List of cultural goods in zziwil

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The list of cultural assets in zziwil contains all objects in the municipality of zziwil in the canton of Bern that are subject to the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict , the Federal Act of June 20, 2014 on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and the Ordinance of 29 June 2014 October 2014 on the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict .

There are no A-objects or B-objects in the municipality, objects of category C are currently missing (as of January 1, 2018). Among other monuments objects are found, the "worthy of protection" in the canton of Bern Bauinventar than are listed.

Other monuments

ID photo   object Type address Coordinates
3 BW Upload file Former parish ministry (1819) G Furthweg 2 617571  /  194621

13 BW Upload file Fire department magazine (around 1920) G Langnaustrasse 4 617049  /  194541

91 BW Upload file House (1st half of the 19th century) G Langnaustrasse 31 617287  /  194623

188 BW Upload file Municipal administration (around 1900) G Bernstrasse 1 616948  /  194545

225 BW Upload file Gasthof Krone (around 1800) G Langnaustrasse 2 617004  /  194543

329 BW Upload file Speicher (around 1700) G Langnaustrasse 22b 617270  /  194573

363 BW Upload file Memory (1745) G Farnhaldeweg 1b 617233  /  194424

394 BW Upload file Memory (1705) G Lehnweg 20a 617695  /  192855

436 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1813) G Hinterreutenenweg 3 618087  /  192900

460 BW Upload file Storage (1774) G Aussermattweg 22a 616534  /  194939

466 BW Upload file Memory (1746) G Lorraineweg 20c 616584  /  194416

476 BW Upload file Residential and commercial building (1907) G Bernstrasse 3 616902  /  194562

479 Former farmhouse Upload file Former farmhouse (around 1700) G Bödeliweg 6 616894  /  194622

514 BW Upload file Memory (1775) G Oberthalstrasse 4a 617030  /  194633

603 reformed Church Upload file Reformed Church (1963/64) G Oberthalstrasse 3 616937  /  194630

759 BW Upload file Speicher (late 18th century) G Hinterlenzligenweg 40 616748  /  195053

881 railway station Upload file Railway station (1863/64) G Bahnhofstrasse 15 617082  /  194318


The table contains the following information:

KGS-No: Number of the cultural property , to be found in the KGS lists of the federal government and the cantons . KGS is the acronym for K ultur G üter s chutz
Photo: Photography of the cultural property. Click the photo generates an enlarged view. There are also two symbols:
More pictures on Wikimedia CommonsMore pictures of the object can be found here on Wikimedia Commons .
Upload your own workA link to upload a new image. Certain parameters are already filled in.
Object: Name of the object. In individual cases, a more generally known name can also be given.
Kat: Category of cultural property: A = national importance; B = regional / cantonal importance; C = local meaning
Type: Type of cultural property: G = building or other construction object; S = collection (archives, libraries, museums); F = archaeological site; K = small cultural object (e.g. fountain, wayside crosses, monuments); X = special case
Address: Street and house number of the cultural property (if known), possibly place / district
Coordinates: Location of the cultural property according to the Swiss national coordinates (CH1903).

The content of the table is sorted in descending order according to the cultural property category and within this alphabetically.

By clicking on «Map with all coordinates» (top right in the article), the location of all cultural assets in the selected map object is displayed.

Note on the legend: Instead of the KGS number, the property number is used as the object identifier (ID).

Web links

Commons : zziwil  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Chancellery : Federal Act on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, Disaster and Emergencies (KGSG). SR 520.3. In: Systematic Legal Collection SR . Federal Assembly of the Swiss Confederation , June 20, 2014, accessed on August 30, 2017 (as of January 1, 2016).
  2. ^ Federal Chancellery : Ordinance on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflicts, Disasters and Emergencies (KGSV). SR 520.31. In: Systematic Legal Collection SR . Swiss Federal Council , October 29, 2014, accessed on August 30, 2017 (as of January 1, 2016).