Cabinet David Ben-Gurion I

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Cabinet David Ben-Gurion I on May 1st, 1949. From left to right: Golda Meir , Salman Shazar , Bechor-Schalom Shitrit , Zvi Maimon ( government stenographer ), Dov Yosef , Eliezer Kaplan , Moshe Sharet , Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion , Ze 'ev Sherf (secretary), Pinchas Rosen , David Remez , Chaim-Mosche Schapira , Jitzhak-Meir Levin , Jehuda Leib Maimon .

The David Ben-Gurion I cabinet ( Hebrew מֶמְשֶׁלֶת יִשְׂרָאֵל הַרִאשׁוֹנָה) was the first Israeli government formed after the first general election on January 25, 1949 . The government was formed by David Ben-Gurion on March 8, 1949 from the coalition parties Mapai , United Religious Front , Progressive Party and Sephardi and Communities of the Orient and comprised twelve ministers.

During the government in 1949 compulsory schooling was introduced for all children between the ages of five and fourteen.

On October 15, 1950, David Ben-Gurion resigned as Prime Minister after the United Religious Front protested against the dissolution of the Ministry of Religion and War Veterans and the appointment of a businessman as Minister of Trade and Industry .

The cabinet of David Ben-Gurion I
position person image Political party
Prime Minister
Defense Minister
David Ben-Gurion Ben-Gurion.jpg Mapai
Minister of Agriculture
Minister for Rationing and Supply
Dov Yosef Dov Yosef.jpg Mapai
Minister of Education Salman Shazar Zalman Shazar.jpg Mapai
Foreign minister Moshe Sharet Moshe Sharett (1948) .jpg Mapai
Minister of Finance
Minister for Trade and Industry
Eliezer Kaplan Eliezer Kaplan.jpg Mapai
Minister of Health
Minister for Immigration
Minister of the Interior
Chaim Mosque Shapira Moshe Shapira.jpg United Religious Front
Minister of Justice Pinchas roses Pinchas Roses.jpg Progressive party
Minister for Labor and Social Security Golda Meir Golda Meir 03265u.jpg Mapai
Minister for Public Security Bechor-Shalom Shitrite Bechor-Shalom Shitreet.jpg Sephardi and communities of the Orient
Minister of Religion and Veterans Yehuda Leib Maimon Yehuda Leib Maimon.jpg United Religious Front
Transport Minister David Remez David Remez.jpg Mapai
Minister for Welfare Yitzhak-Meir Levin Yitzhak Meir Levin.jpg United Religious Front

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Misha Louvish: The Challenge Of Israel . 1St ed.ed.Jerusalem Israel Univ Press, 1968.