List of castles, palaces, mansions and fortified sites in the Horn district

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This list names the castles , palaces , residences and fortified sites in the Horn district in Lower Austria .

It contains only those systems of which structural remains or visible traces in the area can be seen. Outdated systems were therefore not included in this list, nor were systems that were only archaeologically proven and currently not superficially recognizable.

Explanation of the list

  • Name: Name of the plant.
  • Municipality, address, location: Indicates in which municipality the building is located; possibly also the address. Geographic coordinates.
  • Type: The type of building is specified, such as castle, fortress, palace, manor, fortified church, rampart.
  • History: historical outline
  • Condition: Description of the current condition or use.
  • Image: Displays a picture of the building if possible.
  • Monument protection: If under monument protection, a link leads to the entry in the monument list.


Municipality, address, location
image Monument protection
Alteck Sigmundsherberg
(southeast of Theras, left of the Pulkau)
Burgstall fortified settlement of the Bronze Age. Used as a settlement site until the Middle Ages. not documented. Ditch / rampart recognizable. No
Altenburg (castle) Altenburg
(southeast of Altenburg Abbey)
Burgstall Castle mentioned as Altenburg in the middle of the 12th century . Section trench, small remains of the wall. No
Altenburg (monastery) Altenburg
Altenburg, Abt-Placidus-Much-Straße 1
pen Monastery founded in 1138; destroyed several times, ruined in the middle of the 16th century. Reinforced and expanded around 1600. from the middle of the 17th to the middle of the 18th century, a monumental new building without military character. small parts of the medieval fortifications have been preserved. today's building used as a monastery. Altenburg Stift Altenburg 08.JPG 84421f1
Fire wall Irnfritz knives
(between knives and Poigen, on the left side of the Taffa)
Rampart unknown time. two walls faintly recognizable. No
Breiteneich (old) Horn
Breiteneich 64
lock New building around 1540, but the core from the 14th century. receive. inhabited. Breiteneich - old castle.JPG 31392f1
Breiteneich (new) Horn
Breiteneich 1
lock built in the first half of the 17th century. receive. inhabited. GuentherZ 2012-07-28 0145 Breiteneich01 new lock.JPG 31391f1
Brugg (Schlossberg) Sigmundsherberg
(southeast of Brugg, on the right of the Pulkau)
Burgstall not mentioned in a document. spur secured by ditches recognizable. No
Buchberg am Kamp Gars am Kamp
Buchberg 1
Castle Castle built in the middle of the 12th century (the core of today's castle chapel goes back to this). 13th century keep. Renaissance building from the 16th century; converted into a castle in the 17th century. Remodeled, good condition, inhabited. Buchberg Castle 5606.jpg 31445f1
Burgschleinitz Burgschleinitz-Kühnring
Burgschleinitz 1
Castle Castle from the 2nd half of the 11th century; New building at the end of the 13th century. Decline at the end of the 15th century. Expansion to a castle around 1590. receive. inhabited. GuentherZ 2011-02-26 0072 Burgschleinitz Burg.jpg 31448f1
Drosendorf Drosendorf-Zissersdorf
Drosendorf, Schlossplatz 1
Castle Castle built at the end of the 12th century. First half of the 14th century rebuilt and expanded. In the 16th century it was converted into a castle and expanded. receive. inhabited. Drosendorf-Zissersdorf Castle Drosendorf.JPG 31464f1
Drosendorf town Drosendorf-Zissersdorf
City fortifications City fortified with wall ring (innermost wall) and gate towers from the time it was founded at the end of the 12th century. In the 14./15. Century 2nd wall with 10 towers erected. Partly 3rd wall built in the 16th century. 1843 gate and outermost wall torn down, water ditch filled in. Most of the city walls and towers have been preserved. GuentherZ 2015-03-28 (44) Drosendorf-City city wall north.JPG 73607 130938 130939 130940f1 f1 f1 f1
Drosendorf old town (Johannesberg) Drosendorf-Zissersdorf
Local mountain Seat in the 12th century; abandoned after the establishment of Drosendorf (around 1200). slight traces of terraces and walls. 31463f1
Corner stone Altenburg
(between Altenburg and large-Postal, the right side in the valley of the Little Taffa)
Castle Abandoned castle at the end of the 13th century. small remains of the wall. No
Eggenburg (castle) Eggenburg
Eggenburg, Burggasse 16
Castle Castle built in the 12th century, keep around 1200. Gate tower from 14th century. Decline from the 17th century. Villa built in ruins around 1880. heavily rebuilt, partially preserved. inhabited. 131439f1
Eggenburg (city wall) Eggenburg
Eggenburg (around the entire old town).
City fortifications City wall built from 1290. expanded until the 17th century. City wall largely preserved in good condition. Chancellor Tower Eggenburg 03.jpg 31495 31531 31534 31536 31537 31538 31539 31540 31541 31542 31543 31544 31545 31546 87826f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1
Feinfeld Röhrenbach
near Feinfeld 43
Castle Castle from 13th century. Decline from the 18th century. 1994/2002 archaeologically examined; then partly built over. Ruins of the core castle. The outer bailey recently built over. Feinfeld Tower.jpg no
( 31593f1 repealed 2011)
Fronsburg Weitersfeld
Fronsburg 1
lock mentioned in a document from 1230. The oldest parts of today's castle date from the 15th (round tower east of the chapel) and the middle of the 16th (east wing) century. receive. inhabited. GuentherZ 1999 IMG0055 Fronsburg Castle.jpg 131778 (only since 2020) f1
Fuchsberg Irnfritz-Messern
(near Kaidling, north of Poigen)
Castle mentioned from 1237 to the 15th century. ruin No
Geras (pen) Geras
Geras, Hauptstrasse 1
pen Monastery founded in 1153; destroyed several times. Fortifications from 15th to 17th centuries. Considerable parts of the wall and five round towers have been preserved. Premonstratensian Monastery Geras, aerial photo 3.JPG 90747f1
Goggitsch Geras
near Kottaun 6
lock Called the seat from the 13th century. Burned down in 1620. Divided in 1786, 5 farms were created. converted beyond recognition to several farms. House number 53 in the core from the 16th century. No
Greillenstein Röhrenbach
Greillenstein 1
Castle (on the site of a former castle) Family mentioned in the 13th century, castle in the 14th century. In 1580 the castle was built in place of the castle. Remodeling around 1700. receive. to visit. Greillenstein - Castle.JPG 31772f1
Grub Irnfritz knives
Grub 13
Castle Castle built in the second quarter of the 13th century. expanded into the 15th century. Destroyed in 1620. since 1970 restoration. restored ruin Castle ruins Grub II.jpg 31831f1
Grünberg St. Bernhard-Frauenhofen
(northwest of Grünberg)
Castle Castle mentioned from 1155. demolished in the 14th century. Chapel built on parts of the castle in the 17th century. small remains of the wall; Chapel preserved. only the chapel: 54013f1
Harmannsdorf Burgschleinitz-Kühnring
Harmannsdorf 1
lock Castle from around 1280. Around 1612 expansion into a castle. Baroque in the 18th century, expanded in the 19th century. Bertha von Suttner's residence at the end of the 19th century . receive. inhabited. 2013-07-28 Berta v.  Suttner Schloss Harmannsdorf.jpg 31934f1
Haselberg Irnfritz knives
at Haselberg 1
Castle Seat mentioned from 1290 to the 15th century. Local mountain recognizable; former castle chapel has been preserved. GuentherZ 2012-09-16 0061 Haselberg former castle chapel.jpg 54137f1
Horn (castle) Horn
Horn, Schlossplatz 1
Castle Castle expanded in the second half of the 13th century. Conversions to a castle in the 16th, 18th and 19th centuries. Remodeled preserved, good condition, administration building. Horn Castle.jpg 32057f1
Horn (city wall) Horn
Horn, along Robert-Hamerling-Strasse, Wiener Strasse, Mühlgasse, Stadtgraben.
City fortifications City wall built around 1300. expanded in the 16th and 17th centuries. considerable parts of the city wall have been preserved. GuentherZ 2011-05-14 0041 Horn city wall.jpg 32035 32036 32047 32056 32058 32061 54275 77490 90782 128580 128581 128583 128585f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1
Kamegg Gars am Kamp
near Kamegg 86
Castle Castle built in the 12th century; Expansion in the 13th and 14th centuries. Decay since 17th century. Ruin. Kamegg castle ruins 02.jpg 70997f1
Kamegg (Tabor) Gars am Kamp
(southwest of Kamegg, on the Tabor)
Rampart Bronze Age finds. Wall recognizable to an area of ​​approx. 500 × 200 m in size. No
Kattau Meiseldorf
Kattau 1
lock mentioned from the 14th century. today's castle built around 1640. Desolate in the middle of the 20th century, one wing collapsed. largely received. inhabited. Kattau Castle2.jpg 32135f1
Monastery Gars am Kamp
(on the right side of the Kamp; across from Zitternberg)
Castle Castle of the early 13th century. gave up early. Popularly (incorrectly) associated with monastery. Ruin. No
Kottaun Geras
near Kottaun 6
Local mountain Festivals mentioned in the 14th century. only part of a ring wall still recognizable on the southeast side; The rest of the work was done away with by building a sports field. No
Kühnring Burgschleinitz-Kühnring
Burgschleinitz 1
Castle Castle built in the first half of the 12th century. Decline in the 2nd half of the 15th century. Remains blown up / used as a quarry in the 17th century. Remains of the castle wall; Parish church is essentially the former castle chapel. GuentherZ 2011-07-09 0181 Kuehnring Kalvarienberg Church Karner.jpg 130290 69570f1
Loibersdorf Gars am Kamp
Loibersdorf 2
Castle Castle built in the 13th century. Destroyed in 1425, then rebuilt. then Meierhof of Göttweig Abbey. in rural ownership, completely rebuilt. converted to serve as a farm building. 68518 (only since 2017) f1
Mahrersdorf Altenburg
bei Mahrersdorf 20
Castle Castle built in the early 13th century. expanded several times. Destroyed in 1480. Ruin. Mahrersdorf castle ruins north outer wall.jpg 26193f1
Maiersch Gars am Kamp
Maiersch 35
Castle Castle built in the 12th century. Decay, completely rebuilt. converted into a workshop. No
Meiseldorf Meiseldorf
Meiseldorf 10
Castle Seat built in the 12th century; documented in the 13./14. Century. a small part completely rebuilt in a farm preserved (west wing: courtyard-side bifore window on the upper floor and masonry on the ground floor from the 12th century). No
Missingdorf Sigmundsherberg
Missingdorf 18
lock Aristocratic seat mentioned from the 12th century. Castle in the 16./17. It was converted into a castle in the 19th century. heavily rebuilt, partially preserved. inhabited. GuentherZ 2011-07-30 0175 Missingdorf Tower Chapel.jpg 32858f1
Neudegg Sigmundsherberg
(southeast of Theras, left of the Pulkau)
Castle called from the end of the 12th century. Deserted at the end of the 14th century, but then rebuilt. Described as abandoned at the end of the 17th century. Ruin. Sigmundsherberg castle ruins Neudegg foundation walls.jpg 10115f1
Oberhöflein Weitersfeld
Oberhöflein 1
lock named from 1221. today's building in the core from the 13th century. expanded in the 16th century (Renaissance). baroque in the 18th century. receive. inhabited. Oberhöflein Castle west view 2015-09.jpg 33050f1
Oberthumeritz Japons
Oberthumeritz 13
lock seated perhaps as early as the 13th century. Knighted in 1562 in any case. partially preserved; House in the core from the 17th century. No
Barren Castle (Tursenstein) Altenburg
(in a Kamp loop west of Rosenburg)
Castle Castle built around 1100. Destroyed in 1265, then rebuilt. destroyed around 1400. Ruin. Castle ruin Ödes Schloss - remains of the wall 1.jpg 70993f1
Pernegg (castle) Pernegg
(southeast of the monastery)
Castle Castle founded in the 11th century. loses importance in the 14th century; Partly demolished in the 15th century to obtain material for the construction of a monastery. Castle chapel renovated in 1902. Ruin. ? (maybe included with 87462f1 )
Pernegg (Burgstall) Pernegg
(east of Staningersdorf, above the Pernegg trench)
Burgstall no documentary mention is known. Discovered in 2002. spur protected by digging. No
Pernegg (market) Pernegg
bei Pernegg 14
Market consolidation Market fortified in the 13th century? Vischer-Stich 1672 shows the reinforcement of the market. small remains of a gate preserved. No
Pernegg (pen) Pernegg
Pernegg 1
pen Stift founded in 1153; Enclosing walls from the 15th to 17th centuries. Considerable parts of the surrounding wall (with battlements, key notches, round towers) have been preserved. Pernegg.jpg 87462f1
Plesberg Irnfritz-Messern
(southeast of Klein-Ulrichschlag)
Local mountain Seat mentioned from 1190 to the 14th century. Ring trench around the core plant recognizable; small remains of the wall. No
Rietenburg Horn
(south of the Jewish cemetery, left of the Taffa)
Castle Named the castle from 1144. Presumably only existed until the 13th century. distinctive moat, small remains of the wall. No
Röschitz Röschitz
at Röschitz 126, and at Röschitz 138
Market consolidation Market fortified in the 15th or 16th century, with thin walls and simple gate towers. only a few remains of the gates have survived. Röschitz city gate.jpg partial
( 74209f1 )
Rosenburg Rosenburg-Mold
Rosenburg 1
Castle Mentioned from 1175. in the 16th century one of the centers of the Reformation in Lower Austria. Decline in the 18th century; restored in the 2nd half of the 19th century. receive. to visit. Rosenburg - Castle (0) .JPG 33358f1
Saxon village Burgschleinitz-Kühnring
near Sachsendorf 18
Castle around 1000 wooden defense tower; in the 11th century stone weir system. rebuilt several times until the 15th century. Destroyed around 1480. Thoroughly archaeologically examined around 1990. Ruin. Information boards. Excavations in the Krahuletz Museum Eggenburg can be visited. GuentherZ 2012-11-03 0184 Sachsendorf near Maissau Burganlage.jpg 69574f1
St. Bernhard (pitcher) St. Bernhard-Frauenhofen
St. Bernhard 2
Castle mentioned from the 1st half of the 12th century. Founded next to it in 1284, the castle was soon abandoned as a noble residence. former residential building of the castle in the 16./17. It was converted into a warehouse in the 19th century. Parts received rebuilt. inhabited. 55749f1
Sankt Marein (castle) Brunn an der Wild
near Sankt Marein 1
Castle Castle from the 12th century. Replaced in the 16th century by a castle built next to it. Digging recognizable. No
Sankt Marein (castle) Brunn an der Wild
Sankt Marein 1
lock Castle built in the 16th century. Partly demolished in the 2nd half of the 17th century. small part preserved, used as a vicarage. St. Marein - Pfarrhof.JPG 55771f1
Jump Gars am Kamp
(west above Thunau)
Fortified hilltop settlement fortified settlement as early as 1000 BC In the 8th century the seat of a Slavic principality. stately walls preserved. Reconstructed gate system. Schanzberg near Thunau sl2.jpg 130319f1
Mold jump Gars am Kamp
(south of Thunau)
Castle Castle built from the end of the 12th century. Decay from the 14th century. Ruin. Schimmelsprung castle ruins sl1.jpg 69737f1
Schwarzenstein Brunn an der Wild
(east of Dietmannsdorf an der Wild)
Castle Castle, abandoned in the 13th century? Digging, heaps of rubble, small remains of walls. No
Sitzendorf Irnfritz-Messern
(east of Sitzendorf, south of Messern 44)
Burgstall Seat mentioned from the middle of the 12th to the beginning of the 14th century. The moat and wall can be seen. No
Stallegg Rosenburg-Mold
(south of Stallegg)
Castle Castle mentioned from 1200. Decay in the 16th century. ruin Castle ruins Stallegg 07 2015-08.jpg 71079f1
Starrein (local mountain) Next field
in Starrein 1
Local mountain mentioned from the end of the 12th century. Local mountain recognizable. No
Rigid (castle) Weitersfeld
Starrein 1
Castle (instead of a castle) Castle built around 1570 (using parts of a castle from the 15th century). in bad condition. GuentherZ 2011-07-30 0182 Starrein Castle.jpg 33718f1
Steinegg Altenburg
bei Steinegg 13
Castle Castle built in the 13th century. expanded several times. 1428 (?) Destroyed. Ruin. Steinegg castle ruins - archway in the north-eastern outer wall.jpg 70994f1
Stutter Meiseldorf
Stockern 1
Castle mentioned from 1200. rebuilt after destruction in the early 16th century. Rebuilt / expanded around 1575. receive. inhabited. Stockern-Castle-01.JPG 33775f1
Stoitzendorf Eggenburg
Stoitzendorf 1
lock Castle built in 1628/29, partly including the walls of a castle from the 14th century. receive. inhabited. 33777f1
Pour St. Bernhard-Frauenhofen
Strögen 1
Castle named from 1135 to the 14th century. Church repaired after being destroyed by the Hussites in 1437. The castle has run down, but the former chapel (core from the century) has been preserved as a converted church; Enclosing wall partially from the 12th century. Catholic parish church hll.  Peter and Paul in Strögen II.jpg 55909 77080f1 f1
Tabor Gars am Kamp
Thunau, at Taborgasse 235
Local mountain late medieval house mountain complex. The trench and the frustoconical core can be clearly seen in the terrain. No
Therasburg Sigmundsherberg
Theras 97
Castle Seat from the 13th century. around 1570 new building. abandoned late 17th century. Restored in a romanticizing way in the middle and end of the 19th century. rebuilt / restored. inhabited. 33792f1
Thunau (Gars) Gars am Kamp
Thunau, Am Schlossberg 25
Castle 11th century Babenberg residence. frequently changing owners, decline from the 18th century. Ruin. Festival location. Gertrudskirche and Gars castle ruins in Thunau am Kamp 2015-04.jpg 33796f1
Thürnau Drosendorf-Zissersdorf
(near Unterthürnau)
Castle mentioned from the middle of the 12th to the end of the 14th century. Ruin. extensive system (about 200 m long) with distinctive ditches and ramparts; only small remains of the wall. No
Thurnhof Horn
Horn, Rathausplatz 4, 5
Raised hide Residence since the 13th century (?). New building in 1582. Remodeled in 1996. Remodeled preserved (15th century vaults on the ground floor), good condition. Town hall. GuentherZ 2011-09-10 0380 Horn Town Hall.jpg 54279f1
Trabenreith Irnfritz knives
at Trabenreith 31
Burgstall mentioned from 1300. Decay from the 17th century. Neck ditch clearly recognizable. No
Untermixnitz Weitersfeld
Untermixnitz 1
Castle (instead of a castle) called castle from 1393. In the 16th century a castle was built in place of the castle. receive. inhabited. 74488 (only since 2020) f1
Walkenstein Sigmundsherberg
Walkenstein 1
Castle (in place of a former castle) high medieval castle. Destroyed in 1645. Newly built castle around 1670. receive. inhabited. GuentherZ 2011-10-01 0175 Walkenstein Castle.jpg 33919f1
Weitersfeld Weitersfeld
at Weitersfeld 7
Burgstall built in the 12th century castle. Destroyed by the Hussites in 1430. Castle lost. On the tower and south side of the church (former castle chapel), brickwork from the 12th century can be seen. north wall. 56193f1
Wiesent Burgschleinitz-Kühnring
Amelsdorf 1
Castle (on the site of a former castle) Castle from the 14th century was destroyed in 1481. Castle built in 1571. receive. inhabited. GuentherZ 2011-07-09 0020 Amelsdorf Castle Wisent.jpg 69572f1
Wildberg Irnfritz knives
knives 1
Castle Castle from 1135. New building in the 14th century; expanded into the 16th century. receive. inhabited. GuentherZ 2012-09-16 0103 Knives Schloss Wildberg.jpg 32850f1
Zaingrub Rosenburg-Mold
Zaingrub 28
Village tower Seat from around 1200. Ruinous in the 16th century. received rebuilt. inhabited. No
Zettlitz Drosendorf-Zissersdorf
(between Zettlitz and Eibenstein)
Local mountain Identification with officially named residences (Zetlitz, Finkenstein, Chalsenreuth) disputed. Ceramic finds dated to the 12th to 14th centuries. Local mountain (core plant, rubble hill, wall ditch system) recognizable. No
Zogelsdorf Burgschleinitz-Kühnring
Zogelsdorf 10
lock Noble seat from the early 16th century, rebuilt in 1670. changed in 19th / 20th Century. receive. inhabited. GuentherZ 2011-07-09 0157 Zogelsdorf Castle.jpg 70941f1

Individual evidence

  1. Entry about Alteck on NÖ-Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  2. Entry about Altenburg on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  3. Georg Dehio (greeting), Evelyn Benesch et al. (Arrangement): Lower Austria north of the Danube (Die Kunstdenkmäler Österreichs). Verlag Berger, Horn 2010, p. 11ff.
  4. Georg Dehio (greeting), Evelyn Benesch et al. (Arrangement): Lower Austria north of the Danube (Die Kunstdenkmäler Österreichs). Verlag Berger, Horn 2010, p. 732.
  5. a b Entry about Breiteneich on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, University of Salzburg
  6. ^ Entry about Sigmundsherberg on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  7. Entry about Buchberg auf NÖ-Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, University of Salzburg
  8. ^ Entry about Burgschleinitz on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  9. ^ Entry about Drosendorf II on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  10. ^ Entry about Drosendorf I on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  11. ^ Entry about Drosendorf I on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  12. Entry about Eckenstein on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, University of Salzburg
  13. ^ Entry about Eggenburg I on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  14. ^ Entry about Feinfeld on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  15. ^ Entry about Fronsburg on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Realienkunde of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  16. Entry about Fuchsberg on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, University of Salzburg
  17. Georg Dehio (greeting), Evelyn Benesch et al. (Arrangement): Lower Austria north of the Danube (Die Kunstdenkmäler Österreichs). Verlag Berger, Horn 2010, pp. 253ff.
  18. Entry about Goggitsch on NÖ-Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  19. ^ Entry about Greillenstein on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  20. Entry about Grub auf NÖ-Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  21. ^ Entry about Grünberg at Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  22. ^ Entry about Harmannsdorf on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  23. Entry about Haselberg in Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  24. Entry about Horn on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  25. Entry about Kamegg on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, University of Salzburg
  26. Entry about Neu-Kattau on NÖ-Burgen online - Institute for Realienkunde of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  27. Entry about Klösterl on NÖ-Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  28. ^ Entry about Kottaun on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  29. Entry about Kühnring on NÖ-Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  30. Entry about Loibersdorf at Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  31. Entry about Mahrersdorf on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, University of Salzburg
  32. ^ Entry about Maiersch on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  33. ^ Entry about Meiseldorf on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  34. Entry about Missingdorf in Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  35. Entry about Neudegg on NÖ-Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, University of Salzburg
  36. Entry about Oberhöflein on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  37. Entry about Oberthumeritz on NÖ-Burgen online - Institute for Realienkunde of the Middle Ages and the early modern times, University of Salzburg
  38. Entry about Tursenstein on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era , University of Salzburg
  39. Entry about Pernegg I on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, University of Salzburg
  40. Entry about Pernegg II on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  41. Georg Dehio (greeting), Evelyn Benesch et al. (Arrangement): Lower Austria north of the Danube (Die Kunstdenkmäler Österreichs). Verlag Berger, Horn 2010, p. 863.
  42. Georg Dehio (greeting), Evelyn Benesch et al. (Arrangement): Lower Austria north of the Danube (Die Kunstdenkmäler Österreichs). Verlag Berger, Horn 2010, p. 863ff.
  43. entry about Plesberg on NE-Burgen online - Institute of Material Culture of the Middle Ages and the early modern period, University of Salzburg
  44. ^ Entry about Rietenburg on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  45. Georg Dehio (greeting), Evelyn Benesch et al. (Arrangement): Lower Austria north of the Danube (Die Kunstdenkmäler Österreichs). Verlag Berger, Horn 2010, p. 991.
  46. ^ Entry about Rosenburg on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  47. ^ Entry about Sachsendorf on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  48. Entry about Krug on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, University of Salzburg
  49. a b Entry about St. Marein in Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age, University of Salzburg
  50. ^ Entry about Thunau on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  51. ^ Entry about Schwarzenstein I on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  52. Entry about Sitzendorf on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  53. Entry about Stallegg at Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, University of Salzburg
  54. Entry about Starrein I on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, University of Salzburg
  55. entry about Starrein II on NE-Burgen online - Institute of Material Culture of the Middle Ages and the early modern period, University of Salzburg
  56. Entry about Steinegg on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  57. Entry about Stockern on Lower Austria castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, University of Salzburg
  58. Entry about Stoitzendorf in Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  59. ^ Entry about Strögen in Lower Austria castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  60. ^ Entry about Tabor on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  61. Entry about Therasburg on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Realienkunde of the Middle Ages and the early modern times, University of Salzburg
  62. Entry about Gars auf NÖ-Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  63. ^ Entry about Tyrnau on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  64. ^ Entry about Thurnhof on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  65. Entry about Trabenreith on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  66. Entry about Untermixnitz on NÖ-Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  67. ^ Entry about Walkenstein on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  68. ^ Entry about Weitersfeld on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  69. ^ Entry about Wiesent on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  70. ^ Entry about Wildberg auf NÖ-Burgen online - Institute for Realienkunde of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  71. ^ Entry about Zaingrub on Lower Austria Castles online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age, University of Salzburg
  72. ^ Entry about Zettlitz on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg
  73. Entry about Zogelsdorf on Lower Austria Burgen online - Institute for Reality Studies of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era, University of Salzburg