Knotted celery

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Knotted celery
Knot-flowered celery (Apium nodiflorum)

Knot-flowered celery ( Apium nodiflorum )

Order : Umbelliferae (Apiales)
Family : Umbelliferae (Apiaceae)
Subfamily : Apioideae
Tribe : Oenantheae
Genre : Helosciadium
Type : Knotted celery
Scientific name
Helosciadium nodiflorum
( L. ) WDJKoch

The knot-flowered celery ( Helosciadium nodiflorum ) is a species of the genus Helosciadium within the umbellifers family (Apiaceae). It is widespread in Eurasia and North Africa.


Illustration from Flora Batava , Volume 16

Vegetative characteristics

The knot-flowered celery grows as a deciduous, perennial herbaceous plant and usually reaches heights of 30 to 60 (10 to 100) centimeters. The prostrate or arching stalk can form roots at its base, is bare and smells aromatic when rubbed.

The simple pinnate leaves are ovate to lanceolate in outline with evenly notched leaf sections.

Generative characteristics

Opposite to the leaf there are sessile to short-stalked double- gold inflorescences that contain many flowers. The inflorescence has 3 to 15 umbel rays. There are no or two bracts. The four to six husk leaves have a white skin edge. The flowers are five-fold.

The gap fruit is longer at a length of 1.5 to 2.5 millimeters than wide.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 22.


The knotty celery is a helomorphic hydrophyte and hemicryptophyte .

Insect pollination and self-pollination occur.

Occurrence and endangerment

The original distribution area of ​​the knotty celery includes the Mediterranean area , Europe and Asia . In addition to Europe, these include the Azores, Madeira, North Africa, Ethiopia, Yemen, West and Central Asia and Pakistan. It is a neophyte in Argentina, Chile, California, New Jersey, South Carolina, and New Zealand. In the Canary Islands, the originality is doubtful.

It occurs in Germany scattered in Baden-Württemberg , Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate . He can also be found in North Rhine-Westphalia , albeit rarely. In the past there was another population in Bienitz near Leipzig in Saxony . In Germany, the knotted celery was rated endangered in 1996.

The knot-flowered celery prefers wet, nutrient-rich, often salty ditches and reed borders of streams. It is a character species of Apietum nodiflori from the Sparganio-Glycerion Association.


It was first published in 1753 under the name ( Basionym ) Sium nodiflorum by Carl von Linné in Species Plantarum . The new combination to Helosciadium nodiflorum (L.) WDJ Koch was published by Wilhelm Daniel Joseph Koch . Another synonym for Helosciadium nodiflorum (L.) WDJ Koch is Apium nodiflorum (L.) Lag.

Common names

For this type of plant there are or were, in some cases only regionally, the common names Bachhopfen (Henneberg), Resepastinak, Scheibering, Sumpfschirm ( Westphalia ), Kleine Wassermerk and Wassermorellen.


  • Rudolf Schubert , Klaus Werner, Hermann Meusel (eds.): Excursion flora for the areas of the GDR and the FRG . Founded by Werner Rothmaler. 14th edition. tape 2 : vascular plants . People and knowledge, Berlin 1988, ISBN 3-06-012539-2 , pp. 343-344 .
  • Knotted celery. In: (Sections Description and Ecology)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Apium nodiflorum (L.) Lag., Knot-flowered celery. In:
  2. a b Erich Oberdorfer : Plant-sociological excursion flora for Germany and neighboring areas . With the collaboration of Angelika Schwabe and Theo Müller. 8th, heavily revised and expanded edition. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3131-5 , pp.  708 .
  3. a b c Helosciadium nodiflorum in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA , ARS , National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Retrieved May 9, 2018.
  4. a b Ralf Hand, 2011: Apiaceae. : Datasheet Helosciadium nodiflorum In: Euro + Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. Berlin 2011.
  5. Carl von Linné: Species Plantarum. Volume 1, Lars Salvius, Stockholm 1753, p. 251 ( digitized versionhttp: //vorlage_digitalisat.test/ IA% 3D ~ MDZ% 3D% 0A ~ SZ% 3D ~ double-sided% 3D ~ LT% 3D ~ PUR% 3D ).
  6. ^ Georg August Pritzel , Carl Jessen : The German folk names of plants. New contribution to the German linguistic treasure. Philipp Cohen, Hanover 1882, page 36, online.

Web links

Commons : Knot-flowered Celery ( Helosciadium nodiflorum )  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files