Jacques Bonnefoy-Sibour

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Jacques Bonnefoy-Sibour (born November 18, 1821 in Dieulefit , † December 12, 1876 in Hyères ) was a French politician. He was a member of the Senate for a few months in 1876 .

Bonnefoy-Sibour was the nephew by marriage of the Archbishop of Paris . He was mayor of Pont-Saint-Esprit and sat for the Canton of Pont-Saint-Esprit in the General Council . In 1869 he took part in the parliamentary elections, but could not win a seat. He joined the Republicans in 1870 and then lost his office as mayor. On January 30, 1876, he was elected to the Senate for the Gard department . But at the end of the same year, Bonnefoy-Sibour died.

Individual evidence

  1. Anciens sénateurs IIIème république BONNEFOY-SIBOUR Jacques , senat.fr