Karl Joseph Franz Wolf von Wachtentreu

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Karl Joseph Franz Wolf Freiherr von Wachtentreu (born September 3, 1790 in Brüx ; † December 28, 1875 in Vienna ) was an Imperial and Royal Lieutenant Field Marshal , commanding general in the Banat and fortress commander of Timisoara .

Live and act

As the son of the kk captain Joseph Wolf, he joined the imperial army in 1805 , in which he advanced to captain in regiment no. On July 29, 1828 he married Anna, née Matzak von Ottenburg. The marriage resulted in two sons Anton and Joseph and a daughter.

In 1838 he was promoted to Major in Infantry Regiment No. 42, in 1844 he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in Infantry Regiment No. 26, in 1846 he was Colonel and Commander of Infantry Regiment No. 57, in 1849 Major General and Brigadier in the 12th Army Corps in Timisoara and in November 1853 Lieutenant Field Marshal and fortress commander there. From that position he retired in the 1860s until he died as the oldest veteran in the Imperial Army at the age of 85.

Battle of Aspern

On October 22nd, 1840, His Majesty the Emperor Ferdinand I raised him to the Austrian nobility with the predicate “von Wachtentreu”, “because he was in service with the sword during more than 34 years (1840) and in line with the campaigns of the years 1809, 1813, joined in 1814 and 1815 and especially in large-Aspern in the night from 21 to 22 May 1809 by unwavering assertion of his post, then in the battles of Wagram and Znojmo and in the affairs at Auerstädt located made noticeable, as well as rendered essential services to the Streifcorps after the capture of Langres and was one of the first in the battle of Brienne to penetrate the village of la Rothière during the night storm ”.

When the Lieutenant Field Marshal had completed his fiftieth year of service on October 11, 1855, His Majesty the Kaiser raised him to the status of Austrian baron with a diploma on February 1, 1856 . In addition, the cities of Timisoara granted him honorary citizenship "for the valiant defense of the fortress in 1849" and Brüx in memory of his humane behavior during a stay of several years there.

Wolf von Wachtentreu was a field marshal lieutenant in Timisoara from 1854 to 1859, and from 1859 he was a real secret councilor .

coat of arms

The coat of arms of Baron Wolf von Wachtentreu

The coat of arms of Baron Wolf von Wachtentreu is a shield that is half vertically and horizontally divided. The first quarter is in red, on which you can see a slanting silver bar covered with three black wolf heads placed one behind the other on the right. The second quarter is also in Roth, on a green hill there is a gold crowned silver lion.

The lower half in blue shows a crenellated wall made of natural ashlars and a curved blue gate opening in which two pointed swords cross each other. Above the gate and on either side of the gate there are two loopholes, and above the wall a five-pinnacle tower rises in the middle, on which an owl stands.

The baron's crown rests on the shield, on which three crowned tournament helmets rise. The crown of the first (right) shows an inward-facing, growing lion, from that of the second (middle) protrudes a curved armored arm with a sword drawn at an angle to the left and from the crown of the third (left) three ostrich feathers, one silver between blue, emerged. The helmet covers of the first and second helmets are red with silver, those of the third are blue with silver.

Awards and honors

  • October 22, 1840, Austrian nobility with the title of Wachtentreu
  • Honorary citizen of Timisoara "for the valiant defense of the fortress in 1849"
  • Honorary citizen of Brüx because of "his humane behavior during a stay of several years"
  • February 1, 1856, Austrian baron class


  • Anton Peter Petri : Biographical Lexicon of the Banat Germans. Th. Breit Verlag, Marquartstein 1992, ISBN 3-922046-76-2
  • Jaromir Hirtenfeld in Military newspaper No. 108, Vienna 1855
  • Timisoara Newspaper , Timisoara 1855, no.235
  • Andreas Graf von Thürheim: Commemorative sheets from the war history of the Austro-Hungarian Army , Vienna and Teschen 1880, Prochaska, vol. IS 399.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c books.google.de , New general German nobility lexicon
  2. ^ A b Biographical Lexicon of the Austrian Empire , Wolf von Wachtentreu, Karl Joseph Franz Freiherr
  3. ^ Anton Peter Petri: Biographical Lexicon of the Banater Deutschtums. Th. Breit Verlag, Marquartstein 1992, ISBN 3-922046-76-2
  4. a b c d Biographical Lexicon of the Austrian Empire , Wolf von Wachtentreu - coat of arms