Thank God August Krille

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Gottlob August Krille (born April 20, 1779 in Wehlen , † October 24, 1813 in Dresden ) was a German composer and Kreuzkantor .


The son of the cantor Chr. Gottlob Krille was an alumnus at the Kreuzschule in Dresden, where he received piano and singing lessons and studied counterpoint with Christian Ehregott Weinlig . During this time, his compositions were performed publicly. After leaving the Kreuzschule, he became an organist and teacher at the community and Latin school in Stolberg in the Harz region. In 1801 he was appointed Kapellmeister by Count Karl Ludwig zu Stolberg-Stolberg . In 1811 he returned to Wehlen to support his decrepit father. On August 10, 1813, he took up the post of Kreuzkantor in Dresden as the successor to Weinlig. Just a few months later, at the age of thirty-four, he succumbed to so-called hospital fever .

Several cantatas , a psalm setting and piano works by Krille have survived .


  • Easter cantata for four voices and orchestra, 1813
  • Christmas cantata : "Jesus Christ was born"
  • Cantata "God is love"
  • Psalm 33 "Rejoice in the Lord, you righteous"
  • XV Changes for the piano or pianoforte on the theme "Lenz invigorates nature"
  • The key, or deviations from C major and C minor into the other major and minor tones