List of church buildings in the district of Ebersberg

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The list of church buildings in the Ebersberg district lists all the churches and (larger) chapels in the Ebersberg district in Upper Bavaria . The Ebersberg district is traditionally predominantly Roman Catholic. However, due to the influx of people into the area around the state capital Munich, there are also some Evangelical Lutheran parishes.

The church landscape in the district of Ebersberg is, as in large parts of Upper Bavaria, stylistically largely uniform. Typical for the region are late Gothic or Romanesque hall churches, which were largely converted to Baroque style in the 17th and 18th centuries. Neo-Gothic or Neo-Romanesque parish churches are the exception. In the western parishes of the district, the small village churches were often too small due to the growing population due to the proximity to Munich, which is why new parish churches were built in the style of the respective time. This last happened in 2018 in Poing with the new parish church in Sel. Father Rupert Mayer.


image Interior Surname con-
Municipality / district construction time Notes / architectural style
Parish Church Anzing-01.jpg
Mary's Birth Anzing 20.jpg
Virgin Mary's birth Roman Catholic Anzing
( location )
St. Georg Assling-4.jpg
St. George Roman Catholic Aßling
( location )
Evangelical parish hall ev.-luth. Aßling
( location )
St. Egidius Dorfen Assling-2.jpg
St. Egidius (Dorfen) 2.jpg
St. Aegidius Roman Catholic Aßling / Dorfen
( location )
~ 1500 Late Gothic branch church
St. Andreas (Loitersdorf, Aßling) 1.jpg
St. Andreas (Loitersdorf, Aßling) 2.jpg
St. Andrew Roman Catholic Aßling / Loitersdorf
( location )
~ 1200 Late Romanesque branch church
Sankt Laurentius (Lorenzenberg) 1.jpg
St. Laurence Roman Catholic Aßling / Lorenzberg
( location )
~ 1200 Late Romanesque branch church
St. Laurentius Holzen Assling-1.jpg
St. Laurentius Holzen 1.jpg
St. Laurence Roman Catholic Aßling / Holzen
( location )
18th century Choir and tower from the 15th century
St. Ursula Roman Catholic Aßling / Niclasreuth
( location )
Hall church with late Gothic choir
Steinkirchen Aßling-1.jpg
St. Martin Roman Catholic Aßling / Steinkirchen
( location )
St. Jakobus Antholing Baiern-1.jpg
Interior St. Jakobus Antholing Baiern-2.jpg
St. James Roman Catholic Baiern / Antholing
( location )
1911 Neo-Baroque hall church
Mariae Birth Berganger Baiern-2.jpg
Virgin Mary's birth Roman Catholic Baiern / Berganger
( location )
Weiterskirchen St. Maria.jpg
St. Maria Weiterskirchen 9.jpg
St. Mary Roman Catholic Baiern / Weiterskirchen
( location )
1642 Baroque hall church
Piusheim Baiern 2.jpg
St. Raphael Piusheim 14.jpg
St. Raphael Roman Catholic Baiern / Piusheim
( location )
1913 School church of the former education center (today: Freie Schule Glonntal )
St. Peter and Paul Bruck-2.jpg
St. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Bruck
( location )
1734 Baroque hall church
St. Michael Alxing Bruck-6.jpg
St. Michael Alxing 6.jpg
St. Michael Roman Catholic Bruck / Alxing
( location )
1858 Hall church
St. Castulus Roman Catholic Bruck / Pullenhofen
( location )
18th century Branch church with a late Romanesque core from the 12th century.
St. Georg Taglaching Bruck-5.jpg
St. George Roman Catholic Bruck / Taglaching
( location )
13th century Romanesque hall church
Wildenholzen Castle Chapel 1.jpg
St. Andrew Roman Catholic Bruck / Wildenholzen
( location )
ChurchStSebastian Ebersberg-02.jpg
St. Sebastian (Ebersberg) interior 2.jpg
St. Sebastian Roman Catholic Ebersberg
( location )
14th century
15th century
Three-aisled baroque hall church with a Romanesque core; In the following centuries it was enlarged and redesigned in a baroque style
Holy Spirit Church ev.-luth. Ebersberg
( location )
EnglmengKirche Ebersberg-01.JPG
St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Ebersberg / Englmeng
( location )
Romanesque or Gothic village church, later changed to Baroque style.
St Margaretha Haselbach v N.jpg
St Margaretha Haselbach interior 1.jpg
St. Margaretha Roman Catholic Ebersberg / Haselbach
( location )
1498 Late Gothic hall church
ChurchStMichael Hinteregglburg-02.JPG
St. Michael Roman Catholic Ebersberg / Hinteregglburg
( location )
~ 1200 Romanesque hall church
OberndorfKirche Ebersberg-01.JPG
St Georg Oberndorf interior 2.jpg
St. George Roman Catholic Ebersberg / Oberndorf
( location )
Late Gothic hall church, later redesigned in Baroque style
TraxlKirche Ebersberg-01.JPG
St. Anna Traxl 20.jpg
St. Anna Roman Catholic Ebersberg / Traxl
( location )
1497 Late Gothic hall church
St. Michael Egmating-3.jpg
St. Johann Baptist Roman Catholic Egmating
( location )
~ 1200 Romanesque choir tower church with later extensions.
St. Andreas Lindach Egmating-2.jpg
St. Andreas Altar Lindach Egmating-1.jpg
St. Andrew Roman Catholic Egmating / Lindach
( location )
Romanesque hall church
Johannes d.  T. Muenster Egmating-1.jpg
Johannes d.  T. Muenster interior Egmating-1.jpg
St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Egmating / Münster
( location )
Emmering with St. Pankratius (3) .jpg
St. Pancras Roman Catholic Emmering
( location )
15th century
Kronau, Gde. Emmering (EBE) 2.jpg
St. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Emmering / Kronau
( location )
15th century Late Gothic hall church, later redesigned in Baroque style.
Forstinning Parish Church-01.jpg
Mariae Visitation Interior Forstinning-1.jpg
Visitation of the Virgin Mary Roman Catholic Forstinning
( location )
1766 Baroque hall church
Parish Church Frauenneuharting.jpg
Frauenneuharting parish church interior 1.2.jpg
Visitation of the Virgin Mary Roman Catholic Frauenneuharting
( location )
St. Leonhard Roman Catholic Frauenneuharting / Haging
( location )
~ 1000 Romanesque hall church, later first gothic and then baroque.
St. James Roman Catholic Frauenneuharting / Jacobneuharting
( location )
~ 1250 Romanesque hall church, later changed to Baroque style.
St Petrus Lauterbach 7.jpg
St Petrus Lauterbach 6.jpg
St. Peter Roman Catholic Frauenneuharting / Lauterbach
( location )
Romanesque hall church, later Gothicised, then Baroque.
St. John the Baptist and St. George Roman Catholic Frauenneuharting / Tegernau
( location )
1671 Baroque hall church
Johannes d.  Taeufer Glonn-1.jpg
Interior of Johannes d.  Taeufer Glonn-1.jpg
St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Glonn
( location )
1778 Baroque hall church
Christ Church ev.-luth. Glonn
( location )
1968 Tent-shaped church building
St. Lambert Adling Glonn-1.jpg
St. Lambert Roman Catholic Glonn / Adling
( location )
~ 1500 Late Gothic hall church
Assumption of Mary Frauenreuth 16.jpg
Assumption of Mary Frauenreuth 1.jpg
Assumption Day Roman Catholic Glonn / Frauenreuth
( location )
St. Koloman Haslach Glonn-1.jpg
St. Koloman Roman Catholic Glonn / Haslach
( location )
~ 1500 Late Gothic hall church
Birth of Mary Cross Glonn-1.jpg
Virgin Mary's birth cross 1.jpg
Virgin Mary's birth Roman Catholic Glonn / Kreuz
( location )
1268 Late Romanesque hall church; later Gothicized
Grafing, Leonhardikirche v NO, 1.jpeg
St. Leonhard Roman Catholic Grafing near Munich
( location )
~ 1400 Late Gothic hall church; Old parish church of the city
Kirchenplatz5 Grafing-01.JPG
Grafing St. Aegidius 453.jpg
St. Aegidius Roman Catholic Grafing near Munich
( location )
1692 Baroque hall church; New parish church in the city
Marktplatz10 Grafing-01.JPG
Marktkirche Grafing 2.jpg
Most Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Grafing near Munich
( location )
1672 Baroque hall church; Market Church of the City
EvKirche Grafing-01.JPG
Church of the Resurrection ev.-luth. Grafing near Munich
( location )
Grafing, New Apostolic Church v S, 1.jpeg
New Apostolic Church newap. Grafing near Munich
( location )
Oberelkofen Church-01.JPG
St. Martin Roman Catholic Grafing near Munich / Oberelkofen
( location )
13./14. Jht.
St. Johann Baptist Straussdorf Grafing near Muenchen-1.jpg
Interior St. Johann Baptist Straussdorf Grafing bei Muenchen-1.jpg
St. Johann Baptist Roman Catholic Grafing near Munich / Straussdorf
( location )
ChurchHauptstr13 Hohenlinden-01.JPG
Visitation of the Virgin Mary Hohenlinden 19.jpg
Visitation of the Virgin Mary Roman Catholic Hohenlinden
( location )
1489 Late Gothic hall church
ChurchHauptstr19 Hohenlinden-01.JPG
St. Josef Hohenlinden 8.jpg
St. Joseph Roman Catholic Hohenlinden
( location )
1903 Three-aisled neo-Gothic parish church
Kronacker Hohenlinden Church-01.JPG
St. John Evangelist Roman Catholic Hohenlinden / Kronacker
( location )
1725 Gothic hall church
St. Coloman Kirchseeon-5.jpg
St. Coloman Roman Catholic Kirchseeon
( location )
~ 1200 Old parish church of the place, today a branch church
ChurchStJoseph Kirchseeon-02.JPG
St. Joseph (Kirchseeon) interior 1.jpg
St. Joseph Roman Catholic Kirchseeon
( location )
1899 Neo-Romanesque new parish church of the place
Johanneskirche ev.-luth. Kirchseeon
( location )
~ 1960
BuchKirche Kirchseeon-01.JPG
St. Peter Roman Catholic Kirchseeon / Buch
( location )
1687 Baroque hall church
Erlöserkirche Eglharting 4.jpg
Erlöserkirche Eglharting 1.jpg
To the Holy Redeemer Roman Catholic Kirchseeon / Eglharting
( location )
Elevation of the Holy Cross (Neukirchen) v south.jpg
Elevation of the Holy Cross (Neukirchen) Interior 1.jpg
Exaltation of the Cross Roman Catholic Kirchseeon / Neukirchen
( location )
1717 Baroque hall church
Sankt Margaret (Market Swabia) 6.jpg
Market Swabia St. Margaret 711.jpg
St. Margaret Roman Catholic Markt Schwaben
( location )
1671 Baroque hall church
Philip Church ev.-luth. Markt Schwaben
( location )
1955 Tent-shaped church building
Mosach parish church St. Bartholomaeus-1.jpg
Moosach St. Bartholomäus 2.jpg
St. Bartholomew Roman Catholic Moosach
( location )
Baroque hall church; 1951 expanded
Maria Altenburg Moosach-1.jpg
Maria Altenburg interior 2.jpg
Virgin Mary's birth Roman Catholic Moosach / Altenburg
( location )
14th Century Romanesque hall church, later changed and baroque.
Filialkirche St Pankratius Berghofen Moosach.jpg
St. Pankratius (Berghofen) inside 4.jpg
St. Pancras Roman Catholic Moosach / Berghofen
( location )
~ 1200 Romanesque hall church
St. Andreas Oberpframmern-3.jpg
Oberpframmern, St. Andreas (1) .jpg
St. Andrew Roman Catholic Oberpframmern
( location )
~ 1400
St. Leonhard Esterndorf Oberpframmern-1.jpg
St. Leonhard Roman Catholic Oberpframmern / Esterndorf
( location )
~ 1500
St. Georg Niederpframmern Oberpframmern-5.jpg
St. George Roman Catholic Oberpframmern / Niederpframmern
( location )
17th century Octagonal central building
St. Ulrich Wolfersberg Oberpframmern-1.jpg
Ortisei Roman Catholic Oberpframmern / Wolfersberg
( location )
~ 1500
Church Pliening-01.JPG
Finding the Holy Cross Pliening 1.jpg
Finding the Holy Cross Roman Catholic Pliening
( location )
12th century Romanesque hall church
GeltingKirche Pliening-01.JPG
Assumption of Mary Gelting 1.jpg
Assumption Day Roman Catholic Pliening / Gelting
( location )
1785 Baroque hall church
Landsham, St. Stephan, 3.jpeg
St. Stephanus Landsham 1.jpg
St. Stephan Roman Catholic Pliening / Landsham
( location )
1758 Baroque hall church
Church St Michael Poing.JPG
Interior St. Michael Poing-1.jpg
St. Michael Roman Catholic Poing
( location )
1052 Romanesque choir tower church; 1954 expansion to the west
Church of the Blessed Father Rupert Mayer Poing-3.jpg
Interior Church of the Blessed Father Rupert Mayer Poing-1.jpg
Sel. Father Rupert Mayer Roman Catholic Poing
( location )
2018 New catholic parish church of the place
Church with tower and rainbow (Simonsen) .jpg
Christ Church ev.-luth. Poing
( location )
St. Gallus (Steinhöring) .jpg
St. Gallus (Steinhöring) interior 1.jpg
St. Gallus Roman Catholic Steinhöring
( location )
1473 Late Gothic hall church; 1727 partially baroque.
St Kastulus Meiletskirchen.jpg
St. Castulus Roman Catholic Steinhöring / Meiletskirchen
( location )
15th century Late Gothic hall church
St Martin Sensau 8.jpg
St Martin Sensau 7.jpg
St. Martin Roman Catholic Steinhöring / Sensau
( location )
Late Gothic hall church
Tulling - Church of St. Pankratius - - 11372.jpg
St. Pancras Roman Catholic Steinhöring / Tulling
( location )
Late Gothic hall church
St Christoph (Steinhöring) church view.jpg
St Christoph (Steinhöring) interior 1.jpg
St. Christopher Roman Catholic Steinhöring / St. Christoph
( location )
~ 1670 Baroque hall church
Church Vaterstetten-01.JPG
St. Pankratius Vaterstetten 1.jpg
St. Pancras Roman Catholic Vaterstetten
( location )
~ 1200 Old Romanesque village church
Vaterstetten, Blutkirche v N, 1.jpeg
To the Precious Blood of Christ Roman Catholic Vaterstetten
( location )
1952 New parish church
Baldham Village Church Vaterstetten-01.jpg
St. Korbinian Roman Catholic Vaterstetten / Baldham
( location )
1661 Old baroque village church
Baldham, Mary Queen v W, 1.jpeg
Mary Queen Roman Catholic Vaterstetten / Baldham
( location )
1979 New parish church
Baldham, Petrikirche v O, 1.jpeg
Petrikirche ev.-luth. Vaterstetten / Baldham
( location )
NeufarnKirche Vaterstetten-01.JPG
St. Peter and Paul Neufarn 9.jpg
St. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Vaterstetten / Neufarn
( location )
1868 Neo-Gothic hall church
Parsdorf Church Vaterstetten-01.JPG
St. Nikolaus Parsdorf 5.jpg
St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Vaterstetten / Parsdorf
( location )
1473 Late Gothic hall church; Longship renewed in 1723.
PurfingKirche Vaterstetten-01.JPG
St. Laurence Roman Catholic Vaterstetten / Purfing
( location )
16th century Late Gothic hall church
WeißenfeldKirche Vaterstetten-01.JPG
St. Bartholomew Roman Catholic Vaterstetten / Weißenfeld
( location )
15th century
Church Zorneding-01.JPG
Catholic parish church St. Martin 2 Zorneding.JPG
St. Martin Roman Catholic Zorneding
( location )
1723 Baroque hall church
Christophoruskirche ev.-luth. Zorneding
( location )
Poering Church Zorneding-02.JPG
St. Georg (Pöring) interior 1.jpg
St. George Roman Catholic Zorneding / Pöring
( location )
1696 Baroque hall church
Wolfesing Chapel Zorneding-01.JPG
To the Scourged Savior (Wolfesing) 4.jpg
To the Scourged Savior Roman Catholic Zorneding / Wolfesing
( location )
19th century

Web links

Commons : Churches in the district of Ebersberg  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files