Georges Bruguier

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Georges Bruguier (born March 16, 1884 in Nîmes , † August 20, 1962 in Carcassonne ) was a French politician. He was a member of the Senate from 1924 to 1945 and a member of the National Constituent Assembly from 1945 to 1946 .

Bruguier studied law in Montpellier , but then became a journalist and wrote for the newspaper La Dépêche du Midi . In 1919 he took part in the parliamentary elections and failed despite a good result. In 1924, however, he succeeded in entering the Senate. In 1925 he was also a city councilor of Nîmes and moved to the general council of the Gard department . He joined the moderate left first, then the socialists. In 1940 he was one of the 80 MPs who voted against the Enabling Act of the Vichy regime . Because of this, he was interned in a camp near Saint-Paul . In 1944 he sat in the provisional parliament, a year later he was elected to the constituent assembly. In 1946 he was re-elected to the committee, but then did not stand for election. He went to Carcassonne, where he became a member of the city council in 1959. He died there in 1962.

Individual evidence

  1. Anciens sénateurs IIIème république BRUGUIER Georges ,