Johann Christoph Meurer (theologian)

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Johann Christoph Meurer (born June 13, 1668 in Stuttgart , † March 31, 1740 in Stendal ) was a German general superintendent in Stendal.


Johann Christoph Meurer was born as the son of Johann Ulrich Meurer (born October 29, 1641 in Besigheim ; † March 22, 1693 in Stuttgart), who worked as superintendent and pastor in Stuttgart, and his wife Anna Margretha nee. Epplen (* 1652; † 1697) born. His brother Johann Ulrich Meurer (* 1673; † unknown) went to London ( England ) in 1699 and became a doctor there. His other siblings were Johann Friedrich Meurer (* 1674; † unknown), Anne Margarethe Meurer (* 1676; † 1768), Magdalene Christine Meurer (* 1577; † 1750) and Gottfried Adam Meurer (* 1681; † 1724).

Johann Christoph Meurer attended the Princely High School in Stuttgart, and he also received private lessons. On October 13, 1687, he enrolled in the theology professor Georg Heinrich Keller at the University in Tübingen . In 1689 he received his master's degree from the philosophical faculty . He then visited various universities and toured Jena , Altdorf and Leipzig , but did not enroll there, apparently only looking for contact with scholars. On October 26, 1691, he enrolled at the University of Halle . Here he heard the philosophical and legal lectures of Christian Thomasius ; He probably also made the acquaintance of Joachim Justus Breithaupt , the first director of the theological seminary , which was newly founded in August 1691 . On May 6, 1692 he enrolled at the University of Wittenberg under the rectorate of the history professor Georg Kaspar Kirchmaier . Just three days later, on May 9, 1692, there was a disputation under President Johann Deutschmann . The disputation was published as Johann Christoph Meurer's first publication. During his studies he went on an educational trip to Helmstedt , from there to Rostock and Greifswald , traveled to Kiel and then to Belgium and Holland . Abroad he met the theologians Hermann Witsius and Hermann Alexander Roell .

After the ceremonial opening of the University of Halle, he returned there and held a public dispute in August 1694 under the first Vice-Rector Johann Wilhelm Baier . He then stayed in Halle and held various colleges as a Magister legens, since he had acquired the right to hold lectures at a university through a public disputation. He was now also in closer contact with Joachim Justus Breithaupt, who eventually introduced him to the pietistic belief, because Johann Christoph Meurer later advocated filling vacant positions with pietists.

In 1695 Johann Christoph Meurer was appointed preacher in Wolmirstedt . He held this office until 1700, when he was appointed adjunct and successor to the general superintendent of Altmark and Prignitz , Daniel Bernhardi . In the same year he received his licentiate in Halle and on June 30, 1700, he acquired the theological doctorate with his inaugural disputation De adoptionis Spiritu, defended under Joachim Justus Breithaupt .

The Stendal Inspection and the Pastorate were connected with the General Superindenture. Because of this variety of tasks, an adjunct was urgently needed to relieve the general superintendent. The same applied to the pastorate and the inspection in Tangermünde , for which a suitable successor was sought after the death of the preacher Adrian Belcov, who died on March 30, 1704. The pietistic preacher Christoph Matthäus Seidel (* 1668; † 1723) proposed by Meurer was not dismissed from his office as pastor in Schönberg in Altmark, so that he himself took on the vacant pastorate and the inspection in Tangermünde in addition to his actual office. It was not until 1708 that Seidel was appointed to Tangermünde.

In 1707, after Daniel Bernhardi's death, Meurer became his successor as General Superintendent of Altmark and Prignitz and Pastor Primarius at the cathedral in Stendal and inspector of the inspection there. In the same year he introduced the previous Vice Rector Johann Christian Füssel to the Rectorate in Tangermünde, and Johannes Gansauge became Vice Rector.

With the appointment of Christoph Matthäus Seidel to Tangermünde, the connection between the two of them became closer. Meurer wrote the preface to Seidel's book Eine Kurz und Leicht METHODE , published in 1710, or a teaching lecture by the DEISTEN , a translation by Charles Leslies (* 1650; † 1722) Short and easy method with the deists . In this preface he polemicized against the deists , who denied God's almighty creation and knowledge and ascribed everything to nature, so in reality they are skeptics and atheists.

Meurer was also in correspondence with Johann Albrecht Bengel , a main representative of the German Pietists.

Meurer put together the Altmärkisch and Prignitzische newly furnished chant book , the first edition of which was published in Stendal in 1734 and had around 30 editions by the end of the 19th century. Germanus Lüdke , who worked as archdeacon at the cathedral in Stendal, was involved in the creation of this hymnal . In his preface to the hymn book, Johann Christoph Meurer emphasized that he had endeavored to keep only the songs of Luther and the "pure" Protestant teaching and not to include any of the new songs that had not proven themselves or by the teachers of the Protestant Church were advocated, "... the order and division of the hymnal itself is arranged in such a way that one looks more at simplicity and edification than at accuracy: because with books of this kind one does not have to reflect on any Systema Acromaticum. .. ".

After his death, he was succeeded by Johann Rudolph Nolten , who was appointed general superintendent in 1741.

Johann Christoph Meurer married Juliana Regina Hazler in 1712.


  • Spiritu scrutatore divinitatis doctore ac ductore peri tēs tōn pneumatōn dokimasias ad 1st epist. cathol. Joanneae cap. IV. Vers. 1-7 exercitatio theologica. Wittenberg, University, Diss., 1692 ( digitized version ).
  • Auspicio Divino Rectore Johanne Wilhelmo Bajero Ministrum Evangelicum Rite Vocatum. Halle, University, Diss., 1694 ( digitized ).
  • Ministrum Evangelicum Rite Vocatum. Halae Magdeburgicae: Salfeldianis, 1694 ( digitized ).
  • Cynosura disputantium, sive selecta disputandi methodus. Hala 1694 ( digitized ).
  • Peri Tu Tys Hyiothesias Pneumatos Seu De Adoptionis Spiritu, ex Paulinis Verbis ad Romanos C. VIII, 14, 15, 16, seqq: & ad Galatas C. IV, 6. & c. Schediasma. Halae Zeitlerus Rostock University Library Halle, Saale 1700 ( digitized ).
  • Programma inaugurale. Rectore Fridericianae Magnificentissimo, Serenissimo Principe Ac Domino, Dn. Friderico Wilhelmo, Marchione Brandenburgico Ex Collegii Theologici Decreto, Eiusdem ht Decanus Joach. Iustus Breithaupt, S. Th. D. Prof. P. Ad Disputationem Inauguralem Dn. M. Joh. Christophori Meureri Auditores Omnium Ordinum solenniter invitat: PP d. XXIX. Iun. a. MDCC. [Sl], 1700 ( digitized version ).
  • Diss. De praecipuis Scholarum aevi nostri naevis. Stendaliae 1702
  • The marital status was married to Mr. Petri Kalckberners, Königl. Prussia. and Chur-Fürstl. Brandenburg. Inspect. of the churches and schools of the other Holtz-Creyses in the Duchy of Magdeburg and Pastoris in Merseburg, With women Barbara Cordula von Lauter, Blessed Mr. Johann Paul Astmann's wife Wittiben, April 15th. 1704. in imagined Berlin simple-minded from Sprüch. Sal. XIIX, 12. considered by Philipp Jacob Spenern D. Königl. Consist. Advice and probsten. Berlin Salfeld Berlin 1704
  • Tabulae synopticae, quibus thetica praecipuo locorum theologicorum compendii hutteriani exhibentur, praemissa est Isagoge in theologiam catecheticam nec non praefatio Joann. Christophori Meureri. Helmstadii: JM Sustermannus, 1705. [2] .
  • Onomastēria Viri Sum Reverendi, Amplissimi atque Excellentissimi Domini Joh. Christophori Meureri, SS. Th. D. in Marchia veteri Superintendentis Generalis in Tangræmundensi Diœcesi Antistitis, ad D. Nicolai apud Stendalienses, & ad D. Stephani apud Tangræmundenses Pastoris vigilantissimi 24 Iunii An. Sal. Reparatae MDCCV. D. Joh. Bapt. memoriæ dicata rediissent, Hoc tenui poemate prosequenda, suo satisfacturus officio duxit Observantissimus Tanti Nominis cultor Joachimus Rüdel, SS. Theol. & Philos. Studiosus. Helmstadi [i] Hammius Helmstedt [1705].
  • Isagoge historica generalis p. idea paediae historicae. Stendal, 1706.
  • De studio luiguarum Hebraeae atque Graecae in scholis sancti diligentiusque colendo. Stendaliae: Joh. At the end, (1707)
  • Academia Lipsiensis Rediviva, Sive Monumenta Iubilaei Secularia, nempe: 1. Oratio in tunc temporis Rectoris Magnifici Dn. D. Christophori Meureri commendationem a Dn. D. Christophoro Brunone habita. 2. Panegyricus secularis. 3. Senarii Numerales X, ad An. MDCIX. per Iubilaei memoria. 4. Privilegia huius Academiae from Imperatore Romano Carlo V. 1548. renovata 5th Quator Conciones Germanicae ob Iubilaeum habitae. Lipsiae: Officina Grossio-Brauniana, 1709.
  • A short and easy method or teaching lecture with the Deists, if one has to do with them: in which the certainty of the Christian religion is proved by unmistakable evidences. Leipzig; Stendal Campe 1710.
  • Paraenesis De Pietate ac Disciplina Cum Literarum Studio In Scholis Hoc Tempore Praecipue Excolenda Tuendaque, Juvante Deo, Ad Nobilissimos Consules ac Spectatissimos Senatores Ecclesiæ Scholæque Metropoleos Palæomarchicæ Stendaliensis post Scholæ examen Publicum ac solenne D. XV. M. Martii [M] DCCXII dicta, Iisdemque dicata & consecrata a Jo. Chr. Meurero. Standaliae at the end of Stendal [1712].
  • Prælectione Theologicas In Gratiam Juventutis Scholasticæ Superiorum in Schola Metropolitana Classium continuandas, nec non Usui SS Theologiæ Culturum, in primis SS Ministerii Ecclesiastici Scholasticique Candidatorum, publico consecratum Collegium trinum denuo indicit Jo. Christoph. Meurerus, S. Th. D. (PP Stendaliae the 14th February Anni MDCCXX.). Stendal at the end (1720)
  • Opuscula Sacra Prætoriana Selecta: Seu BM Stephani Prætorii, Patoris Neo-Soltquellensis, cet. Lilium convallium, Luscinia Cantatrix, Rosa Nobilis, Cantabrica; Sacrarum Amoeniorumque Litterarum Cultoribus Ingenuis Consecrata. Göttingen Lower Saxony State and University Library Salzwedel Soltquellæ Christian Schuster 1724.
  • De Summa Ac Idea Theologiae Moralis: Epistolae Ad Titum Paulinae C. II, 11, 12 sqq . Stendaliae: late, 1727.
  • Memoriam Augustanae Confessionis AC MD D. XXV. June [i] Exhibitae Jubilaeo Seculari Secundo Celebrandam Ac Oratione Seculari Instaurandam, In Templo Cathedrali AD XXVI. June [i] Hor. IIX. Matutina Stendaliae, Indicit Jo. Christophorus Meurerus. Stendaliae: At the end, 1730.
  • Dissertatio Juridica De Tutela Legitima Irregulari, Matri Et Aviae Competente. Erfordiae: Herring, 1736.
  • That true believing Christians Per Aspera Ad Astra, must enter the kingdom of God through much tribulation, Is in a standing and mourning speech; Which, as the dead body of the Weyland high-noble and high-Wolgelahrten gentleman, Mr. Gotthilff Friederich Knackrüggen, Wolbestalten Senatoris at a high-respectable Rahts college here, the high-noble-bored, and high-learned gentleman, Mr. Clemens Friederich Knackrüggen Sr. Königl. Maj. In Prussia High Commissioner Justitiae Directoris, as well as the highest merit of the first and oldest citizen master at the local highly praiseworthy city regiment in Gardelegen In the life of the very dear one of the son of the son On the first Sunday in the fasting, called Esto Mihi , 1723. That evening in his crypt with ceremonies customary for Christ, held in the mourning house with a distinguished gathering and considerable escort. Göttingen State and University Library of Lower Saxony [2016] ( digitized version ).
  • Altmärkisch and Prignitzisches newly established chant book, including the oldest of the Blessed D. Lutheri and other enlightened men of God, as well as some New Spiritual Chants, for the use of the churches, during the public service of God, especially in the old Mark and Prignitz, furnished, carried together with all diligence and good order, and with a prayer booklet including the usual. Collecten, as well as a sixfold register and an explanation of some foreign and unknown German words. In addition to a preliminary speech by D. Johann Christoph Meurers. Marburg University Library 2017. [3]
  • Letters: 2 kirja J. Baumgarten`ile [4]


  • Lothar Noack, Jürgen Splett: Bio Bibliographies. Brandenburg scholars of the early modern period. Margraviate of Brandenburg 1640-1713. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin a. a. 2001, pp. 312-320.
  • Lieselott Enders: Pastor, parish, patron. Coexistence and divergence in the Altmark during the first half of the 18th century. In: Jahrbuch für die Geschichte Mittel- und Ostdeutschlands 54 (2008), pp. 161–241.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Lothar Noack, Jürgen Splett: Bio-Bibliographien. Brandenburg scholars of the early modern period. Margraviate of Brandenburg 1640-1713 . Walter de Gruyter, Berlin a. a. 2001, p. 312 .
  2. Newly increased historical and geographic general Lexicon: In which the life and deeds of the patriarchs, prophets, apostles, fathers of the first churches, popes, cardinals, bishops, prelates, distinguished scholars and artists, together with those so-called heretics; Like no less of those Kayser, kings, chur and princes, counts, great lords, famous war heroes and state ministers; ... And finite The description of the kingdoms, kingdoms, principalities, freyer estates, landscapes, islands, cities, castles, monasteries, castles, seas, lakes, rivers, and so on from now on; .. Dißmahlen all over again with diligence, .... Me - Ro. 5 . Brandmüller, 1744, p. 75 ( [accessed October 4, 2017]).
  3. [1]
  4. ^ Dieter Ising: Johann Albrecht Bengel: Correspondence: Letters 1723-1731 . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012, ISBN 978-3-525-55862-1 , p. 648 ( [accessed October 4, 2017]).
  5. Family tree of Johann Christoph Meurer. Retrieved October 4, 2017 .