Johann Filipec

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Johann Filipec (Czech: Jan Filipec ; also Jan z Prostějova ; according to the list of bishops of Großwardein: Johannes IX. Filipecz de Prosznicz ; * 1431 in Proßnitz , Moravia ; † June 28, 1509 in Hungarian Hradisch ) was an advisor to the Bohemian-Hungarian kings Matthias Corvinus and Vladislav II. From 1477 to 1490 he was bishop of Großwardein and from 1484 to 1490 administrator of Olomouc . 1480–1481 he was governor of Silesia and governor of Upper and Lower Lusatia . In 1492 he entered the Franciscan order .


Johann Filipec came from a simple utraquist family. After attending school in Proßnitz, he became the scribe for the Moravian governor in Olomouc . In this position the Hungarian King Matthias Corvinus got to know him when he took possession of Olomouc and recommended him to the Voivode of Transylvania as secretary. As a companion of the voivode, Johann Filipec campaigned among the bohemian estates for the election of Matthias Corvinus as the bohemian king. This is probably why Corvinus appointed Johann Filipec as his advisor and negotiator in 1472 and as governor of Silesia in 1480. In this position he clearly turned against Georg von Podiebrad's son Heinrich the Elder. Ä. who took the pro-Bohemian point of view.

Bishop of Oradea

Although Johann Filipec had not received any priestly ordinations, King Matthias Corvinus obtained a dispensation from Pope Sixtus IV , with which Filipec could be appointed and consecrated Bishop of Großwardein on May 23, 1477. Filipec also worked as bishop for Matthias Corvinus, who appointed him chancellor in 1478. In 1478 he tried to bring the untraquistic classes closer together. In 1480 he mediated the conflict between the Bohemian King Vladislav and the utraquist citizens of Prague. In 1481 Matthias Corvinus appointed him governor of the Bohemian hereditary principality of Schweidnitz-Jauer .

Administrator of Olomouc

After the death of the Olomouc bishop Protasius von Boskowitz and Černahora in 1482, the Olomouc cathedral chapter was unable to choose a successor. As the Moravian ruler, Matthias Corvinus wanted to appoint a candidate of his choice. The diocese was therefore administered by the canons Johann Pauswangel, Alex von Iglau and Heinrich von Zwole . In 1484, at the royal request, the cathedral chapter elected Johann Filipec, the Bishop of Oradea, as permanent administrator.

Johann Filipec initiated economic measures in the diocese to eliminate the destruction of the Hussite Wars . He improved the administration and bought back pledged goods and the episcopal city of Müglitz from his assets . The Olomouc Cathedral and other episcopal buildings were renewed, the Wischau and Mürau castles expanded. He promoted Moravian humanism by founding a printing house in Brno , where he had important humanistic works printed.

After Filipec was accused of standing up for the Prague Utraquists to the Pope, Pope Innocent VIII initiated an investigation by the Nuncio in Buda . Presumably because of these allegations, the Pope appointed the Sirmium bishop Johann Vitéz as the new Olomouc administrator on July 4, 1487 , but he never came into the possession of the diocese. This may be related to the fact that on August 26, 1488, Johann Filipec asked the Pope for permission to resign and intended to enter a monastery. Although the Pope gave his approval, Matthias Corvinus refused to resign. Nevertheless, on June 3, 1489, the Pope appointed Ardicino della Porta as the new administrator, who, however, never entered the Diocese of Olomouc.

It was only after the death of Matthias Corvinus that the new Bohemian King Vladislav gave the resignation requested by Johann Filipec on September 21, 1490, which he made on the condition that Filipec should continue to work as a royal advisor and diplomat.

In 1491 Johann Filipec founded the Franciscan monastery in Hungarian Hradisch and in 1492 another in the Silesian Jauer . In the same year he arranged for the Augustinian monastery in Landskron to be relocated to the Olomouc All Saints Monastery .


In 1492 Johann Filipec settled his property affairs and entered the Franciscan order on May 20, 1492 in Olomouc. After he had made his profession in Breslau , he lived for eight years in the monastery of Jauer, then in Olomouc and finally in Hungarian Hradisch. Even as a religious he worked as a royal advisor until his death and in 1494 took part in the negotiations of the Prague Utraquists about their return to the Catholic Church. In 1508 he negotiated the ending of the Bohemian class conflict.


  • Winfried Eberhard. In: Erwin Gatz : The Bishops of the Holy Roman Empire 1448–1648. ISBN 3-428-08422-5 , pp. 182-183
  • Rudolf Grieger: Filipecz, Johann Bishop von Wardein: Diplomat of the Kings Matthias and Wladislaw. Studia Hungarica 20. Munich 1982

Individual evidence

  1. Ludwig Petry among others: History of Silesia . Volume 1, Sigmaringen 1988, ISBN 3-7995-6341-5 , p. 223.
  2. Zdeňka Hledíková , Jana Zachová: Život Arnošta z Pardubic podle Valentina Krautwalda [The life of Ernst von Pardubitz told by Valentin Krautwald ], Pardubice 1997, ISBN 80-86046-25-7 , footnote 38, p. 107
predecessor Office successor
Nicholas II. Stolcz de Slantz Bishop of Großwardein
Valentin Farkas Vlk
predecessor Office successor
Protasius of Boskowitz and Černahora Administrator of Olomouc
Ardicino della Porta