Cabinet of David Ben-Gurion II

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The David Ben-Gurion II Cabinet ( Hebrew מֶמְשֶׁלֶת יִשְׂרָאֵל הַשְׁנִיָּה) was the second Israeli government formed after the first general election on January 25, 1949 . This became necessary because the previous government resigned on October 15, 1950.

The minority cabinet negotiated by David Ben-Gurion between Mapai and Sephardi and communities of the Orient was not elected during the Knesset meeting on October 17, 1950. Two days later, Israeli President Chaim Weizmann instructed the leader of the progressive party Pinchas Rosen to form a new government. This new government was founded by David Ben-Gurion on November 1, 1950 with the same coalition partners as the previous government: Mapai, Progressive Party, United Religious Front , Sephardi and Communities of the Orient and the Democratic List of Nazareth .

Small changes took place in the cabinet:

The cabinet of David Ben-Gurion II
position person image Political party
Prime Minister
Defense Minister
David Ben-Gurion Ben-Gurion.jpg Mapai
Minister of Agriculture Pinchas Lawon Pinhas Lavon.jpg Mapai
Minister of Education David Remez David Remez.jpg Mapai
Foreign minister Moshe Sharet Moshe Sharett (1948) .jpg Mapai
Finance minister Eliezer Kaplan Eliezer Kaplan.jpg Mapai
Minister of Health
Minister for Immigration
Minister of the Interior
Chaim Mosque Shapira Moshe Shapira.jpg United Religious Front
Minister of Justice Pinchas roses Pinchas Roses.jpg Progressive party
Minister for Labor and Social Security Golda Meir Golda Meir 03265u.jpg Mapai
Minister for Public Security Bechor-Shalom Shitrite Bechor-Shalom Shitreet.jpg Sephardi and communities of the Orient
Minister of Religion and Veterans Yehuda Leib Maimon Yehuda Leib Maimon.jpg United Religious Front
Minister for Trade and Industry Jakob Geri Geri yaakov.jpg Not a member of the Knesset
Transport Minister Dov Yosef Dov Yosef.jpg Mapai
Minister for Welfare Yitzhak-Meir Levin Yitzhak Meir Levin.jpg United Religious Front
Deputy Minister of Transport Re'uven Schaeri Reuven Sheri.jpg Mapai

The government resigned on February 14, 1951 after the Knesset rejected David Remez's proposal to register school children .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Timeline 1950. Jewish Agency for Israel , archived from the original on October 8, 2008 ; Retrieved January 18, 2014 .