Franz Gertsch

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Franz Gertsch (right) with his wife in the Böhm Chapel in Hürth , in April 2017

Franz Gertsch (born March 8, 1930 in Mörigen ) is a Swiss painter and graphic artist .


From 1947 to 1952 he was trained in the painting school Max Rudolf von Mühlenen and with Hans Schwarzenbach in Bern . In 1971 he received the Federal Art Grant . In 1972 he participated in the documenta 5 in Kassel in part, in 1978, 1999 and 2003 at the Biennale in Venice . In 1997 he was awarded the Kaiserring Art Prize of the City of Goslar .

Museum Franz Gertsch, Burgdorf BE, May 2005

The Franz Gertsch Museum, financed by the entrepreneur Willy Michel , was opened in Burgdorf in autumn 2002 . The first Franz Gertsch retrospective started in 2005. The exhibition venues were the Franz Gertsch Museum and the Bern Art Museum . Gertsch has been an honorary citizen of his community in Rüschegg since 2006 . On the occasion of his 75th birthday, retrospectives of his work were shown in numerous cities.

Creative phases

The picture Huaa ...! from 1969, which Gertsch also referred to as work no. 1 , represented a turning point in his work. Gertsch was 39 years old, had already had solo exhibitions and volumes and was in the 1957 show The drawing in the work of young Swiss artists in the Kunsthalle Bern was represented - he now “rejected” this earlier part of his work. From 1969 to 1978 he created large-format photo - realistic and hyper-realistic paintings. To Huaaa ...! This was followed by politically motivated Vietnam and numerous pictures based on their own photographs by family members and friends from the Swiss art scene, e. B. Medici (1971/72) and the series about Luciano Castelli , to which Marina makes up Luciano (1975) belong. With these paintings Gertsch achieved the international breakthrough. In particular, he was represented with Medici at documenta 5 in Kassel , curated by Harald Szeemann , in 1972 , which is considered to be the world's most influential exhibition of modern art after the Second World War - this appearance made him “instantly known”.

From 1978 Gertsch switched to individual portraits , thus creating a portrait cycle of rock musician Patti Smith and the self-portrait from 1980.

In the period between 1986 and 1994 Gertsch dealt exclusively with woodcuts . One example of this is the oversized woodcut triptych Schwarzwasser , which was hand- printed from three panels, each 237 × 185 cm in size, on Kumohadamashi - Japanese paper in midnight blue. The triptych hangs in the Kunsthalle zu Kiel with a format of 276 × 597 cm .

Further awards

Further exhibitions

(See #Biography )


  • Reinhard Spieler (Ed.): Franz Gertsch - the retrospective , publication on the occasion of the Franz Gertsch exhibition . The retrospective , Museum Franz Gertsch, Burgdorf (works up to 1976), Kunstmuseum Bern (works from 1977 to 2005), November 13, 2005 - March 12, 2006…; further stations (in a different form): Ludwig Forum for International Art , Aachen, April 8 - June 25, 2006, Kunsthalle Tübingen , July 15 - October 1, 2006.
  • Angelika Affentranger-Kirchrath: Franz Gertsch - the magic of the real. Benteli, Wabern / Bern 2004, ISBN 3-7165-1336-9 .
  • Tobia Bezzola (Ed.): Franz Gertsch: Seasons. Works 1983 to 2011. Exhibition catalog. Kerber, Bielefeld / Leipzig / Berlin 2011, ISBN 978-3-86678-520-5 .

Web links

Biographical articles



Individual evidence

  1. a b c d The more further she looks back. The secret of revealing - Franz Gertsch retrospective in Aachen. In: k.west - magazine for art culture society. Retrieved January 14, 2017 .
  2. a b c d e Andreas Ammer: Moments for Eternity. The Ludwig Forum in Aachen shows Franz Gertsch's breathtaking pictures in a large retrospective. In: WDR -Kulturweltspiegel. April 2, 2006, archived from the original on April 12, 2008 ; accessed on February 12, 2017 .
  3. a b Sandi Paucic: Gertsch, Franz. Long version. In: SIKART Lexicon on Art in Switzerland . 2011, accessed February 11, 2017 .
  4. ^ A b Andreas Schwab: Gertsch, Franz. In: Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz .
  5. Petra Kipphoff: Memories of Life. In: Zeit Online . August 16, 1991. Retrieved February 11, 2017 .
  6. a b c d Brigitte Borchhardt-Birbaumer: Here everyday life becomes a mission. Albertina and Mumok celebrate the Swiss hyper-realist Franz Gertsch in an exhibition pair race. In: Wiener Zeitung . October 18, 2006, accessed January 14, 2017 .
  7. ^ Name of a construction company - Petra Kipphoff: memories of life. In: Zeit Online . August 16, 1991. Retrieved February 11, 2017 .
  8. a b c biography. Museum Franz Gertsch , accessed on February 11, 2017 .
  9. Appears at the top of the page Last Days: Franz Gertsch - the retrospective of the Franz Gertsch Museum.
  10. See head of the Biography of the Museum Franz Gertsch page .
  11. Irene Netta, Ursula Keltz: 75 years of the Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus and Kunstbau Munich . Ed .: Helmut Friedel. Self-published by the Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus and Kunstbau, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-88645-157-7 , p. 223 .
  12. ^ Franz Gertsch. The retrospective. Kunstmuseum Bern , accessed on January 14, 2017 .
  13. ^ Franz Gertsch. The retrospective. Kunsthalle Tübingen , accessed on January 14, 2017 .
  14. Ingeborg Wiensowski: The awakening of slowness. In: Spiegel Online . November 5, 2013, accessed January 18, 2017 (the title alludes to The Discovery of Slowness ).