Julius Engel

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Angel 1905

Julius Friedrich Theodor Engel (born August 27, 1842 in Schleswig ; † April 2, 1926 in Hamburg ) was a Hamburg judge and mayor of Hamburg.

Live and act

Engel grew up in Schleswig and successfully completed law studies in Heidelberg and Kiel , which he completed in 1867 with a state examination. During his studies he became a member of the Allemannia Heidelberg fraternity . He began his career in 1867 as an official secretary in Reinbek and in the same year switched to the local court in Albersdorf as an assessor . In 1868 he became a notary and lawyer in Neumünster . Engel decided to join the Hamburg civil service in 1880 and became a district judge in Hamburg. In 1882 he became a judge at the regional court, in 1885 regional court director , 1893 higher regional court director and from 1901 he was president of the Hamburg regional court . As President of the Hamburg Regional Court, Engel succeeded Christian Arning . In this office he worked until his retirement in 1917. In 1887, Engel was elected to the Hamburg parliament, to which he belonged until 1913. He joined the faction of the Right, was a leader in the Commission for Administrative Reform and was President of the Citizenship from 1902 to 1913.


  • Obituary in Hamburg Foreign Gazette No. 93 of April 3, 1926

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Directory of the old men of the German fraternity. Überlingen am Bodensee 1920, p. 120.