Johann I of Breunau

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Johann I, Bishop of Olomouc

John I of Breunau († November 25, 1085 ; Czech: Jan I ) was a monk of the Břevnov Monastery and the first bishop of Olomouc .

Johann came to the Břevnov monastery near Prague as a monk of the Bavarian Niederaltaich monastery and was installed as the first Olomouc bishop in 1063 by King Vratislav II . With this appointment, Vratislav wanted to separate Moravia from Bohemia and limit the influence of the Prague diocese . At the same time, the ecclesiastical institution should be strengthened, combined with the hope that Rome will also establish an archbishopric in Bohemia in order to connect politically to Hungary and Poland , for which archbishops had already been appointed.

After the militant Prague Bishop Jaromir took office , he asked the Pope to dissolve the Diocese of Olomouc. However, he did not wait for the decision and in 1070 occupied the courts of the diocese and finally took Johann prisoner as well. Jaromir later had to leave Bohemia. However, he achieved his goal, since the decision of the synod of 1085 in Mainz reunited both bishoprics. In the meantime Johann died without having experienced the separation of the dioceses three years later.

predecessor Office successor
--- Bishop of Olomouc