Karl Erhard von Kalnein

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Karl Erhard von Kalnein (born February 26, 1687 , † October 5, 1757 in Königsberg in Prussia ) was a Prussian lieutenant general and chief of the "Kalnein on foot regiment" named after him . He was also a knight of the order Pour le Mérite , magistrate of Ortelsburg and heir to the Kilgischen and Großparkschen estates.



His parents were the governor of Rastenburg Hans Georg von Kalnein (* July 28, 1655; † June 6, 1704) and his wife Maria Luise Schack von Wittenau (* February 8, 1663; † July 14, 1730) from the Stangenberg family.

Military career

After training at home, Kalnein joined the garrison at Pillau Fortress as a cadet in 1704 . His uncle Schack von Wittnau, a colonel in the Danish service, brought him into the Danish army. In 1705 he became an ensign in the Zealand Infantry Regiment, which went to winter quarters in Trier in May 1705 . As part of the War of the Spanish Succession , the regiment was moved to Brabant . It was found on May 13, 1706 in the battle of Ramillies , the siege of Lille , the battle of Oudenaarde and September 11, 1709 in the battle of Malplaquet . During this time he rose to Second Lieutenant and Prime Lieutenant . He then received an offer from Hessen-Kassel and received his requested farewell from the Danish Army. He traveled to Kassel to see the landgrave, who handed him a company of the life guards. In April 1710 he came back to the United Netherlands and fought here under Marlborough and Prince Eugene , including the siege of Landrey. After the Peace of Utrecht the troops returned to Kassel.

In 1717 the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm I brought him into his service. He gave up the Hessian service and got a company of the "Regiment Armin on foot" . In 1722 he became a major . In 1732 the king transferred him to the "Regiments Below on foot" , where Kalnein became lieutenant colonel on July 8, 1732 and on October 10, 1732, he was also governor of Orstelsburg. On July 30, 1740, he was promoted to colonel . In 1741 he became the regiment commander. In spring 1742 he marched with his regiment to Bohemia and fought on May 17th in the battle of Chotusitz ; around this time he also received the Pour le Mérite . In the Second Silesian War in 1745 he was under the command of General von der Marwitz and fought on June 4 in the Battle of Hohenfriedberg . At the end of 1745 he was appointed major general with effect from May 16, 1743 . He also got his own brigade in the army of Field Marshal Leopold von Anhalt-Dessau . This army stood near Magdeburg on the border to Electoral Saxony . In November he received his own “Kalnein on Foot Regiment”, now named after him . He led this in the battle of Kesselsdorf , where he stood in the middle of the first row. In 1746 the regiment marched back to Prussia.

On June 9, 1753, Kalnein was appointed lieutenant general. In 1756 he led the regiment to the camp in Welau. He did not take part in the battle of Groß-Jägersdorf . He fell ill and was brought to Königsberg in Prussia. There he died on October 5, 1757 and was buried in Kreutzburg.


Kalnein was married to Countess Charlotte Sophia Fink von Finkenstein (* July 2, 1707 - September 11, 1756) from the Gilgenburg family, daughter of Count Friedrich Reinhold Finck von Finckenstein (* 1667 - October 25, 1746), since 1733 . The couple had eight children, of whom the following survived:

  • Friedrich Stanislaus Leopold (October 2, 1737 - June 8, 1818), Prussian officer, 1786 count ⚭ 1791 Karoline von Borck (1774–1831), daughter of the chamber director Friedrich Albrecht von Borck
  • Louise Gottliebe (July 17, 1739 - January 14, 1806)
⚭ Lieutenant Colonel Jakob Ernst von der Reck (* 1721; † August 25, 1758 near Zorndorf)
⚭ Johann von Rehbinder († March 17, 1779)
  • Charlotte Amalie (born January 2, 1737 - † August 14, 1809) ⚭ NN von Seidlitz , head forest master


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Johann Gottfried Dienemann: News from the Order of St. John: especially from its Herrenmeisterthum , p. 392.
  2. Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of noble houses . Fourth year, Justus Perthes , Gotha 1903, p. 150.