Heinrich Alphons Plessing

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Senator Plessing

Heinrich Alphons Plessing (born May 5, 1830 in Lübeck ; † November 22, 1904 there ) was a lawyer and senator for the Hanseatic city of Lübeck.


Plessing was the youngest son of the Lübeck Lower Court Procurator and District Court Actuary Johann Philipp Plessing (1791-1851). He studied law in Bonn , where he became a member of the Corps Palatia Bonn in 1849 , and Göttingen . He received his doctorate in both rights and settled on May 7, 1858 as a lawyer in Lübeck.

In June of the following year he was elected to the Lübeck citizenship. He was elected its spokesman several times before he was elected to the Lübeck Senate on November 17, 1879, six months after the death of his brother, Senator Philipp Wilhelm Plessing .

His great merits were mainly in the field of administration and taxation , church and military affairs .

Soon afterwards, the senator became a member of the tax authorities, the Central Poor Deputation, the Senate Commission for Church Affairs and the Senate Military Commission, as well as several small Senate commissions. He later took over the presidency of all these agencies.

During the time of Plessing's presidential leadership, these authorities were completely reorganized. The Lübeck tax law was modernized under him.

With a limited number of inhabitants in Lübeck, all authorities worked in inadequate working groups. Their design was a main task of the Senate.

This was demonstrated by the reorganization of the tax authorities, the reorganization of the relationship between the church and the state, and the expansion of the military system.

The latter did so by relocating one brigade command, the 81st Infantry Brigade , and doubling the garrison. In the barracks only originally Fusilier Battalion of in Hamburg and Luebeck 2. Hanseatic Infantry Regiment. 76 garsoniert. Due to the increase in the army in 1897, the Hanseatic city received its own, the so-called 3rd Hanseatic Infantry Regiment No. 162 . The III. Battalion of the 76ers, III./76, for II./162. The Mecklenburg half battalions of the 89s and 90s became the I./162. The military commission, in the person of Senators Wolpmann and himself, received the 60-axle special train of the new Lübeck battalion arriving at the station on April 1, 1897 for Army March No. 7 (March First Battalion Guard) at about 12 noon.

At the beginning of 1888, the management of the recently constituted Lübeck district association of the German association against the abuse of spirits, founded in Kassel in 1883, was appointed. The presidency he took over, the board formed Ludwig Trummer , Physikus Carl Türk , Theodor Eschenburg , Nicolaus Bernhard Joachim Jürss and Christian Reimpell .

He was the first chairman of the church council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lübeck, which was newly established in 1895 .

From 1894 onwards, Plessing was the head of the St. Johannis-Jungfrauenkloster foundation , from 1902 until his death as its president and head of the Jenisch free school for girls . He initially lived in the house at Hüxstraße 33 (formerly owned by Mayor Roeck) and later moved to the gates at Fackenburger Allee 4.

On Thursday, November 17, 1904, the 25th anniversary of his election to the highest governing body, the Senator spent time with foreign relatives living in Kiel in order, as the Lübeck advertisements reported, to evade the honorable awards intended for him.

When he died, the ceremony for the chairman of the church council took place in the main and market church, the Marienkirche . From there he was buried in the St. Lorenzkirchhof .


Thomas Mann put him in his first novel, Buddenbrooks , in the guise of “Senator Dr. Langhals “a literary monument.


  • Article: Senator Dr. Heinrich Alphons Plessing , In: Vaterstädtische Blätter ; No. 47, year 1904, issue of November 20, 1904
  • Article: Senator Dr. Heinrich Alphons Plessing , In: Vaterstädtische Blätter ; No. 48, year 1904, issue of November 27, 1904
  • Emil Ferdinand Fehling : On the Lübeck Council Line 1814–1914 , Max Schmidt, Lübeck 1915, No. 74
  • Emil Ferdinand Fehling: Lübeckische Ratslinie , Verlag Max Schmidt-Römhild , 2nd edition Lübeck 1925, No. 1013. Unchanged reprint Lübeck 1978. ISBN 3-7950-0500-0

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 25 , 179.
  2. ^ Lübeck advertisements ; No. 167, edition of April 1, 1897, rubric: daily report, article: Einzug der 162er
  3. Jürss was as owner of the company JJ Jürss merchant of groceries - action .
  4. Local and mixed notes. In: Lübeckische Blätter , Volume 30, No. 9, edition of January 29, 1888, p. 56.
  5. ^ Buddenbrooks - List of real names