Neuoberhaus deposit

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The deposit Neuoberhaus located between Neuoberhaus and lease House on Rabenberg in Johanngeorgenstadt , Saxony . It was developed and dismantled for uranium mining by the shaft management 126 of Wismut AG . This shaft management was an independent economic unit in property 08 . The deposit was developed with 3 shafts , 6 tunnels , 8 blind shafts and 37 pits on a total of 9 levels . The underground mine field covered about 1 km². The total extraction of uranium in the period from 1947 to 1955 was approximately 60.8 tons.

Historic mining

The Rabenberg was mainly around the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries. Century target of extensive mining activity for tin . Today it is no longer possible to precisely classify the large number of pits, some of which only existed for a few years. However, numerous pings in the area of ​​the deposit point to the old mine .

One of these mines was new upper house of Saxony , awarded Crucis 1696. The adit was on a Spatgang propelled . Since there were no ore discoveries, the recess had risen to 8,577 guilders by 1722. In 1725 operations were stopped. Between 1752 and 1828 the mine was in operation again without any notable success. The middle Neu Oberhaus Sachsen Stolln was driven about 600 m. The Johannes adit was driven directly on the border with the Czech Republic . Operations ceased in 1811. The mouth hole was above Nestlerstrasse in a leased house.


Neuoberhaus forms the NE flank of the camp towns Johanngeorgenstadt. To deposit Johanngeorgenstadt that in bismuth object 01 has been removed, it is by the NW-SE strike de disorder Irrgang demarcated. As a result of this disturbance, the Johanngeorgenstadt deposit has sunk by approx. 200 m compared to the Neuoberhaus deposit.

The rocks of the deposit Neuoberhaus are Kontakthof of granite kontaktmetamorph overprinted Ordovician Muskovitphyllite . They dip to the northeast at 5 to 20 degrees. The inner contact area begins at a distance of approx. 100 m to 150 m from the granite with the formation of fruit and andalusite mica schist or with the formation of hornfels in direct contact with the granite. In addition, in the area of ​​the inner contact zone and at the transition from the inner to the outer contact zone , lenses made of amphibolic slate and quartzite slate appear . The underlying granite is at a depth of 230-250 m and dips to the southeast at 8-10 degrees. The determining geological structures are the Wilder Mann , Seifenbach and Irrgang faults . The ore formations were relatively strictly bound to certain gang pranks. While the quartz-cassiterite-tungsten formation (qksw formation) developed by the old mining was to be found on sparse veins, the uranium mineralization mined by the bismuth was on standing and shallow veins. The sparse dikes examined in the area of ​​shaft 337 belonged to the quartz sulphide formation (qsf formation) and were not worth building . The morning dikes of the bismuth-cobalt-nickel formation ( BiCoNi formation ) occurring on the western edge of the deposit were examined through the shaft 145 of the object 01.

Quartz Cassiterite Tungsten Formation (qksw Formation)
This formation occurred in the central part of the deposit. It was the target of tin mining until the mid-19th century. The vein filling consists of quartz and tourmaline and the mineralization is limited to cassiterite and sporadic wolframite .
Quartz Sulphide Formation (qsf Formation)
This formation occurs to the northeast of the deposit, in the area of ​​shaft 337. The passage filling is made of quartz. These veins contain sphalerite , galena , pyrite , chalcopyrite , tetrahedrite and arsenopyrite as ore minerals .
Comb quartz calcite pitchblende formation (kku formation)
This formation represents the primary uranium mineralization. The passage filling consists of calcite , siderite and quartz. These veins lead as ore minerals pitchblende , pyrite and hematite .
Bismuth-cobalt-nickel formation (BiCoNi formation)
The BiCoNi formation occurred subordinately on the western edge of the deposit. The passage filling consists of calcite and quartz. In addition to pitchblende, silver , bismuth , nickel and cobalt minerals occur only sporadically as ore minerals .

Administrative development

The exploration work in the area began in 1947 and was initially carried out by the geological department of object 01. The investigation object 23, founded in 1947, took over the district in the course of 1947. On July 1, 1948, the exploration project was confirmed by the general management of Wismut AG, shaft management 126 was founded and assigned to object 23. In November, the investigation object 23 was converted into the exploitation object 08. The alignment work (e.g. shaft depth, drifting or clearing) was carried out by object 12. In 1953 the height of the mining work was reached. On January 1st of that year 600 people were employed in the shaft administration. With the dissolution of object 08 on December 1, 1953, shaft management 126 was subordinated to object 01. On July 1, 1954, it was dissolved and the remaining work was carried out by the shaft management authority 87/164. The extraction was stopped in 1955.

Mining operation

Alignment, fixture and removal

Bottom shaft 125/126
sole 0 0 0 ½ 1 1 ½ 2 2 ½ 3 4th
Height above sea level + 787 + 773 + 767 + 761 + 742 + 712 + 683 + 654 + 622 + 595
Start of operation 1949 1948 1949 1950 1949 1952 1952 1952
End of operation 1951 1949 1949 1954 1954 1954 1955 1955 1954
Bottom shaft 337
sole 1 2 3
Height above sea level + 801 + 745 + 685
Start of operation 1949 1950 1951
End of operation 1952 1952 1952
Tunnel name Bismuth
shaft number
District internal
 m NN sole
New Upper House of Saxony Stolln 2 + 752.00
3 + 773.40 0
3a + 761.50 ½
Upper New Upper House Saxony Stolln 4th + 777.00
Schwarzwasserstollen 59 + 681.36 2
224 8th + 741.40 1
225 9 + 741.00 1
226 10 + 742.60 1
Middle New Upper House Saxony Stolln + 730.00
Lower New Upper House Saxony Stolln + 682.00
Johannes Erbstolln + 695.00
shaft number
Lawn sole
 m above sea level
Total depth
in m
125 + 792.51 1, 2 114.20
126 + 793.17 1, 2, 4 232.40
337 + 834.51 2, 3 158.51
Blind shafts
Shaft designation from to Total depth
in m
Die 38-1 / 2-1 1. Sole 1 ½. sole 29.78
Die 38-1 / 2-2 1. Sole 1 ½. sole 29.43
Die 126-2 / 1-4 1 ½. sole 2nd sole 31.00
Die 126-2 / 1-5 1 ½. sole 2nd sole 31.00
Die 126-2 / 3-3 2nd sole 2 ½. sole 30.00
Die 126-2 / 3-4 2nd sole 2 ½. sole 30.00
Die 126-2 / 3-5 2nd sole 3rd sole 61.00
Die KR 6 2nd sole 2 ½. sole 30.00

The tunnels of the old mine that were excavated and examined during the exploration period in 1947 no longer played a role in the further development of the operation. In contrast, the radioactive anomalies found during the emanation of the investigated area were investigated using digging trenches. Similarly, tunnel 3 (0. level) and tunnel 3a (½. Level) were driven and the first pits were dug.

With the confirmation of the mining project in July 1948, the digging of shaft 125 and shaft 126 as well as the excavation of the first level began, initially via mining shafts, from December also via tunnels 224, 225 and 226 . In December 1948, the excavation of the 2nd level with the tunnel 59 ( Schwarzwasserstollen ) began.

In 1949, the work was intensified. The deepening of shaft 125 was stopped in December 1949 when the second level was reached. The drives on the 1st and 2nd level were intensively driven forward. The first extraction work was carried out on the 0 level and the ½ level; 1.77 tons of uranium were mined there.

In 1950, operations were discontinued on levels 0 and ½ close to the surface. The 1 ½ level was driven in the south field via the holes 38-1 / 2-1 and 38-1 / 2-2 and in the central field with the overcuts 3, 5 and 6 from the second level. Mining began on the 1st and 2nd levels and 2.88 t of uranium were mined. The investigation of a radioactive anomaly through two mining shafts on the 0-level began in the area of ​​Preishausstrasse about 300 m east of the mine field. In September 1950, the depth of shaft 337 began here .

In 1951, the excavation of the 2 ½ sole began via the die 126 2/3 -3 in the middle of the 2nd sole. The drive on the first level was stopped at the end of the year and the uranium extraction amounted to 5.02 t. In the Preishausstrasse area, the first level was driven from the two pits and shaft 337 was put into operation.

In 1952, with the further depth of shaft 126, the 3rd and 4th levels were struck and both levels were driven. The 2 ½ level was developed from the 2nd level in two further areas - in the west field with die 126 2 / 3-4 and in the north field with die 6 . The drive on the 2nd level was stopped at the end of the year. The uranium extraction in 1952 was 11.96 t. In the Preishausstrasse area, the 2nd level (corresponds to the 1st level in the shaft 126 ) was driven over the shaft 337 and the 3rd level (corresponds to the 2nd level in the shaft 126 ) was attached. Due to negative results, operations were stopped at the end of the year.

In 1953 the third level was driven. The drive in the south field of the 1 ½ level and in the middle field of the 2 ½ level was stopped. A further investigation took place in selected areas on the first level. The uranium extraction reached its peak at 18.6 t.

In 1954, the reconnaissance on the 1st level was stopped again and reconnaissance work on the 2nd and 4th level began. The uranium production sank to 12.6 t.

In 1955, reconnaissance work was also started on the 3rd level and in the middle of the 1½ level. The state border to the CSSR was crossed by 80 m with a cross passage on the 3rd level. The reconnaissance work begun in 1954 on the 2nd and 4th levels, however, was discontinued. The uranium extraction sank further to only 8 t. At the end of 1955, all mining work was stopped and dismantling began.

Top view of the Neuoberhaus

The Neuoberhaus mine field was overlaid by both the mine field of property 01 and the mine field of the Seifenbach deposit.

In the area of ​​the Schwarzwasserstollen , the second level was undercut in the years 1952 to 1955 by the 40-Lachter level of the object 01 .

The Seifenbach deposit was undercut in the north to the central area from the 4th, 5th and 6th levels of the Seifenbach deposit . On the 2nd level Neuoberhaus there is a level connection to the 3rd level of the Seifenbach deposit via route 125-2-33 in the northeast .

Used conveyor technology

The shafts were type projects with a clear cross-section of 8.5 m 2 . These shafts conveyed each with a machine and a hunt in the conveyor frame . FW 13 hoisting machines ( conveying speed 3.25 meters / second) were used for shaft 125 and shaft 126 . The shaft 337 was equipped with a TM 23 hoisting machine (conveying speed 5 meters / second). The shaft structures were simple wooden conveyor frames with a height of 16 m (for shaft 125 and shaft 126 ) or 17 m (for shaft 337 ). The dies were equipped with FW-8 and OK-1 conveyors. Eleven battery locomotives of the Metallist type as well as two battery locomotives of the EGS Karlik type and four catenary locomotives of an unknown type were used as traction means in the route transport . For ore and bulk conveyance, hunts with a capacity of 0.44 m 3 and a track width of 600 mm were used. The hunt were filled manually or with the six available overhead loaders.

Weather management

The pit building was ventilated with suction. 33 mine fans with a capacity between 4,000 and 50,000 m 3 / h were in use. The total output was 354,000 m 3 / h.


The water intake in the mine was an average of 42 m 3 / h. For dewatering the ascended Stolln were used. Since the shaft sumps of shaft 126 on the 1st level and of shaft 125 and shaft 126 on the 2nd level were lower than the mouth holes of the water-dissolving tunnels, additional dewatering was necessary at the shafts on these two levels . The shaft 125 only had a dewatering on the 2nd level, which was operated by a pump with a delivery rate of 60 m 3 / h. On the shaft 126 were available for water drainage on the soles 1, 2 and 4 in each case two pump with a capacity of 30 m 3 / h and on the sole 3, a pump having also 30 m 3 / h flow rate is available. The shaft 337 had a dewatering on the 1st and 2nd level.

Dump management

Table heaps were dumped at the three conveyor shafts . At Stolln 224 and Stolln 225 the dump was poured parallel to the Schwarzwassertal . There were smaller heaps at Stolln 3a , Stolln 59 and Stolln 226 . The dump and mouth hole of Stolln 3 were later overturned by the dump complex of shaft 125 . Four electric locomotives, probably the catenary locomotives, were used to transport the dump to the dump complex.


  • Werner Runge: Chronicle of the bismuth . Ed .: Wismut GmbH. Self-published, Chemnitz 1999 (CD).
  • Frank Teller : change, change, change . Förderverein Pferdegöpel Johanngeorgenstadt eV, Johanngeorgenstadt 2009.
  • Dietmar Leonhardt: Geological map of the Free State of Saxony . Explanations for sheet 5542 Johanngeorgenstadt. Ed .: Saxon State Office for Environment and Geology [LfUG]. Land survey office of Saxony, Freiberg 2004.
  • Johann Christian Engelschall: Description of the exiles and mountain town Johann Georgen city . Friedrich Lanckischen's heirs and Christoph Kircheisen, Leipzig 1723.

Coordinates: 50 ° 26 ′ 20 ″  N , 12 ° 44 ′ 15 ″  E