List of architectural monuments in Altomünster

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On this page the monuments of the Upper Bavarian market Altomünster are compiled. This table is a partial list of the list of architectural monuments in Bavaria . The basis is the Bavarian Monument List , which was first drawn up on the basis of the Bavarian Monument Protection Act of October 1, 1973 and has since been managed by the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation . The following information does not replace the legally binding information from the monument protection authority.

Altomünster coat of arms
Altomünster panorama

Architectural monuments according to districts


location object description File no. image
Altomünster town center
( location )
Ensemble town center Altomünster The local ensemble Altomünster is dominated by the monastery church of St. Alto , which was shaped in the 18th century and is built on the terrain rising to the west and is surrounded on both sides and in the east by the monastery buildings.

According to tradition, the Church is a foundation of St. Alto, whose personality becomes tangible around the middle of the 8th century. The monastery donated for this purpose was initially occupied by the order of the Benedictines, then it went to Benedictine women and was re-established after it fell into disrepair in 1497 under Duke Georg the Rich of Landshut-Niederbayern as a double monastery of the Brigite Order. The handling of this new establishment was in the hands of the ducal councilor Wolfgang von Sandizell.

After the devastation caused by the Thirty Years' War, the monastery was rebuilt from 1723, the monastery church was rebuilt between 1763 and 1773 under Johann Michael Fischer († 1766) and his Palier; Well-known artists also took part in the furnishing.

Almost wiped out during the secularization of Bavaria in 1803, the monastery was again taken over by the Brigittines in 1841. Today it is the only remaining monastery of this order. The monastery buildings are arranged in the depression on a U-shaped street around the convent, inns, town houses and business houses of the 17th / 18th centuries. Century under. To the west of the monastery, a square-like complex (market square) surrounded by stately plastered buildings with hipped roof documents the importance of Altomünster as a market town, which received its first privileges as early as the 14th century.

E-1-74-111-1 Ensemble town center Altomünster
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Altograben; Altoforst
( location )
St. Alto statue and source 1877

More detailed description: [1]

D-1-74-111-35 St. Alto statue and source
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At the monastery wall 6
( location )
House board With motto, 1799 D-1-74-111-6 House board
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At the Schwemme 11
( location )
Farmhouse With raised eaves above the threshing floor, mid-19th century D-1-74-111-8 Farmhouse
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Faberweg 4
( location )
Former small farmhouse with gable shoulder Mid 19th century D-1-74-111-9 BW
Friedhofstraße 18
( location )
graveyard System around 1860/70, surrounded by a plastered brick wall on the south and west sides

A brick arch with a gable roof above the entrance

D-1-74-111-92 graveyard
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Halmsrieder Straße 37, next to it
( location )
Chapel shrine Neo-Gothic D-1-74-111-10 Chapel shrine
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Herzog-Georg-Straße 3 and 5
( location )
Saddle roof construction Around 1800 over an older core

Double-leaf front door, around 1800

associated courtyard buildings

D-1-74-111-11 Saddle roof construction
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Herzog-Georg-Straße 4
( location )
Coat of arms stone on the house Marked with "1805" D-1-74-111-12 Coat of arms stone on the house
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Herzog-Georg-Straße 10
( location )
Residential building Around 1900 D-1-74-111-14 Residential building
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Jörgerring 8
( location )
Loreto Chapel 1737; Conversion to the war memorial chapel in 1921

Cemetery complex with 82 wrought iron grave crosses (17th – 19th centuries) and 12 stone grave monuments from the 19th century

D-1-74-111-15 Loreto Chapel
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Kellerbergstrasse 2
( location )
Former monastery judge's house 1716 D-1-74-111-16 Former monastery judge's house
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Kellerbergstrasse 23
( location )
Farmhouse with a bay window Kern early 19th century D-1-74-111-17 BW
( location )
War memorial 1876 D-1-74-111-27 War memorial
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( location )
Market fountain 1878 D-1-74-111-4 Market fountain
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Marketplace 2
( location )
Maierbräu brewery inn Two-storey eaves side building with saddle roof and plaster structure, built in 1838, with equipment, labeled "1931" D-1-74-111-2 Maierbräu brewery inn
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Nerbstrasse 6
( location )
Town house with hanging bay window 18th century D-1-74-111-19 Town house with hanging bay window
Nerbstrasse 8
( location )
Brauereigasthof Kapplerbräu 17./18. Century; curved gable, three floor bay windows

Wrought iron bracket, marked "1849";

Belonging to the barn in the south and east of the courtyard, 18th century

Hall building, hipped roof building, homely Art Nouveau with a stage and outside staircase, around 1910

D-1-74-111-20 Brauereigasthof Kapplerbräu
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Nerbstrasse 44;

Near Nerbstrasse
( location )

Farmhouse With stepped gable shoulders, first half of the 19th century

Opposite the stable with a Dachau house sign, mid-19th century

D-1-74-111-21 Farmhouse
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Nißlgasse 4
( location )
Former Nißl`s benefit Hipped roof building, first half of the 18th century D-1-74-111-22 Former Nißl`s benefit
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Pipinsrieder Straße 27
( location )
Old residential part of a former farmhouse With a large overhang of the roof, in the core 1662 (dendrochronologically dated), later changed D-1-74-111-23 Old residential part of a former farmhouse
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Sandizellergasse 1;
Sankt-Birgittenhof 1
( location )
Monastery wing 16th to 18th centuries, women's convent, expanded in 1590, men's convent 1723/29 by Johann Mayr the Younger, expanded from 1923 to 1933;

see also Sandizeller Gasse 1, see Altomünster local ensemble

D-1-74-111-28 [[Template: Bilderwunsch / code! / C: 48.38785,11.2577! / D: Sandizellergasse 1;
Sankt-Birgittenhof 1, monastery wing! / | BW]]
Sandizellergasse 9, school stairs 2, school stairs 4, Sankt-Birgittenhof 14
( location )
Part of a row of houses 18./19. Century in the character of a fortification;

together with St. Birgittenhof 14 and school stairs 2, 4

D-1-74-111-24 Part of a row of houses
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School stairs 2
( location )
Part of a row of houses 17./19. Century, in the character of a fortification;

together with Sandizeller Gasse 9, St. Birgittenhof 14, school stairs 4.

D-1-74-111-32 BW
School stairs 4
( location )
Part of a row of houses Built in 1778, modified in 1797 and 1896, with the character of a fortification;

together with Sandizeller Gasse 9, St. Birgittenhof 14, school stairs 2

D-1-74-111-33 Part of a row of houses
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Sankt-Altohof 1, 3 and 7, Herzog-Georg-Straße 2, 4 and 6, Kirchenstraße 1, 3, 5, 7, 15, 17 and 19, Marktplatz 7, Nißlgasse 1, 4 and 5
( location )
Former monastery Large building with a crooked roof, 17th / 18th centuries Erected in the 19th century over the north-west corner of the monastery wall D-1-74-111-90 Former monastery
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Sankt-Altohof 2
( location )
Former monastery library with Alto fountain 1669 D-1-74-111-25 Former monastery library with Alto fountain
Sankt-Altohof 4
( location )
Former town house 1692 D-1-74-111-26 Former town house
Sankt-Altohof 6
( location )
St. Alto and St. Birgitta monastery church 1763/73, by Johann Michael Fischer, completed by Balthasar Trischberger , over the older core; with equipment D-1-74-111-1 St. Alto and St. Birgitta monastery church
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Sankt-Birgittenhof 3
( location )
Former chaplain's house 17th / 18th century building attached to the men's choir Century; Part of the monastery complex D-1-74-111-87 Former chaplain's house
Sankt-Birgittenhof 5
( location )
Former cloister nursery Saddle roof construction 17./18. Century, part of the monastery D-1-74-111-88 Former cloister nursery
Sankt-Birgittenhof 7
( location )
Monastery economy Saddle roof construction 17./18. Century, part of the monastery D-1-74-111-89 Monastery economy
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Sankt-Birgittenhof 7, in the north and west of the monastery area and rectory
( location )
Monastery wall High brick wall, partly used to support the slope, 17th / 18th centuries Century;

see also Altomünster local ensemble

D-1-74-111-91 Monastery wall
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Sankt-Birgittenhof 9
( location )
Former bishop's house, now parsonage 1690

Above the entrance there is a bust of a saint and two female saints, late Gothic

D-1-74-111-29 Former bishop's house, now parsonage
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Sankt-Birgittenhof 12, next to the passage
( location )
Inscription plaque 1804 D-1-74-111-30 Inscription plaque
Sankt-Birgittenhof 14
( location )
Part of a row of houses 17./19. Century, in the character of a fortification;

together with Sandizeller Gasse 9, school stairs 2, 4

D-1-74-111-31 BW
Taschnerweg 6
( location )
Rural house With a dwarf above the eaves access, built in 1901 D-1-74-111-83 BW
To Kalvarienberg 60
( location )
Kalvarienberg chapel with stations of the cross Second half of the 18th century, porch around 1860, stairs and stations 20th century; completely renewed in 1993 D-1-74-111-34 Kalvarienberg chapel with stations of the cross
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location object description File no. image
Hopfenweg 6
( location )
Inn Two-story saddle roof structure with plaster structure, around 1900 D-1-74-111-44 BW
Pfarrer-Marz-Weg 5
( location )
Catholic parish church of St. Stephan Single-aisle building with drawn-in choir closed on five sides, tower with octagon and onion dome in the northern corner, 15th century choir, nave 1926, tower 1927; with equipment D-1-74-111-42 Catholic parish church of St. Stephan
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Sankt-Stephanus-Straße 9
( location )
Rectory Two-storey saddle roof structure with pilaster strips with gabled entrance projectile and stair friezes, second half of the 19th century D-1-74-111-43 Rectory


location object description File no. image
Dachauer Strasse 2
( location )
Former school house Stately two-wing building on three floors with a hipped or crooked roof and curved gable, erected in 1905 by Sigmund Hagl D-1-74-111-93 Former school house
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Dachauer Strasse 5
( location )
Gattinger Inn Two-storey hipped roof building with floor bay window, the core of the second half of the 17th century D-1-74-111-51 Gattinger Inn
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Dorfstrasse 8
( location )
Catholic branch church of the Assumption Hall building with retracted choir, closed on five sides, and tower in the northern corner, choir and tower substructure 15th century, nave and tower octagon 1613, redesign around 1730, pointed spire of the tower in 1864, extension to the west 1947/48; with equipment D-1-74-111-50 Catholic branch church of the Assumption
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Near Dachauer Straße, at the junction to Altomünster
( location )
signpost Cast iron, around 1870; at the junction to Altomünster D-1-74-111-54 signpost
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Oberndorfer Straße 3, in the courtyard
( location )
Pigeon house 19./20. century D-1-74-111-53 Pigeon house
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location object description File no. image
Corridor area community parts
(southeast of the village)
( location )
Catholic pilgrimage church of St. Wolfgang Single-aisled, pilaster-structured structure with a semicircular end, built in 1693 ff. By Hans Maurer; with equipment ;

Stations of the Cross, probably second half of the 19th century (formerly file number D-1-74-111-61)

D-1-74-111-60 Catholic pilgrimage church of St. Wolfgang
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Near Pfarrstrasse
( location )
Catholic Parish Church of St. Dionysius One-aisle with not drawn in, five-sided closed choir, on the north side saddle roof tower with stepped gables, choir and tower in the core late Gothic, nave 1729 ff., 1908 redesign; with equipment D-1-74-111-58 Catholic Parish Church of St. Dionysius
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( location )
War memorial with Patrona Bavariae 1920 D-1-74-111-111 War memorial with Patrona Bavariae
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Pfarrstrasse 11;

Pfarrstrasse 9
( location )

Rectory Consists of the rectory, a two-storey hipped roof building from 1911 as well as a former horse stable from the second half of the 19th century and a coach house, probably from the 18th century, on both sides of the wide courtyard D-1-74-111-94 Rectory
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location object description File no. image
Raiffeisenstrasse 6
( location )
Former host house Ground floor with a high knee floor, delicate facade structure and gable roof, built after 1860 D-1-74-111-82 Former host house
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Talstrasse 4
( location )
Catholic parish church of St. Bartholomew Hall building with retracted choir, closed on three sides, tower with octagon and onion dome in the northern corner, late Gothic core, renewed and expanded in 1694, redesigned in Baroque style around 1720/30, redesigned in neo-baroque forms in 1895, tower in 1792; with equipment D-1-74-111-81 Catholic parish church of St. Bartholomew
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Talstrasse 11
( location )
Residential building Two-storey saddle roof building with corner pilaster strips and cornice structure, after 1900 D-1-74-111-84 Residential building
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Further districts

location object description File no. image
Arnberg 2
( location )
Court chapel Single aisle with a semicircular end and gable tab, probably end of the 17th century; with equipment D-1-74-111-36 BW
Schäfflerweg 2
( location )
Holy Cross Catholic Chapel Single aisle with retracted, semicircular end and gable turret, built in 1654, tower renewed around 1903; with equipment D-1-74-111-37 BW
Deutenhofen 5
( location )
Four-sided courtyard, east of the residential building Ground floor saddle roof building, elongated utility buildings on the other sides, end of the 19th century D-1-74-111-38 BW
Haag 6
( location )
Catholic branch church St. Margaretha Single-aisle building with drawn-in choir closed on three sides, saddle roof tower with stepped gables in the northern corner, late Gothic core, enlarged in 1874; with equipment D-1-74-111-39 BW
Deinlwiesen, on the eastern edge of the village
( location )
Catholic Lady Chapel Single-aisle, pilaster-structured structure with a three-sided end, gable turret with octagon and pointed helmet, built in 1872; with equipment D-1-74-111-40 Catholic Lady Chapel
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In Humersberg
( Location )
Lady Chapel Single-aisle with a three-sided end and octagonal roof turret, built after 1860 D-1-74-111-108 BW
Hohenzeller Straße 20
( location )
Trinity Catholic Chapel Single-aisle with a three-sided end, entrance tower with octagon and onion dome, probably 18th century, tower 1931; with equipment D-1-74-111-46 BW
Sankt-Nikolaus-Straße 6
( location )
Catholic branch church of St. Nicholas Hall building with not drawn in, three-sided closed choir and saddle roof tower in the northern corner, choir and tower 15th century, nave 17th / 18th. Century; with equipment D-1-74-111-47 Catholic branch church of St. Nicholas
In Lauterbach; Lauterbach 1
( location )
Catholic branch church St. Alban Hall building with drawn-in choir closed on three sides, tower with octagon and onion dome in the northern corner, Romanesque core (around 1020?), 15th century choir, nave and redesign around 1765; with equipment D-1-74-111-48 BW
In Oberndorf
( location )
Catholic Lady Chapel En aisle with a retracted choir closed on three sides and gable turret, 18th century (around 1745?); with equipment D-1-74-111-49 Catholic Lady Chapel
( location )
monument Stone, four-sided case with a cross on a twisted column, 1890 D-1-74-111-110 BW
Laurentiusstraße 9
( location )
Catholic branch church of St. Laurentius Single aisle with a strongly recessed rectangular choir, to the southeast of the nave, a slender tower with a tent roof, 13th century core, redesigned around 1650; with equipment D-1-74-111-56 Catholic branch church of St. Laurentius
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Plixenried 38
( location )
Catholic Chapel of St. Benedict and Scholastica Rectangular building with a square gable, built in 1852/55 D-1-74-111-62 BW
near Radenzhofen
( location )
chapel Single-aisle with retracted choir closed on three sides, gable turret with octagon and bent pointed helmet, built in 1883 D-1-74-111-64 chapel
Kirchbergstraße 9
( location )
Catholic parish church of St. Peter and Paul Hall building with retracted choir, closed on three sides, and saddle roof tower in the northern corner, Romanesque core, changed in the 15th century and 1843, tower renewed in 1849; with equipment D-1-74-111-65 BW
Kirchbergstraße 12
( location )
Rectory Two-storey with a gable roof, end of the 19th century D-1-74-111-66 BW
Reichertshausen 2
( location )
Former small farmhouse Ground floor with a saddle roof protruding far, early 19th century D-1-74-111-68 BW
Reichertshausen 3
( location )
Lourdes Chapel Single-aisle with retracted, semicircular closed choir, gable tab with bent pointed helmet, built in 1901; with equipment D-1-74-111-67 BW
Rudersberg 4
( location )
Catholic court chapel St. Maria Hall building with a three-sided end, gable turret with octagon and pointed helmet, built in neo-Gothic form in 1864/65; with equipment D-1-74-111-69 Catholic court chapel St. Maria
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near Schauerschorn
( location )
Catholic Chapel of St. Mary New Baroque building with retracted, semicircular choir and gable turret, erected in 1905; with equipment D-1-74-111-70 Catholic Chapel of St. Mary
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Ottelsburg 4
( location )
Small farmhouse Ground floor saddle roof building, mid-19th century D-1-74-111-55 BW
near Schielach; From Thalhausen to Rudersberg
( location )
crossroads Marked with "1878" D-1-74-111-109 BW
near Schmarnzell
( location )
Catholic chapel Heart of Jesus Single-aisle with a two-sided end and gable tab, built in 1959; with equipment D-1-74-111-72 BW
Sankt-Ulrich-Straße 10
( location )
Catholic chapel of Ortisei Neo-Gothic hall building surrounded by buttresses with retracted choir closed on three sides, facade tower with pointed helmet, built in 1887 D-1-74-111-73 Catholic chapel of Ortisei
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near Am Mühlberg
( location )
Catholic parish church of St. George Neo-Romanesque hall with a retracted, semicircular choir and tower in the northern corner, built in 1895 according to plans by Karl Kober; with equipment D-1-74-111-76 BW
Sankt-Georg-Straße 8
( location )
Former school house Two-story hipped roof building, 1907

Associated ground floor outbuilding with a gable roof, at the same time

D-1-74-111-77 BW
near Übelmanna
( location )
Catholic Lady Chapel Single-aisle with a two-sided end and gable tab, probably built in 1677; with equipment D-1-74-111-79 BW
Hauptstrasse 16
( location )
Catholic Chapel of St. Sebastian Single-aisle with a three-sided end, massive gable rider with pointed helmet between triangular gables, built in 1848/49, modified in 1890; with equipment D-1-74-111-80 BW

Former architectural monuments

This section lists objects that were previously entered in the list of monuments.

location object description File no. image
Marktplatz 3
( location )
Gasthaus Herzog Two-storey saddle roof building in a striking urban context on the market square, end of the 18th century D-1-74-111-86 Gasthaus Herzog
Hohenried 1
( location )
Pigeon house In the Taubenhaus courtyard, 19./20. century D-1-74-111-41 Pigeon house
Plixenried 28
( location )
Dachau house sign Mid 19th century D-1-74-111-63 BW
Zeitlbacher Straße 1
( location )
Dachau house sign Next to the front door, mid-19th century D-1-74-111-74 BW
Teufelsberg 1
( location )
Court chapel Small; Built in 1958 D-1-74-111-75 BW

See also


  1. This list may not correspond to the current status of the official list of monuments. The latter can be viewed on the Internet as a PDF using the link given under web links and is also mapped in the Bavarian Monument Atlas . Even these representations, although they are updated daily by the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation , do not always and everywhere reflect the current status. Therefore, the presence or absence of an object in this list or in the Bavarian Monument Atlas does not guarantee that it is currently a registered monument or not. The Bavarian List of Monuments is also an information directory. The monument property - and thus the legal protection - is defined in Art. 1 of the Bavarian Monument Protection Act (BayDSchG) and does not depend on the mapping in the monument atlas or the entry in the Bavarian monument list. Objects that are not listed in the Bavarian Monument List can also be monuments if they meet the criteria according to Art. 1 BayDSchG. Early involvement of the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation according to Art. 6 BayDSchG is therefore necessary in all projects.


Web links

Commons : Architectural monuments in Altomünster  - collection of images, videos and audio files