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The Gottleuba in Berggießhübel

The Gottleuba in Berggießhübel

Water code DE : 53714
location in the Czech Republic , Germany
River system Elbe
Drain over Elbe  → North Sea
source in the Bohemian part of the Eastern Ore Mountains , near Krásný Les (Schönwald)
50 ° 47 ′ 6 ″  N , 13 ° 54 ′ 2 ″  E
Source height 719  m nm
muzzle in Pirna in the Elbe Coordinates: 50 ° 57 '47 "  N , 13 ° 55' 13"  E 50 ° 57 '47 "  N , 13 ° 55' 13"  E
Mouth height 113  m above sea level NN
Height difference 606 m
Bottom slope 18 ‰
length 33.9 km
Catchment area 251.6 km²
Discharge at the Neundorf
A Eo gauge : 132.2 km²
Location: 8.2 km above the mouth
NNQ (01/09/1971)
MNQ 1927/2010
MQ 1927/2010
Mq 1927/2010
MHQ 1927/2010
HHQ (07/09/1927)
0 l / s
180 l / s
1.45 m³ / s
11 l / (s km²)
32.9 m³ / s
433 m³ / s
Discharge at the Gottleuba gauge 1 A Eo : 29.66 km² Location: 24.9 km above the mouth

NNQ (08/11/1976)
MNQ 1972/2010
MQ 1972/2010
Mq 1972/2010
MHQ 1972/2010
HHQ (08/13/2002)
0 l / s
29 l / s
395 l / s
13.3 l / (s km²)
7.94 m³ / s
61 m³ / s
Left tributaries Nasenbach, Mühlenbach, Seidewitz
Right tributaries Oelsenbach, Fuchsbach, Bahra
Medium-sized cities Pirna
Small towns Bad Gottleuba-Berggießhübel

The Gottleuba is a left tributary of the Elbe in the Czech Republic and Germany .


The source rivers of the Gottleuba, which arise in the ridge area of ​​the Bohemian part of the Eastern Ore Mountains , south of the Czech village Schönwald ( Krásný Les ) and drain this northward, are:

  • the eastern Rybný potok (Fischbach), which has the same source as the Mordgrundbach (Czech Slatina ) at approx. 680 meters above sea ​​level , with the tributaries of the same length
    • Lisči potok (fox stream ), source: south of Schönwald
    • Větrovský potok , source: near the Větrov desert (forest) or in the Haberfeld forest
  • the more westerly source river, paradoxically called Schönwalder Bach , has its source in the Haberfeld forest near Rudolphsdorf and is a few kilometers long Grenzbach.

The confluence of the most easterly and most westerly source brook takes place at the level of the border bridge of Autobahn 17 over the Schönwalder Bach . After the confluence of the Nasenbach, the Gottleuba flows through the Oelsengrund between the districts of Oelsen and Breitenau in the south of the town of Bad Gottleuba-Berggießhübel in a sole valley . Above Bad Gottleuba , it is dammed in the Gottleuba dam (14 million m³). In the further course it flows through the town centers of Bad Gottleuba and Berggießhübels in a V-shaped valley . Between Berggießhübel and Langenhennersdorf it takes up the Bahra and flows further north towards Pirna , through the districts of Neundorf and Rottwerndorf . The Gottleuba flows west of the city center and absorbs the Seidewitz until it flows into the Elbe between the two Elbe bridges . Originally, the Gottleuba flowed through what is now Pirna's city center to the Elbe. The current course in the urban area as well as the estuary was artificially created by relocating the river as a result of the city's growth.


Floods in the Gottleuba area can be traced back to 1480. Over 50 floods can be documented for the last 500 years, among which those of 1897, 1927 , 1957, 1958 and 2002 stood out due to their severity.

  • 1897: Between 29th and 31st July fell in the Gottleuba river basin after a Vb weather situation 174 mm precipitation per m². A discharge of 100 m³ / s was registered in Bad Gottleuba. In Pirna, the entire city center was flooded, numerous buildings and a railway bridge on the Elbe Valley Railway were destroyed. The property damage was put at 1 million gold marks.
  • 1927: On the night of July 8th to 9th, 1927, the Gottleuba river basin was hit by one of the most serious flood disasters in Germany's recent past . According to a Vb weather situation , over 200 mm of precipitation per m² fell within a few hours, 100 mm of which alone within 25 minutes. A total of 3.6 million m³ of water fell in the headwaters of the Gottleuba. A flood wave several meters high with an estimated flow rate of 400 m³ / s poured over Berggießhübel due to a breach of the lock, killing 88 people here alone and largely destroying the city center. Around 120 people were killed in the entire Gottleubatal. The valley was largely devastated after the disaster, numerous buildings and bridges were destroyed and the routes of the valley road and the Gottleubatalbahn were badly damaged over large sections.

Traffic routes

Between 1890 and 1976 the Gottleubatalbahn ran to Bad Gottleuba in the Gottleubatal . The 915 m long Gottleubatalbrücke has been planned south of Pirna since 2006 , which is to be part of the Pirna bypass in the course of the federal highway 172b .

Former mills and hammer mills

The river in the Pirnaer Südvorstadt

Many mills no longer exist, some have been rebuilt and serve other purposes:

  • Hammer little love
  • Kohlermühle Breitenau
  • Meiselmühle Breitenau
  • Hammer and Ebertmühle Oelsengrund
  • Paustmühle or Obermühle Breitenau (Manor Oelsen )
  • Clemensmühle or Niedermühle Breitenau
  • Niedergrundmühle (or Krugmühle) Breitenau (Manor Oelsen)
  • Hammer and mill Haselberg (Hammergut)
  • Fischermühle or Kappelmühle Hartmannsbach
  • Bährmühle (formerly Hanselmühle) Bad Gottleuba (Mill Museum)
  • Ehrlichmühle Hartmannsbach (Bad Gottleuba)
  • Obere Ratsmühle or Glasermühle Bad Gottleuba
  • Lower Ratsmühle or Linkesche Mühle Bad Gottleuba
  • Hammergut and mill Giesenstein Bad Gottleuba
  • Hammer Heynechberg and Hänselmühle (or Rölligmühle) Berggießhübel
  • Rosenwirthmühle Berggießhübel
The Gottleuba between Langenhennersdorf and Neundorf
  • Oberhammer Berggießhübel
  • Fuchsberg hammer and iron hammer (Einsiedelsches Eisenwerk) Berggießhübel
  • Zwieselmühle Berggießhübel and Unterhammer Berggießhübel
  • Schmidt Langenhennersdorf paper mill
  • Grundmühle or Buschmühle Langenhennersdorf
  • Heringmühle Langenhennersdorf
  • Bährmühle Langenhennersdorf
  • Zacharias Cotta cardboard factory
  • Lein Langenhennersdorf wood pulp factory
  • Höhnel- or Protzemühle Cotta
  • Board cutting mill Neundorf
  • Neundorfer Mühle (Rottwerndorf Manor)
  • Stegemühle Cotta
  • Castle mill Rottwerndorf
  • Small mill I Rottwerndorf
  • Small mill II Rottwerndorf
  • Fulling mill or cloth maker mill Pirna
  • Pirna stone boring mill
  • Cabbage mill Pirna
  • Stadtschreibermühle also Herrenmühle Pirna
  • Niedermühle or Kesemeisters Mühle Pirna

See also


  • About Bad Gottleuba, Berggiesshübel and Liebstadt (= values ​​of the German homeland . Volume 4). 1st edition. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1961.
  • Wolfgang Dörschel, Volkmar Köckeritz: Flood hazard and flood protection of the railways in the eastern Ore Mountains. In: transpress publishing house for traffic (ed.): Eisenbahn Jahrbuch 1980. Berlin 1979. S. 123-132

Web links

Commons : Gottleuba  - album with pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Hydrological Handbook. (PDF; 637 kB) Part 3 - Main aquatic values. Free State of Saxony - State Office for Environment and Geology, p. 64 , accessed on December 25, 2017 .
  2. CDS , Volume II 5, document book of the cities of Dresden and Pirna, certificate no. 181 [1]
  3. ^ Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie [Ed.]: Event analysis. Flood in August 2002 in the rivers of the Eastern Ore Mountains. Dresden 2004. pp. 119ff.
  4. ^ Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie [Ed.]: Event analysis. Flood in August 2002 in the rivers of the Eastern Ore Mountains. Dresden 2004. p. 182.
  5. ^ Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie [Ed.]: Event analysis. Flood in August 2002 in the rivers of the Eastern Ore Mountains. Dresden 2004. p. 122ff. as well as Verkehrsverband Saxon Switzerland / Eastern Ore Mountains: Help! It is still the greatest need in the flood areas of the Eastern Ore Mountains. Pirna 1927.
  6. Fischer: Traces of old mills on the Gottleuba (PDF; 8.4 MB)