Karl Hayd

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Karl Hayd (born February 8, 1882 in Hainburg an der Donau , Austria-Hungary , † October 14, 1945 in Linz ) was an Austrian painter and graphic artist .


Winter landscape with Wildberg Castle
Gas war over Linz (1942)

Hayd's father was a lieutenant at a cadet school in Altaussee , the mother (née Hörzinger) came from Linz. Because of his father's job, the family often moved, so Karl Hayd spent his childhood in Klosterneuburg , Salzburg , Linz and Vienna . In Salzburg and Vienna he attended secondary school and later in Vienna the state trade school for architecture . After graduating in 1901, he completed an apprenticeship as a bricklayer and then a voluntary year with the Tyrolean Kaiserjäger in Innsbruck .

In 1902 he began to study art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, which he completed in 1906. He then moved to the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague for two years ; after his return he made the acquaintance of Egon Schiele and exchanged drawings with him . A study trip to Venice , Dalmatia and Bosnia followed in 1909, then a longer stay on the Dutch island of Marken in what was then the Zuiderzee (now the IJsselmeer ). In 1910 he joined the Albrecht Dürer Association and lived in Vienna as a freelance artist from 1911. In the same year he exhibited for the first time. In the summer a longer stay followed in Tamsweg , in 1913 six months in Cicale , Lussin piccolo (off the Dalmatian coast) and in Arco on Lake Garda . In the same year he joined the Upper Austrian Art Association in Linz.

In 1914 he married Hedwig Kutschera in Linz , the daughter of the owner of the Beethoven pharmacy in Linz.

During the First World War he mainly worked as a war painter - first on the Galician front - later on the Dolomite front and in the battle area around Trento . After the end of the war, he founded the artist group “Der Ring” with Karl Emmerich Baumgärtel and Otto Hamann and moved to Linz. In the following years he only left this city for travel and work. In 1940 he fell ill with asthma , which even a cure in Bad Hall barely relieved. In March 1944, the bombing war forced him to move to Traunkirchen , but after the war he returned to Linz, where he also died in autumn 1945.


Hayd mastered most of the painterly and graphic techniques, so his complete works include oil paintings , watercolors , frescoes , colored pencil drawings, etchings and lithographs . Most of the frescoes have been lost, however. In his early years (around 1907 to 1912) he also illustrated books, later he designed posters and painted industrial pictures. The latter are characterized above all by their independent composition and technical accuracy (for example: "Drilling machines in the salt mine" 1925). His flower still lifes , landscapes and cityscapes are also known .

The images with warlike themes do not represent heroic exaggeration, but above all the macabre, murderous and ghostly - to be seen in: "The Song of the Dead", "Gas", "Death Spits Gas" or "Death as a Flyer" . Hayd's work always remained objective. The color strength of the pictures is characteristic - for him, color was not a mere ingredient, but a basic element. The artist distanced himself from art movements throughout his life, but strived for universality and general validity.

The creative period lasted until two days before his death.


Web links

Commons : Karl Hayd  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Edgar Hertlein: The academic painter Karl Hayd (1882–1945). In: Oberösterreichische Heimatblätter, January-June 1968, online (PDF; 864 kB) in the forum OoeGeschichte.at