad Blankenburg. On June 10, 1990 the DOLV was entered under the number 951 in the register of associations in Berlin-Mitte. Its dissolution was already decided at the presidium meeting of the DOLV on November 25, 1990 at the Rabenberg sports school . The association ceased its activities on December 31, 1990; it recommended that the five new regional associations and their members join the German Gymnastics Federation (DTB) or one of the German mountain and hiking clubs , since the DTSB was also dissolved on December 5, 1990 had been.


  • 1958–1963: Heinz Schlosser
  • 1963–1966: Hannes Hansel
  • 1966–1970: Erich Glaser
  • 1970-1974: Percy Stulz
  • 1974–1982: Rudolf Schille
  • 1982–1990: Erich Krauss
  • 1990: Werner Harder


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b German Gymnastics and Sports Association (DTSB). In: Andreas Herbst (Eds.), Winfried Ranke, Jürgen Winkler: This is how the GDR worked. Volume 1: Lexicon of organizations and institutions, departmental union management , League for Friendship between Nations (= rororo-Handbuch. Vol. 6348). Rowohlt, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1994, ISBN 3-499-16348-9 , pp. 234-243 (243).