List of castles, palaces, mansions and fortified sites in the Waidhofen an der Thaya district

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This list names the castles , palaces , residences and fortified sites in the Waidhofen an der Thaya district in Lower Austria .

It contains only those systems of which structural remains or visible traces in the area can be seen. Outdated systems were therefore not included in this list, nor were systems that were only archaeologically proven and currently not superficially recognizable.

Explanation of the list

  • Name: Name of the plant.
  • Municipality, address, location: Indicates in which municipality the building is located; possibly also the address. Geographic coordinates.
  • Type: The type of building is specified, such as castle, fortress, palace, manor, fortified church, rampart.
  • History: historical outline
  • Condition: Description of the current condition or use.
  • Image: Displays a picture of the building if possible.
  • Monument protection: If under monument protection, a link leads to the entry in the monument list.


Municipality, address, location
image Monument protection
Bohemian wall Raabs an der Thaya
(south of Kollmitzdörfl)
Barrier wall Barrier wall erected around 1450. largely preserved. GuentherZ 2010-07-31 0045 Kollmitzdoerfl Boehmische Mauer Tor.jpg 17279f1
Buchenstein Raabs an der Thaya
(northeast of Liebnitz)
Castle Castle built in the first half of the 13th century. Ruin. No
Dobersberg Dobersberg
Dobersberg, Schlossgasse 1
lock Castle built in 1570 (instead of a medieval castle?) receive; used as a municipal office and museum. Dobersberg - 06.JPG 1869f1
Drösiedl Ludweis-Aigen
Drösiedl 1
lock called from the late 13th century. then late Gothic moated castle; this was replaced in the second half by a new castle. receive. inhabited; Private pension. Castle Drösiedl.jpg 539f1
Eibenstein Raabs an der Thaya
(northeast of Eibenstein)
Castle Castle built in the 12th century; expanded into the 15th century. ruin Eibenstein castle ruins.jpg 7803f1
Ice rennet Thaya
(between Oberedlitz and Peigarten)
Local mountain Seat from the 12th (?) To the 14th (?) Century. Wall-trench system around the core plant can be seen No
Gaber Raabs an der Thaya
(northwest of Drosendorf)
Castle named from 1309. Dilapidated in the middle of the 16th century. Ruin (ruins of the castle chapel; otherwise only small remains of the wall have been preserved) Chapel ruin Gaberkirche - Front.jpg 17288f1
Gilgenberg (castle) Waldkirchen an der Thaya
west of Gilgenberg 24
Castle mentioned from the 14th century. Replaced by a nearby castle at the end of the 16th century. small remains of the wall. No
Gilgenberg (castle) Waldkirchen an der Thaya
Gilgenberg 26
lock Erected at the end of the 16th century. receive. inhabited. Gilgenberg Castle.jpg 21913f1
Grossau (castle) Raabs an der Thaya
Grossau, Schlossgasse 1
lock Late Renaissance building from the end of the 16th century. receive. inhabited. GuentherZ 2011-10-17 0172 Grossau Raabs Castle.jpg 17274f1
Grossau (castle) Raabs an der Thaya
(east of Kollmitzgraben)
Castle named from 1204th deserted in the 16th century. small remains of the wall. Double ditch clearly recognizable. No
Groß-Siegharts Groß-Siegharts
Groß-Siegharts, Schlossplatz 1
lock mentioned from about 1300; but the castle is probably a bit older. Expansion into a renaissance castle in the 16th century. Factory in the second half of the 19th century. Town hall since 1897. received rebuilt. used as town hall. Schloss Schlossplatz 1 - Groß Siegharts - 11-09-2011.JPG 1426f1
Grünau Windigsteig
Grünau 1
lock Seat mentioned from 1386. The castle was rebuilt in the 16th century. receive. inhabited. Former  Wasserschloss, Grünau (Windigsteig) .jpg 18888f1
Hard Thaya
(northeast of Jarolden)
Village tower According to finds, settled from the 2nd half of the 13th to the 15th century. Local desert excavated from 1977; remains of the seat discovered. Remnants of the wall of the seat with two corner towers can be seen. No
Illmau Kautzen
Illmau, Schlossgasse 2
lock Mentioned festivals from 1337. late medieval moated castle. Renaissance castle built in the 3rd quarter of the 16th century instead of a moated castle. 19./20. Used as a brewery, distillery, refugee camp and factory in the 19th century. ruin Illmau Castle (winter) .jpg 21285f1
Karlstein on the Thaya Karlstein an der Thaya
Karlstein an der Thaya, Schlossweg 4
Castle Castle from 14th century. rebuilt several times. Watch factory at the end of the 19th century. Internment camp in the First World War. Hotel business in the second half of the 20th century. receive. inhabited. Karlstein Castle on the Thaya NO.jpg 10422f1
Small competitor Gastern
bei Kleinzwettl 34
Burgstall in the 12th century fortified church (in place of a local mountain?) built. Defensive wall of the 15th century. fortified church over earth stable; clear ditch. Kleinzwettl - fortified church 3.jpg Church: 1415f1 ; Weir moat not protected.
Kollmitz (castle) Raabs an der Thaya
(east of Kollmitzgraben)
Castle named from 1293. gradually expanded until the 17th century. Decay from around 1700. ruin Kollmitz castle ruins.jpg 17279f1
Kollmitz (Burgstall) Ludweis-Aigen
near Kollmitzgraben 3
Castle Castle of the 12th / 13th centuries Century. not mentioned for certain in a document (possibly 1135?). apparently given up early. Moat clearly visible; Wall remains of the Bering. No
Liebenberg (castle) Ludweis-Aigen
near Liebenberg 2
Castle called from the late 12th century. Already deserted at the end of the 16th century. Ruin (only one corner of the wall of the keep is preserved). No
Liebenberg (local mountain) Ludweis-Aigen
(north of Liebenberg)
Local mountain Hausberganlage (Vorwerk to the castle?). Romanesque chapel, in connection with defense construction? 15.-16. Century parish church. rebuilt in baroque style. Wall / ditch around Hausberg clearly recognizable. Chapel (walls up to 2 m thick) preserved. Chapel of St.  Sebastian near Liebenberg.jpg 542f1
Liebnitz Raabs an der Thaya
Liebnitz 24
lock Romanesque castle (? if the chapel is a former castle chapel). In the 16./17. Century castle (probably instead of an older seat) built. Chapel and cultivated only a very small part of the castle. No
Luden Raabs an der Thaya
(east of Luden 29)
defensive seat? no documentary mentions known. Ceramic finds from the 11th to 15th centuries. Archaeologically proven buildings and Bering. The ditch south of the plant can be seen No
Meires (castle) Windigsteig
(west of Meires, to the right of the Gansbach)
Castle Seat (according to finds) at least from the 12th century; From 1386 festivals mentioned in a document. Destroyed in 1474. completely disintegrate. Debris mounds and protective wall and ditch systems can be seen. No
Meires (castle) Windigsteig
Meires 1
lock Small castle built in the 2nd half of the 16th century. rebuilt in the 20th century. received rebuilt. inhabited. Meires (Windigsteig), Former  Wasserschloss.jpg 18906f1
Neuhaus Karlstein an der Thaya
(southwest of Thures, left of the Thaya)
Local mountain mentioned in a document in the 14th and 15th centuries; Finds from the 13th to 15th centuries. Local mountain with wall remains; protected by a striking wall-ditch system. No
Nonndorf Raabs an der Thaya
north of Nonndorf near Raabs 19
Local mountain fortified from the 13th century. Cited as destroyed in 1456. Terrain impaired by gravel mining in the 2nd half of the 19th century. Local mountain, partly surrounded by a ditch, clearly recognizable. No
Peigarten Thaya
Peigarten 1
Castle Seat from the early 13th century. in the 14./15. Century expanded and strengthened. Used industrially in the 19th century, then close to decay. Repaired in the last quarter of the 20th century. received rebuilt. inhabited. Peigarten Castle S 1 700 2.jpg 680f1
Primmersdorf Raabs an der Thaya
Primmersdorf 1
lock The castle was built in 1667 (just north of the site of a medieval, now abandoned castle). Romanticizingly remodeled at the beginning of the 20th century. received modernized. inhabited. GuentherZ 2010-12-04 0029 Primmersdorf Castle.jpg 17295f1
Raabs an der Thaya (castle) Raabs an der Thaya
Oberndorf bei Raabs 1
Castle Castle first mentioned in 1100. Gradually expanded, about today's size since the 16th century. receive. inhabited. Raabs castle 1995 01.jpg 1580f1
Raabs an der Thaya (city) Raabs an der Thaya
Raabs an der Thaya, Hauptplatz / Hauptstraße / An der Stadtmauer
City fortifications Fortified city in the late Middle Ages. eastern gate demolished in 1859, western gate demolished in 1885. Parts of the wall and some towers have been preserved. City wall in Raabs an der Thaya at GstNr 167 SW - Pano.jpg 17298 17299 74656f1 f1 f1
Schellingshof Dobersberg
near Riegers 41
Raised hide probably medieval tower; Castle built around 1570 over its remains; Around 1700 one wing of the castle was converted into a bulk box, the rest of the castle had fallen away. Used as an Aussiedlerhof (Allentsteig military training area). small parts received completely rebuilt. No
Taxis Kautzen
Großtaxen 1
lock From the middle of the 14th century the seat can be documented. today's castle in the core from 16./17. Century. Devastated in 1621. Modifications in the 18th and 19th centuries Century. received rebuilt. inhabited. 21282f1 (only since 2013)
Thaya Thaya
Thaya, Bahnhofstrasse 1a
Village tower mentioned from the early 14th century. received rebuilt. Local museum. Museum Thaya.jpg No
Vestenötting (castle) Waidhofen an der Thaya
(east of Vestenötting 23)
Burgstall Seat mentioned from the middle of the 13th century. Replaced by a new castle at the end of the 16th century. Castle lost; Digging recognizable. unclear whether the core of the church still contains remains of the castle chapel. No
Vestenötting (castle) Waidhofen an der Thaya
Vestenötting 1
lock Castle built in 1587. changed baroque. Castle in bad condition. Vestenötting Castle.jpg 20379f1
Waidhofen an der Thaya (castle) Waidhofen an der Thaya
Waidhofen an der Thaya, Schlossgasse 1
lock Castle built in the second half of the 12th century. expanded in the 14th century. 16./17. Conversion to a castle. In 1770 completely redesigned and unified in the baroque style, defensive elements removed. Castle in bad condition. Waidhofen Castle from S 2017.jpg 22392f1
Waidhofen an der Thaya (city) Waidhofen an der Thaya
Waidhofen an der Thaya, main square and surrounding streets
City fortifications Fortified city in the Middle Ages; 1522 fortifications restored. City moat filled in in 1792; three city gates demolished in the 19th century. Wall largely preserved. City wall Waidhofen an der Thaya.JPG partially ( 17372 18921 25675 29942 33881 33882 33887 ) f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1
Weikertschlag Raabs an der Thaya
(between Weikertschlag and Oberndorf near Weikertschlag)
Castle mentioned from the 2nd half of the 12th century. Expanded in the 13th century. Abandoned in the 15th century. minor ruin. mighty wall-moat system protects the extensive area. GuentherZ 2010-07-31 0162 Weikertschlag Ruin.jpg 18222f1
Weeping Karlstein an der Thaya
Weinern 1
lock Proven seat from the 14th century. Castle from the 16th century. today's main building built around 1740; Expanded in 1870. receive. inhabited. Weinern Castle southeast view.jpg 10414f1
Gegenberg Raabs an der Thaya
(west of Oberndorf bei Raabs)
Local mountain named from 1314. Local mountain recognizable; small remains of the wall. No
Windigsteig Windigsteig
Windigsteig, Marktplatz 10
lock Seat mentioned from the end of the 13th century. 1562 expansion to a castle. Damaged in a fire in 1677, then converted into a rectory. received heavily rebuilt. inhabited. Windigsteig, Pfarrhof.jpg 18915f1

Individual evidence

  1. Entry about Kollmitz on NÖ-Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  2. Entry about Buchenstein on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, University of Salzburg
  3. ^ Entry about Dobersberg on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  4. Entry about Drösiedl on NÖ-Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  5. ^ Entry about Eibenstein II on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  6. Entry about Eislab at Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, University of Salzburg
  7. ^ Entry about Gaber on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  8. a b Entry about Gilgenberg at NÖ-Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age, University of Salzburg
  9. Entry about Grossau I on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  10. Entry about Grossau I on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  11. ^ Entry about Siegharts on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  12. ^ Entry about Grünau on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  13. ^ Entry about Hard on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  14. Entry about Illmau on NÖ-Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age, University of Salzburg
  15. ^ Entry about Karlstein on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  16. Entry about Kleinzwettl on NÖ-Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, University of Salzburg
  17. ^ Entry about Kollmitz II on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  18. ^ Entry about Kollmitz I on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  19. ^ Entry about Liebenberg II on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  20. ^ Entry about Liebenberg I on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  21. entry about Liebnitz on NE-Burgen online - Institute of Material Culture of the Middle Ages and the early modern period, University of Salzburg
  22. ^ Entry about Gaber II on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  23. a b Entry about Meires on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, University of Salzburg
  24. ^ Entry about Neuhaus auf NÖ-Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  25. ^ Entry about Nonndorf on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  26. Entry on Peigarten auf NÖ-Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  27. ^ Entry about Primmersdorf on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, University of Salzburg
  28. Entry about Raabs on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  29. Georg Dehio (greeting), Evelyn Benesch et al. (Arrangement): Lower Austria north of the Danube (Die Kunstdenkmäler Österreichs). Verlag Berger, Horn 2010, pp. 922, 930.
  30. Entry about Schellingshof at Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  31. Entry about taxes on Lower Austria castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  32. ^ Entry about Thaya on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  33. a b Entry about Vestenötting on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, University of Salzburg
  34. Entry about Waidhofen on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  35. Georg Dehio (greeting), Evelyn Benesch et al. (Arrangement): Lower Austria north of the Danube (Die Kunstdenkmäler Österreichs). Verlag Berger, Horn 2010, pp. 1221, 1222.
  36. ^ Entry about Weikertschlag on Lower Austria castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  37. ^ Entry about Weinern on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  38. Entry about Gegenberg auf NÖ-Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  39. Entry about Windigsteig on NÖ-Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, University of Salzburg