Dorothea Parton

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Dorothea Parton (born October 6, 1948 in Vienna , Austria ) is an Austrian actress.


She successfully completed her acting studies at the Max Reinhardt Seminar in Vienna . This was followed by engagements at the Vienna Burgtheater , where she worked for 5 years, later at the Schauspielhaus Zürich (2 years) and at the Theater in der Josefstadt in Vienna (8 years).

Dorothea Parton has a daughter together with the Austrian actor Miguel Herz-Kestranek , Theresa Parton (* 1971), who is an alternative dog trainer who runs a dog boarding house called "Hundeglück" in Lower Austria .


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Individual evidence

  1. Ulrike Potmesil: Dog in luck. At: mein May 22, 2013, accessed April 11, 2016.