Aufkirchen primary school

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Aufkirchen primary school in Egenhofen
Primary school  Aufkirchen elementary school in Egenhofen - 03.jpg
Main entrance
type of school primary school
School number 2587

Schulstrasse 8
82281 Egenhofen

place Egenhofen
country Bavaria
Country Germany
Coordinates 48 ° 14 ′ 31 ″  N , 11 ° 11 ′ 19 ″  E Coordinates: 48 ° 14 ′ 31 ″  N , 11 ° 11 ′ 19 ″  E
carrier state
student 117
Teachers 12
management Dieter Werner

The Aufkirchen primary school is a primary school in the Aufkirchen district of the Egenhofen community in the northwest of the Fürstenfeldbruck district .


School of the Fürstenfeld monastery

Aufkirchen's school history goes back to the 16th century; before 1560 there was a place in the monastery parish school of the monastery Fürstenfeld in the Diocese of Freising with private schoolmaster , presumably but went down to 1800's. Elementary skills were taught in German and, in some cases, in Latin as well. With the secularization of Bavaria in 1803, ownership of the Fürstenfeld monastery was also confiscated from the state.

After the expropriation of the monasteries

In 1820 and 1832 the church school in Aufkirchen an der Maisach is proven again. Until 1832, Johann Anton Höger († 1832), who died in the same year, was a chamberlain and pastor in Aufkirchen. By last will, he determined a considerable legacy to the future Lyceum in Freising as the main heir and a legacy of 3,000  florins for the establishment of a free place in the Freising boys' seminar . The area of ​​responsibility of the district school inspector , which is mostly associated with the pastor's position in the village , was transferred in September 1832 to Pastor Joseph Joß, who had previously been active in Pellheim , Dachau Regional Court. Johann Evangelist Fesenmair (1826–1904), later royal councilor and rector of the Munich Ludwigsgymnasium from 1891 to 1898, attended elementary school in Aufkirchen before moving to the Munich Wilhelmsgymnasium , where he passed the Abitur in 1846. On February 8, 1846, pastor Johann Nepomuk Sittler , who was born in Pfaffenhofen in 1817 , took up his first permanent position as head of the parish school, messner and organist. At least in 1851 he was not also the district school inspector. At the end of 1848, this function was transferred to Ferdinand Atzinger (1801–1857), who was pastor in Malching . The Aufkirchner school belonged to the school district "Bruck II", to which a total of twelve schools were assigned in 1853, these included apart from Aufkirchen, also the seat of the district school inspector , the schools in Maisach , Überacker , Rottbach , Ebertshausen , Egenhofen, Günzelhofen , Hattenhofen , Emmering , Olching , Mammendorf and Bruck.

In 1860 the pastor, dean and councilor Joseph Steppberger (1805–1868; ordained priest in 1830; investiture in 1851) , who had previously worked in Aufkirchen, was given the role of royal district school inspector for the “Bruck II” district. In the same year, the school, organist and messner position in Aufkirchen was awarded to the school teacher Karl Haberl, who had previously worked in Kollbach.

Former parish barn of the parish of St. Georg, which used to be a school building

In 1874 the school, which at that time had a teacher, was attended by 96 weekday and 37 holiday students. At that time there were already 16 schools in the "Bruck II" school district; the schools in Esting , Malching, Puch and a girls' school in Bruck were added. In 1875, apart from Aufkirchen, the catchment area of ​​the school included the villages of Englertshofen , Geisenhofen , Holzmühl , Pischertshofen , Rammertshofen and Waltershofen . In mid-1875, the position of headmaster was transferred to the pastor and teacher Max Firnkäs, who had previously worked in Altötting . In 1877 the freelance pastor, chamberlain and district school inspector Johann Baptist Nobel von Aufkirchen was transferred to the parish of Bruck.

For a long time a three-sided courtyard was used as a schoolhouse, according to recent estimates, built around 1834 (roof truss designated 1879) , which served as a parish hall for the economic upkeep of the pastors until 1902 and as an air raid shelter after being used as a schoolhouse in World War II. From 1902 it was no longer used as a farm building in the parish. The demolition of the then dilapidated building was stopped and the building, which was then listed as a historical monument , was renovated from 1991 to 1993 to accommodate a kindergarten in the west wing. After a further renovation of the remaining part of the building from May 2015 to the end of 2017, it serves as a parish home for the Glonnauer Land parish association in the Fürstenfeldbruck dean's office .

It is known from the time of National Socialism that the teacher Georg Gruber (1889–1987), who comes from Upper Franconia and has been the main teacher at the elementary school in Aufkirchen since 1924, switched to the boys' school in Fürstenfeldbruck in 1936, where he was deputy and in 1941 then got as rector. In mid-1937 the Fürstenfeldbruck district committed itself to the German elementary school.

Development after the Second World War

Schoolhouse seen from the east
Southern extension (apricot-colored)

The Aufkirchen elementary school association tendered for the construction of a new school building for an elementary school with 16 classes in 1969.

School partnerships have existed with various schools in Togo ( West Africa ) since 2003 .

Since 2012, the former Aufkirchen elementary school , which previously only taught students in grades 1 to 4, has been continued as the Aufkirchen elementary school . The secondary school, now the middle school, of the former Maisach-Egenhofen School Association (now the Maisach School Association) is located in Maisach .

The Aufkirchen elementary school is supported by the municipality of Egenhofen and is part of the school supervision area of ​​the state education authority Fürstenfeldbruck . The total of seven classes will be attended by 117 students in the 2017/18 school year. The district of the Aufkirchen primary school covers the area of ​​the municipality of Egenhofen. Mainly pupils from the places around Egenhofen, Unterschweinbach , Wenigmünchen and Aufkirchen come to the school. In 2012, € 250,000 was approved for the expansion of the school building for lunchtime care. Comprehensive fire protection and renovation work was carried out in 2016.

Dieter Werner, who previously taught at the Richard Higgins Elementary School in Fürstenfeldbruck as the vice-principal, has been the principal of the school since September 2017. Werner, whose two children had previously attended elementary school, replaced Anna-Maria Neider, who was being retired.

Most classrooms are equipped with computers. The web-based program for promoting reading Antolin is used in the 3rd and 4th grades . There is a media room on the second floor, including computers for processing learning programs.


The address of the school is number 8 on Schulstrasse, named after the teaching facility, in the municipality of Egenhofen. The school is connected by the MVV regional bus routes 871 and 874, there is no school bus of its own.

Support association

The school has its own development association (FöV) that supports school projects and finances new acquisitions (break games, stage technology, etc.).

Web links

Commons : Primary school vorm. Aufkirchen elementary school (Egenhofen)  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Aufkirchen primary school in Egenhofen. Ministry of Culture of Bavaria ; accessed on May 29, 2018
  2. a b c About us. Aufkirchen primary school.
  3. ^ Georg Karl Lurz: Documents of the Middle School History of Old Bavaria including Regensburg. A. Hofmann & Comp., 1908, p. 611. ( limited preview in Google book search)
  4. ^ Wilhelm Liebhart : School and education in the Dachau regional court around 1560. In: Amperland , Ausg. 11, 1975, pp. 88–90.
  5. Ruralcapitel Egenhofen. In: Tabular description of the Diocese of Freysing according to the order of the Decanate. Verlag der Lentner'schen Schriften, Munich 1820, chap. VI. ( limited preview in Google Book search)
  6. Royal Bavarian Intelligence Gazette for the Isar District. 29 St., Munich, July 18, 1832. ( limited preview in Google book search)
  7. ^ Archdiocese of Munich-Freising. In: Nikolaus von Weis (ed.): The Catholic. A religious instructional and warning journal. (from 1890: Journal for Catholic Science and Church Life ) 13th year, 49th volume, VI – IX H., Johann Friedrich Kranzbühler senior, Speyer 1833, p. XI. ( limited preview in Google Book search)
  8. Duty Notes. In: Royal Bavarian Intelligence Journal for the Isar District . 39 St., Munich, September 26, 1832. ( limited preview in Google book search)
  9. Hofrath Johann Fesenmair (Nekrolog). ; In: Bayerische Blätter für das Gymnasialschulwesen, Vol. 41, J. Lindauer, 1905, p. 755.
  10. Royal Regional Court of Bruck. Inspection district II. In: The widow and orphan friend, at the same time comforter of school teachers who have become disabled. Vol. 27, ed. from the school teachers' associations in Upper Bavaria, Finsterlin, Munich 1851, p. 93. ( limited preview in the Google book search)
  11. Service messages. In: Intelligence Journal of the Royal Government of Upper Bavaria. 1848. No. 57, Munich, December 8, 1848. ( limited preview in Google book search)
  12. a b Bruck II. In: Schematism of the clergy of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising for the year 1853. FS Hübschmann, Munich 1853, p. 141.
  13. a b Decanat Egenhofen. In: Schematism of the clergy of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising for the year 1864. FS Hübschmann, Munich 1864, p. 11. ( limited preview in the Google book search)
  14. Bavarian school friend. No. 11, March 12, 1868, p. 88 ( limited preview in Google book search)
  15. Excerpts from the circular sheets. In: Bavarian school newspaper. No. 14, April 5, 1860. ( limited preview in Google Book search)
  16. District School Inspection Bruck II. In: Georg Kainz : Schematism of the teaching staff at the elementary schools in Upper Bavaria as of November 30, 1867. Self-published, 1867, p. 46. ( limited preview in Google book search)
  17. Excerpts from the circular sheets. In: Bavarian school newspaper. No. 24, June 14, 1860.
  18. ^ Decanate or Rural-Capitel Egenhofen with 20 parishes. In: Anton Mayer (arrangement): Statistical description of the Archdiocese of Munich-Freising. I. Volume. Hermann Manz'sche Hofkunsthandlung und Buchhandlung, Munich 1874, p. 255. ( limited preview in the Google book search)
  19. Overview of the school districts. In: Schematism of the clergy of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising for the year 1876. With a chronicle of the year 1875. FS Hübschmann, Munich 1853, p. 200.
  20. District Office Bruck. District Court Bruck. In: Complete directory of localities of the Kingdom of Bavaria. […] With an alphabetical general register of places containing the population according to the results of the census of December 1, 1875. Königl. Bayer. Statistisches Bureau, Verl. Adolf Ackermann, Munich 1877, p. 54 ff. ( Limited preview in the Google book search)
  21. Service messages. In: Bayerische Lehrer-Zeitung. Organ of the elementary school teachers association. No. 29, July 16, 1875. ( limited preview in Google Book search)
  22. ^ Diocesan News. In: Pastoral sheet for the Archdiocese of Munich release. No. 41, November 11, 1877. ( limited preview in Google Book search)
  23. a b Pfarrverband Glonn Sauerland gets Pfarrheim long-awaited place for community. mk-online, Sankt Michaelsbund , January 4, 2018.
  24. Gerhard Eisenkolb: The miracle of Aufkirchen. Süddeutsche Zeitung, February 16, 2018.
  25. ^ History of the origins of the kindergarten. In: Conception of the Catholic children's home St. Georg. 2016, p. 4. ( available online )
  26. Horst Kramer: The Aufkirchener Pfarrstadl - a jewel made of wood and glass., December 29, 2017.
  27. Ferdinand Kramer , Ellen Latzin (ed.): Fürstenfeldbruck in the Nazi era. A small town near Munich from 1933 to 1945 (= Fürstenfeldbruck historical studies, volume 1). Schnell & Steiner, Regensburg 2009, ISBN 978-3-7954-2233-2 , pp. 190, 440.
  28. The Fürstenfeldbruck district is committed to the German elementary school. Fürstenfeldbrucker Tagblatt, June 16, 1937.
  29. Tenders. In: Deutsche Bauzeitung . Ed. 103, 1969, p. 294. ( limited preview in Google book search)
  30. a b Antolin. In: That's how it works for us. A little ABC of school - not just for parents. Aufkirchen Primary School, 2015.
  31. a b Aufkirchen primary school in Egenhofen. In: Upper Bavarian Official Gazette. No. 15/2012, July 27, 2012, p. 134. ( pdf )
  32. Egenhofen municipality. In: Short guide to the archives of the Fürstenfeldbruck district. ( Memento of the original from July 14, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Ed. from the Fürstenfeldbruck District Office, 2010, p. 41.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  33. Imprint of the school website.
  34. Approvals 2012 Upper Bavaria administrative region. P. 10. ( available online )
  35. Aufkirchen primary school. In: Information from the town hall. Town hall in Unterschweibach, Egenhofen, September 2016, p. 2. ( pdf )
  36. Hans Abbreviation: He juggles with 120 students in Aufkirchen., September 7, 2017.
  37. Aufkirchen primary school. Egenhofen community.