Cabinet of David Ben-Gurion VI

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January 8, 1958: The ministers of the sixth government under David Ben-Gurion with the President . Sitting from left to right: Levi Eschkol , Jisra'el Bar Jehuda , Golda Meir , President Jizchak Ben Zwi , David Ben-Gurion , Pinchas Rosen , Fritz Naphtali . Standing from left to right: Mordechai Namir , Zalman Aran , Pinchas Sapir , Bechor-Schalom Shitrit , Kadish Luz , Yisrael Barsilai , Josef Burg , Mordechaj Bentov and Mosche Karmel .

The Cabinet of David Ben-Gurion VI ( Hebrew מֶמְשֶׁלֶת יִשְׂרָאֵל הַשְׁמִינִית, Memschelet Yisra'el haSchminit ) was the eighth government of Israel , the sixth with David Ben-Gurion as prime minister and the second during the Third Knesset's term . The government took office on January 7, 1958 and lasted until July 5, 1959.

The government was again supported by the Knesset factions Mifleget Poalei Erez Yisrael , National Religious Party , Achdut haAwoda , Mapam and the three parties representing the Arab Israelis : Reshima Demokratit LeAravei Yisrael , Kidma Ve-Awoda and Hakla'ut Ve-Pituah . Compared to the previous government , the ministries and ministers did not change. Shlomo Jisra'el Ben Me'ir was also Deputy Minister of Welfare .

On July 1, 1958, all ministers of the National Religious Party left the government after a dispute over “Who is a Jew?” (Original: Who is a Jew?). As a result, the ministerial posts were reassigned. Yisrael Barsilai ( Mapam ) took over the post for Josef Burg as Minister of Post . On December 3, 1958, Ja'akov Moshe Toledano (not a member of the Knesset) took over as Minister of Religion for Chaim-Moshe Schapira , until then the ministry was provisionally headed by the Prime Minister. Fritz Naphtali ( Mifleget Poalei Erez Yisrael ) was appointed Minister of Welfare , and he was also Minister without Portfolio until January 25, 1959. The three deputy ministers Moshe Unna (education), Serach Truely (religion) and Schlomo Jisra'el Ben Me'ir (welfare) were not replaced.

On June 26, 1959, Der Spiegel reported on arms deals between Israeli companies and the Federal Republic of Germany , involving mortars and the grenades required for them . This led to a government crisis, in the course of which it dissolved on July 5, 1959, after the ministers of the Achdut haAwoda and Mapam voted against David Ben-Gurion. David Ben-Gurion described these arms sales in a later interview with the newspaper Haaretz as "revenge on the Nazis".

Since David Ben-Gurion was unable to form a new government, President Jizchak Ben Zwi set the new elections for November 3, 1959 .


The cabinet of David Ben-Gurion VI
position person image Political party
Prime Minister
Defense Minister
David Ben-Gurion Ben-Gurion.jpg Mifleget Poalei Erez Yisrael
Minister of Agriculture Kadish Luz Kadish Luz.jpg Mifleget Poalei Erez Yisrael
Ministry of State Development Mordechaj Bentov MordechaiBentov.jpg Mapam
Minister of Education Zalman Aran Zalman Aranne.jpg Mifleget Poalei Erez Yisrael
Finance minister Levi Eschkol Levi Eshkol.jpg Mifleget Poalei Erez Yisrael
Foreign minister Golda Meir Golda Meir 03265u.jpg Mifleget Poalei Erez Yisrael
Minister of Health Yisrael Barsilai Israel Barzilai.jpg Achdut haAwoda
Interior minister Jisra'el Bar Yehuda Israel Bar-Yehuda.jpg Achdut haAwoda
Minister of Justice Pinchas roses Pinchas Roses.jpg Progressive party
Minister of Labor Mordechai Namir Mordechai Namir 1947.jpg Mifleget Poalei Erez Yisrael
Minister for Public Security Bechor-Shalom Shitrite Bechor-Shalom Shitreet.jpg Mifleget Poalei Erez Yisrael
Post Minister Josef Castle Yosef Burg.jpg National Religious Party
Minister of Religion
Minister of Welfare
Chaim Mosque Shapira Moshe Shapira.jpg National Religious Party
Minister for Trade and Industry Pinchas Sapir Pinchas Sapir 1955.jpg Not a member of the Knesset
Transport Minister Moshe Carmel Moshe Carmel 1955.jpg Achdut haAwoda
Minister with no portfolio Fritz Naphtali Peretz Naphtali.jpg Mifleget Poalei Erez Yisrael
Deputy Minister of Agriculture Se'ew Zur Zeev Tzur 1966-01-12.jpg Achdut haAwoda
Deputy Minister of Education Moshe Unna Moshe Unna.jpeg National Religious Party
Deputy Minister of Religion Serach Truly Zerach Warhaftig.jpg National Religious Party
Deputy Minister of Welfare Shlomo Jisra'el Ben Me'ir Israel Shlomo Benmeir 14-01-1966.jpg National Religious Party

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Government 7. In: Governments of Israel. Knesset , accessed March 3, 2014 .
  2. ^ Government 8. In: Governments of Israel. Knesset , accessed March 3, 2014 .
  3. ^ Timeline 1958. (No longer available online.) Jewish Agency for Israel , archived from the original on December 3, 2008 ; Retrieved March 3, 2014 .
  4. Grenades from Haifa . In: Der Spiegel . Issue 26, June 24, 1959, pp. 18th f . ( HTML [accessed March 3, 2014]).
  5. Shivering Souls . In: Der Spiegel . Issue 28, July 8, 1959, p. 34 f . ( HTML [accessed March 3, 2014]).
  6. David Ben-Gurion . In: Der Spiegel . Volume 42, October 14, 1959, p. 66 ( HTML [accessed March 3, 2014]).
  7. ^ Timeline 1959. (No longer available online.) Jewish Agency for Israel, archived from the original on December 3, 2008 ; Retrieved March 3, 2014 .