Ferdinand Ludwig von Sjöholm

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Ferdinand Ludwig von Sjöholm (born April 1, 1769 in Stralsund , † February 8, 1841 in Mainz ) was a Prussian lieutenant general .



His parents were Magnus Johann von Sjöholm (1719–1795) and his wife Marie Dorothea, nee Rehfeldt (1739–1776), a daughter of the superintendent of Stralsund Paul Rehfeld . The father was a Swedish knight and colonel in the regiment "von Blistenholm". Major General Friedrich Wilhelm von Sjöholm was his brother. His sister Charlotte (1766-1829) was married to the State Councilor Emanuel Friedrich Hagemeister .

Military career

On September 1, 1781, Sjöholm became a private corporal in the Steinwehr infantry regiment of the Prussian Army . There he was promoted to second lieutenant until November 19, 1787 and as such took part in the battles at Magnuszewo and Demnikowo during the campaign in Poland in 1795/95 . For this, Sjöholm received the order Pour le Mérite on November 11, 1794 . On April 29, 1795 he was Premier Lieutenant , on May 9, 1797 staff captain and on October 29, 1799 captain and company commander . He came to the grenadier battalion "Fabecky", which consisted of the grenadier companies of the regiments "von Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen" and "von Diericke" . In the Fourth Coalition War he fought in the Battle of Preussisch Eylau . For this, Sjöholm received a golden box from Tsar Alexander on May 12, 1808 and on December 27, 1808 he was promoted to major .

On October 8, 1811 Sjöholm came as a commander in the 4th East Prussian Infantry Regiment . On March 12, 1812 he became leader of the combined 2nd Infantry Regiment, which was put together for Napoleon's Russian campaign in 1812. After the campaign, Sjöholm was again commander of the 4th East Prussian Infantry Regiment on February 8, 1813. During the Wars of Liberation he fought in the battles near Großbeeren , Dennewitz and Leipzig . In the time he was on December 8, 1813 Lieutenant Colonel and on May 31, 1814 , Colonel . Sjöholm also acquired the Iron Cross II. Class for Großbeeren and the I. Class Cross for Dennewitz and the Order of St. Stanislaus . Sjöholm suffered the rest of his life from the consequences of a wound he suffered.

After the war he came to Breslau on August 20, 1816 as brigade commander . On March 30, 1818 he was promoted to major general with patent from April 6, 1818 and appointed commander of the infantry brigade of the 11th Division on September 5, 1818 . With the reorganization and budgeting of his previous large unit, Sjöholm became commander of the 11th Infantry Brigade on April 3, 1820 . On September 14, 1824 he received the Order of the Red Eagle III. Great, on July 18, 1825 he came to Cologne as commandant . There he received the service cross on August 4, 1825 . On September 10, 1830 Sjöholm became his farewell as a lieutenant general with an annual pension granted by 2750 Taler. He died on February 8, 1841 in Mainz.


Sjöholm married Auguste Albertine Friederike von Unruh (1782-1810) in Liekeim (Bartenstein district) on September 1, 1800 . The couple had several children:

  • Karoline Emilie (1803–1831) ⚭ 1827 Gustav von Imhoff (1793–1875), Prussian major general
  • Laura Friederike Luise (* 1805)
  • Clementine Elise Elfriede (* 1806)


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Individual evidence

  1. Julius von Wartensleben: News from the family of the Counts of Wartensleben. P. 406. Auguste Albertine Friederike sold the estate in 1822
  2. The information in Die Unrugher differs here. The date of birth is given as 1774 and the date of marriage as 1802, although the general died here in 1810.