Le Frecce

Le Frecce ("the arrows") denotes Italian train types of high-speed trains that emerged from the Eurostar Italia brand . The operator is the state-owned railway company Trenitalia .
Frecciarossa ("red arrow") is a type of train for trains with a maximum speed of currently 300 km / h. The trains run on high-speed lines.
Be used ETR 500 and in June 2015, ETR 1000 . The trains carry the four car classes Executive , Business , Premium and Standard as well as a bar and dining car .
The trains run on the routes:
- Turin - Milan - Reggio Emilia - Bologna - Florence - Rome - Naples - Salerno ;
- Venice - Padua - Bologna - Florence - Rome - Naples - Salerno ;
- Bergamo - Brescia - Verona - Bologna - Rome ;
- Trieste / Udine - Venice - Padua - Vicenza - Verona - Brescia - Milan ;
- Turin / Milan - Reggio Emilia - Bologna - Rimini - Ancona - Pescara - Foggia - Bari - Lecce ;
- Milan - Brescia - Peschiera del Garda - Verona - Rovereto - Trento - Bolzano .
In the medium term, it is planned to increase the speed to 350 km / h. For this purpose, extensive test drives with the ETR 1000 were successfully undertaken from autumn 2015 to the end of 2016.
Frecciargento ("silver arrow") is a type of train for trains with a maximum speed of 250 km / h.
Are used Pendolino trains of the third ( ETR 485 ) and fourth ( ETR 600 , ETR 610 ) as well as the generation used acquired ETR 700 . The trains carry first and second class seats as well as a bar and bistro car.
The trains connect the north-east of Italy with the south, on the routes Trieste / Udine - Venice - Bologna - Florence - Rome , Bozen / Brescia - Verona - Bologna - Florence - Rome - Naples and the capital Rome with the south-east and south-west of Italy the Rome – Naples – Bari – Lecce and Rome – Naples – Reggio Calabria routes .
Frecciabianca ("white arrow") is a type of train for trains with a maximum speed of 200 km / h that only run on the Italian direct voltage network.
The trains from Rome to Ravenna , Reggio Calabria and Genoa are operated with Pendolino sets ETR 460 or ETR 463 . Since December 2015, ETR 470 trains have also been running to Reggio Calabria .
On other lines power cars are the first series of the ETR 500 or electric locomotives of the type E 402B with IC - Großraumwagen used. Service cars with a corner bar , a second-class seating area and an area for the disabled, which have been converted from dining cars, run on the trains .
On February 6, 2020 at 5:34 a.m., a Frecciarossa of the ETR 400 series derailed on its way from Milan to Salerno at the Livraga train station at almost 290 km / h. The two train drivers died and 31 passengers were injured.
During the investigation into the accident it became clear that the train was allowed to travel at the maximum speed, which is 300 km / h in this section. However, a switch that had been worked on the night before was not in the free travel position, but in the reverse position, which normally can only be driven at 60 km / h. The director of the National Agency for Railway Safety ( ANSF ) testified on February 13, 2020 that incorrect wiring of the point machine ( attuatore ), which was partially replaced during the night , could have incorrectly signaled that the point was set for the maximum speed of 300 km / h. Therefore, the switch manufacturer Alstom will also be included in the investigation.
Web links
- Website (all Italian / English / French / German / Chinese)
Individual evidence
- ↑ Frecciarossa 1000: al via dal 14 giugno il servizio commerciale - Trenitalia - FSNews. In: www.fsnews.it. Retrieved July 31, 2016 .
- ^ Frecciarossa connections and services - Frecce - Trenitalia. In: www.trenitalia.com. Retrieved January 28, 2020 .
- ^ Treni, record italiano di velocità per il Frecciarossa 1000: 385.5 km orari. Retrieved July 31, 2016 .
- ↑ Line AV at 350 km / h: concluse le prove. Retrieved January 22, 2017 .
- ^ Frecciargento - Le Frecce - Trenitalia. In: www.trenitalia.com. Retrieved July 31, 2016 .
- ↑ Redacione: Avvicendamenti in vista per gli ETR. 470 e 610 Trenitali. In: News ferroviarie. Ferrovie.it, November 25, 2015, accessed January 23, 2016 (Italian).
- ↑ Matthias Rüb: Two deaths in an accident. Derailed train was traveling at 290 kilometers per hour. In: faz.net. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , February 6, 2020, accessed on February 22, 2020 .
- ^ Ferrovie: grave incidente ferroviario al Frecciarossa morti e feriti . ferrovie.info, February 6, 2020
- ↑ Italy: point maintenance possible cause of derailment of the Frecciarossa. Eurailpress, February 11, 2020
- ↑ Italy: Incorrect cabling in points is said to have caused derailment. In: Locomotive Report. February 14, 2020, accessed February 22, 2020 .