Georg Adam von Pfuhl

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Georg Adam von Pfuhl
Georg Adam von Pfuhl

Georg Adam von Pfuhl (born April 6, 1618 in Garzin ; † June 9, 1672 in Spandau ) from the Pfuel family , master of Groß- and Klein- Buckow , Oberstorf, Münchoff, Sieversdorf, Dahlem, Marzahn, Hasenholz and Garzin a Brandenburg general and governor of Spandau .


He was the son of the landowner Christoph von Pfuhl, heir to Garzin and Trebnitz , and Ursula Margaretha von Pfuhl from the Fichel family. In 1629 Pfuhl served Queen Maria Eleonora of Sweden , a daughter of Elector Johann Sigismund of Brandenburg, as a page. A year later he went to Germany with King Gustav Adolf during the Thirty Years' War . As a cornet he brought the king's body to Sweden in 1632. He became captain in 1635 and major in 1640 .

In 1647 he resigned from Sweden as a constable sergeant in Brandenburg. In 1655 he received the order from Elector Friedrich Wilhelm to set up a new regiment on horseback ( cuirassier regiment "von Pfuhl" ). As a colonel and commander of the regiment, he took part in the campaign against Sweden in Holstein and Jutland . In 1658 the elector appointed him major general and sergeant general for the cavalry.

After the end of the war, Pfuhl withdrew to his estates and also bought Oberstorf, Münchow and Dammersdorf. He became head of a newly established regiment on horseback in February 1666. The elector, who held Pfuhl in high esteem, appointed him governor of Spandau in February 1670. Pfuhl died there on June 9, 1672. He was buried in October 1672 on one of his estates.

Johann Friedrich von Printzen (1631–1691) took over his regiment .


Pfuhl was married three times, in 1647 with Margaretha von Stossloff from the Panckelow house in Mecklenburg (1623-1658), with Christina von Zabeltitz († 1665) and in 1667 with Elisabetha von der Osten († 1699 in Stettin). Only his son Gustav Adolf survived him. In the funeral sermon (of December 12, 1672), J. Margaretha is named as Catharina von Pfuel as his youngest daughter. In 1674 the daughter Dorothea Elisabeth († 1740) married the later Field Marshal Heino Heinrich von Flemming .


Individual evidence
