Hans-Friedrich von Krusemark

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Hans-Friedrich von Krusemark , more rarely Krusemarck , (born June 14, 1720 in Krusemark in the Altmark , † May 15, 1775 in Berlin ) was a Prussian lieutenant general .



Hans-Friedrich was the son of Adam Andreas von Krusemark (1685–1744) and his wife Sophie Elisabeth von Lüderitz (1701–1765). His father was a captain . D. as well as District Administrator of the Altmark and Mr. on Krusemark.

Military career

Krusemark joined the Prussian army as a youth , became a standard squire with the Gensdarmes regiment in 1736 , a cornet on February 15, 1739 and a lieutenant on May 24, 1742 . In 1744/45 he took part in the battles near Hohenfriedberg and Soor as well as in the battle near Kath.-Hennersdorf during the Second Silesian War . On August 1, 1744, he became adjutant general of the head of the regiment, General von der Goltz, and on August 19, 1747, adjutant of the wing of King Friedrich II. , Who paid him an annual salary of 400 thalers and who later gave him all kinds of posts. On December 3, 1748, he became captain of the cavalry , on November 6, 1751 governor in Zossen , on February 22, 1753 canon in Jülich and on July 11, 1754, major . As such, he took part in the Seven Years' War . He fought in the battle of Prague , for which he received the order Pour le Mérite , and was then on the staff of the king. On October 6, 1756 he became canon in Havelberg , on May 12, 1757, lieutenant colonel , on January 19, 1758, colonel , adjutant general and chief of the Reitenden Feldjägerkorps and on February 5, 1760 major general . From 1763 he was inspector of the newly created Magdeburg and Pomeranian Cavalry Inspection . As head of the Gensdarmes regiment (from June 24, 1768) he remained Magdeburg inspector. On May 20, 1771 he was promoted to lieutenant general and on January 18, 1773 he was knighted by the High Order of the Black Eagle . In May 1773 he became the governor in Stolp . He was also the heir to Hohenberg, Krusemark and Groß-Ellingen .


In December 1765 Krusemark married Christiane Johanna Wilhelmine von Ingersleben, the daughter of General Johann Ludwig von Ingersleben . Her son Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig (born April 9, 1767 in Berlin; † April 25, 1822 in Vienna) was major general and envoy and her daughter Wilhelmine Karoline Albertine Charlotte Elisabeth (born April 28, 1768 in Potsdam; † March 22, 1847 in Berlin ) married the Count von Reede and became chief steward of the Crown Princess of Prussia Elisabeth .
