Friedrich Pfannschmidt

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Friedrich Pfannschmidt with his family
Paul Gerhardt monument in Graefenhainichen
Berlin Cathedral, Luther statue
C. Bolle Mausoleum: Cross by F. Pfannschmidt

Friedrich Johann (es) Pfannschmidt (also Fritz Pfannschmidt , born May 19, 1864 in Berlin ; † September 7, 1914 with Pierre-Morains , Châlons-en-Champagne , France ) was a German sculptor.

Live and act

Pfannschmidt was born the seventh of eleven children of the painter Carl Gottfried Pfannschmidt (1819–1887) and Johanna Pfannschmidt († 1912). He grew up in a pious family and his father was considered a master of religious painting. This upbringing influenced the son's artistic direction. He first attended art school from 1878 to 1880 and then from October 1880 to 1884 the art academy in Berlin. For some time he worked as a master student in the studios of Professors Albert Wolff and Fritz Schaper and then with Johannes Schilling in Dresden. Since 1900 he had a student's studio with its own workshop. Here his first religious sculptures showed a "strictly ideal conception" similar to the works of his father. This earned him recognition, so that he received orders to decorate numerous church buildings. His works were in the Gnadenkirche , in the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church or in the Berlin Cathedral . He also worked as a portrait painter, which gave him more artistic freedom. These include the busts of Kaiser Wilhelm II (which shows him for the first time in an admiral's uniform) or of General Ludwig von der Tann , which he used as a template for his later monument erected in Tann. The bust of Kaiser Wilhelm was shown in the Great Berlin Art Exhibition of 1899.

Already at the beginning of the First World War , he has been captain of the reserve in the 4th Guards Regiment on foot like in France.

His well-known works include the memorial for Paul Gerhardt in Lübben (1907), with copies in Graefenhainichen (1911), in the Paul Gerhardt Stift (1909) and at the Moritzkirche in Mittenwalde (2001). For the Willibrordi Cathedral in Wesel he created the statue of Kaiser Wilhelm I above the southern transept portal, and for the Berlin Cathedral he created statues of the reformers Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon .

Pfannschmidt was awarded the First Class Military Service Award , the Order of Merit of St. Michael IV Class and the Anhalt Order of Merit for Art and Science . He was chairman (president) of the Association of German Sculptors and a member of the General German Art Cooperative, the Association of Berlin Artists and the Association of Berlin Artists.

Pfannschmidt was married and had four children: Ursula Helene Antonia Johanna (* 1893), Susanna Dorothea (* 1895), Joachim Friedrich Gustav (1896–1945), pastor and Friedrich Wilhelm Carl (* 1899).



  • Plastic - Friedrich Pfannschmidt . In: Association of Berlin Architects (ed.): Berliner Architekturwelt . E. Wasmuth, Berlin 1900, p. 249 and 262 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive , Textarchiv - Internet Archive - Bust of His Majesty the Kaiser Wilhelm II and General von der Tann, p. 262).
  • Dressler's Art Yearbook. 2nd year, 1907, p. 153; 5th year, 1910, pp. 218-219.
  • Herrmann AL Degener : Who is it? 3rd edition, Degener, Leipzig 1909, p. 1035; 4th edition, 1909, p. 1053; 5th Edition, 1911, pp. 1084-1085; 6th Edition, 1912, p. 1197; 7th Edition, 1914, pp. 1263-1264; 8th edition, 1922, p. 1783.
  • Hermann Christern (Ed.): German Biographical Yearbook. Transition volume 1. 1914–1916. Deutsche Verlagsanstalt Stuttgart, Berlin [among others] 1925, list of dead 1914, p. 304.
  • Pfannschmidt, Friedrich . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 26 : Olivier – Pieris . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1932, p. 523-524 .
  • Brigitte Haß: The Paul Gerhardt monument in Lübben and the sculptor Friedrich Pfannschmidt. In: Lübbener Heimatkalender 2003. Lübben 2002, pp. 47–53 (with picture).
  • Gerlinde Strohmeier-Wiederanders: The Paul-Gerhardt-Monument in Lübben. In: Winfried Böttler (ed.): Paul Gerhardt: Memory and Presence; Contributions to life, work and impact. Frank and Timme, Berlin 2006 (contributions from the Paul Gerhardt Society; Volume 1) ISBN 978-3-86596-062-7 , pp. 139–146 (reading sample, ).

Web links

Commons : Friedrich Pfannschmidt  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Plastic - Friedrich Pfannschmidt . In: Association of Berlin Architects (ed.): Berliner Architekturwelt . E. Wasmuth, Berlin 1900, p. 249 and 262 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive - Bust of His Majesty the Kaiser Wilhelm II and General von der Tann).
  2. Fallen in the field of honor - Friedrich Pfannschmidt . In: Die Kunst: Monthly magazine for free and applied arts . F. Bruckmann, Munich 1915, p. 79–80 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive - with photo, p. 80).
  3. Harald Schultze, Andreas Kurschat (ed.): "Your end looks at ..." Evangelical martyrs of the 20th century. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig 2006 ISBN 978-3-374-02370-7 , p. 393
  4. based on a handwritten list by the sculptor Schies.
  5. Figure ( Memento of the original dated November 30, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /