List of stumbling blocks in Saarbrücken

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The list of the stumbling blocks in Saarbrücken leads the artist Gunter Demnig laid stumbling blocks in the Saarland state capital Saarbruecken , which recall the fate of the people, have been displaced or driven to suicide deported murdered in the Nazi era. The table is partially sortable; the basic sorting takes place alphabetically according to the place of installation.

The first relocation took place on March 10, 2010, since then others have followed:

  • March 10, 2010: 28 stumbling blocks at twelve addresses
  • April 8, 2011: Three stumbling blocks at one address
  • July 5, 2012: A stumbling block at an address

St. Johann

image address Laying date inscription Life
Stumbling Stone Leo Cahn (Am Staden 30, Saarbrücken) .jpg Am Staden 30
10 Mar 2010
Leo Cahn,
born in 1903
, lived here, deported in 1942,
murdered in 1942 in
Leo Cahn was born on June 25, 1903 in Saarbrücken as the son of Ferdinand and Dilla Cahn and lived at Eichhornstaden 30 (today: Am Staden 30). He first emigrated to the Netherlands and in February 1936 to Monaco. From there he was taken to the Drancy transit camp and deported to Auschwitz on September 4, 1942, where he was murdered.
20120719Bahnhofstrasse SB1.jpg Bahnhofstrasse 80
(under the arcade)
0Jul 5, 2012 Here worked
Johanna Kirchner
Jg. 1889
Social Democrat
co-founder of
the Workers' Welfare
resistance fighter
arrested in 1942
executed 09.06.1944
Johanna "Hanna" Kirchner (born Johanna Stunz , born April 24, 1889 in Frankfurt am Main ; † June 9, 1944 in Berlin-Plötzensee ) was a German resistance fighter in the Resistance .
20120113Stumbling Stones Saarbruecken5.jpg Dudweiler Strasse 26-30
10 Mar 2010
Sophronie Herz,
born in 1862
, lived here, deported to
Theresienstadt in 1942,
dead January 29, 1943
Sophronie Herz was born on June 19, 1862 in Merzig and lived at Dudweiler Strasse 26 (today: Dudweiler Strasse 26-30). The widow fled to her only son Moritz (born in Saarbrücken in 1881; died in Riga in 1942) in Berlin and was deported from there on August 27, 1942 to the Theresienstadt ghetto . She died there on January 29, 1943.
20120113Stumbling Stones Saarbruecken1.jpg Graf-Johann-Strasse 3
10 Mar 2010
Hugo Kahn,
born in 1900
, lived here, deported in 1944,
murdered in 1944 in
Hugo Kahn was born on June 14, 1900 in Saint-Yan ( Saône-et-Loire department ) under the name Hugues Kahn and lived with his family at Graf-Johann-Straße 3. He was married to Edith Ilse Kahn, who Marriage came from the son Paul Kahn. On May 29, 1934, he emigrated to Monaco with his family. From there they were taken to the Drancy transit camp and deported to Auschwitz on February 3, 1944.
20120113Stumbling Stones Saarbruecken1.jpg 10 Mar 2010
Paul Kahn,
born in 1931
, lived here, deported in 1944,
murdered in 1944 in
Paul Walter Kahn was born on August 25, 1931 in Forbach (Moselle) as the son of Hugo and Edith Ilse Kahn. He emigrated to Monaco with his parents on May 29, 1934. From there the family was taken to the Drancy transit camp and deported to Auschwitz on February 3, 1944.
20120113Stumbling Stones Saarbruecken1.jpg 10 Mar 2010
Edith Ilse Kahn
nee lived here . Herz
born in 1903
deported in 1944
murdered in 1944 in
Edith Ilse Kahn, b. Herz, was born on October 22nd, 1903 in Neunkirchen (Saar) . She was married to Hugo Kahn, the marriage came from the son Paul Kahn. She and her family emigrated to Monaco on May 29, 1934. From there they were taken to the Drancy transit camp and deported to Auschwitz on February 3, 1944.
20110905Stumbling Stones GHF-Str 12 Saarbruecken.jpg Großherzog-Friedrich-Strasse 12
March 10, 2010
Hilde Itzkowitz
nee lived here . Strauss
born in 1892
deported 1942
murdered June 3 , 1942
20110905Stumbling Stones GHF-Str 12 Saarbruecken.jpg March 10, 2010
Sally Strauss,
born in 1899
, lived here, deported in 1942,
murdered on June 3 , 1942
20110727Stumbling Stones GHF-Str 61 Saarbruecken.jpg Großherzog-Friedrich-Strasse 61
March 10, 2010
Moritz Jakob

born in 1883, lived here .
Escape Holland
interned Westerbork
murdered April 9, 1943
20110727Stumbling Stones GHF-Str 61 Saarbruecken.jpg March 10, 2010
Wanda Davidson
nee lived here . Wirth
born in 1892
deported 1943
murdered April 9 , 1943
20110727Stumbling Stones GHF-Str 61 Saarbruecken.jpg March 10, 2010
Egon Otto

born in 1921, lived here .
Flucht Holland
interned Westerbork.
murdered 1942 in
20110727Stumbling Stones GHF-Str 61 Saarbruecken.jpg March 10, 2010
Vales Guenter

born in 1924, lived here .
Escape Holland
interned Westerbork
murdered September 21, 1942
20110726 Stumbling Stone Karcherstr.jpg Karcherstraße 11
March 10, 2010
Max Heymann,
born in 1896
, lived here, deported in 1942, murdered in
Auschwitz on
April 13 , 1942
20110726 Stumbling Stone Karcherstr17.jpg Karcherstraße 17
March 10, 2010
Max Hanau,
born in 1875, lived here .
Victim of the pogrom
prison Lerchesflur
dead from consequences of
November 13, 1938
20120113Stumbling Stones Saarbruecken3.jpg Lortzingstrasse 18
March 10, 2010
Herbert Fürst,
born in 1890
, lived here, deported in 1943,
murdered in 1943 in
20120113Stumbling Stones Saarbruecken3.jpg March 10, 2010
Olga Fürst
nee lived here . Heymann
born in 1890
deported in 1943
murdered in 1943 in
20110726Stumbling Stones Mainzer Str35 Saarbruecken.jpg Mainzer Strasse 35
March 10, 2010
Herta Kaempfer
nee lived here . Bergheim
born in 1893
deported 1942
murdered June 3 , 1942
20110726Stumbling Stones Mainzer Str35 Saarbruecken.jpg March 10, 2010
Evelyne Kaempfer,
born in 1922
, lived here, deported in 1942,
murdered on June 3 , 1942
20110726Stumbling Stones Mainzer Str35 Saarbruecken.jpg March 10, 2010
Marion Kaempfer,
born in 1925
, lived here, deported in 1942,
murdered on June 3 , 1942
20110726Stumbling Stones Mainzer Str35 Saarbruecken.jpg March 10, 2010
Georg Kaempfer,
born in 1883
, lived here, deported in 1942,
murdered on June 3 , 1942
20120518Stumbling Stones Nauwieser Platz Saarbruecken.jpg Nauwieserplatz 11/13
March 10, 2010
Heinz Henry Bonem,
born in 1921, lived here .
Escape France
interned Drancy
deported 1943
20120518Stumbling Stones Nauwieser Platz Saarbruecken.jpg March 10, 2010
Lotte Bonem,
born in 1922
, lived here, deported in 1942,
murdered in 1942 in
Stumbling Stone Fritz Dobisch (Rathausplatz 1, Saarbrücken) .jpg Rathausplatz 1
(in front of the main entrance to Rathaus St. Johann ; formerly Platz der Deutschen Front)
0Apr 8, 2011 Fritz Dobisch Born
1932 to 1935
arrested May 10, 1940
Buchenwald concentration camp
murdered July 7, 1941
Fritz Dobisch (born February 16, 1890 in Merzingen ; † July 7, 1941 in Buchenwald concentration camp ) was a German trade union official and victim of the Nazi regime.
Stolperstein Peter Roth (Rathausplatz 1, Saarbrücken) .jpg 0Apr 8, 2011 Peter Roth
born 1900
First deputy
1932 to 1935
arrested September 10, 1936
prison murdered July 16, 1943
Stolperstein Wendel Schorr (Rathausplatz 1, Saarbrücken) .jpg 0Apr 8, 2011 Wendel Schorr Born
City Councilor
1932 to 1935
arrested February 13, 1937
Ravensbrück concentration camp
murdered February 24, 1944
20110727Stolpersteine ​​Rathausplatz Saarbruecken.jpg Rathausplatz 7
March 10, 2010
Emilie Kaiser
nee lived here . Guggenheimer
born in 1863
deported 1942
murdered June 3 , 1942
20110727Stolpersteine ​​Rathausplatz Saarbruecken.jpg March 10, 2010
Paula Loeb
nee lived here . Kaiser
born in 1888
deported 1942
murdered June 3 , 1942
20120202Stolperstein Riottestr Saarbruecken1.jpg Riottestraße 14
March 10, 2010
Dilla Cahn
nee lived here . Because
born in 1903
Escape 1936 France
interned Drancy
deported 1943
Murdered 1943 in
Dilla Cahn (born Dilla Weil , born November 16, 1872 in Rust , † 1943 in Majdanek ) was married to the Jewish businessman Ferdinand Cahn. The couple had one son: Leo Cahn , (born June 25, 1903 ) was murdered.

On March 7, 1943, she was deported to Majdanek and murdered there.

20120519Stumbling Stones Mozartstrasse Saarbruecken2.jpg Ursulinenstrasse 24 / corner of Mozartstrasse
March 10, 2010
Salomon Blum
born in 1864 lived here,
deported to
Theresienstadt in 1942,
dead 2.1.1943
formerly Königin-Luisen-Straße 24
20120519Stumbling Stones Mozartstrasse Saarbruecken3.jpg March 10, 2010
Ida Blum
nee lived here . Grünwald
born in 1873
deported to
Theresienstadt in 1942,
dead October 5 , 1942
20120519Stumbling Stones Mozartstrasse Saarbruecken4.jpg March 10, 2010 This is where
Ernst Peiser,
born in 1893, lived,
deported in 1944,
murdered October 28 , 1944
20120519Stumbling Stones Mozartstrasse Saarbruecken5.jpg March 10, 2010
Erna Peiser
nee lived here . Blum
born in 1900
deported 1944
murdered October 28 , 1944

Web links

Commons : Stolpersteine ​​in Saarbrücken  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Biographies on the Stumbling Blocks , published in March 2010 , in: , accessed on April 1, 2015.
  2. Gedenkbuch - Cahn, Leo , in: , accessed on April 1, 2015.
  3. Cologne artist Gunter Demnig relocates Stolperstein for resistance fighter Johanna Kirchner ( Memento of the original from November 3, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Press release of the state capital Saarbrücken from July 5, 2012
  4. Saarbrücken, Demnig, Stolperstein, Kirchner, Johanna on
  5. Gedenkbuch - Herz, Sophronie , in: , accessed on April 1, 2015.
  6. Saarbrücken, Demnig, Stolperstein, Kahn, Hugo, Edith and Paul , in: , accessed on April 1, 2015.
  7. Memorial Book - Kahn, Paul Walter , in: , accessed on April 1, 2015.
  8. Gedenkbuch - Kahn, Edith Ilse , in: , accessed on April 1, 2015.
  9. a b Saarbrücken, Demnig, Stolperstein, Itzkowitz, Hilde and Strauss, Sally on
  10. a b c d Saarbrücken, Demnig, Stolperstein, Davidson, Moritz, Wanda, Egon and Vales on
  11. Saarbrücken, Demnig, Stolperstein, Haymann, Max on
  12. Saarbrücken, Demnig, Stolperstein, Hanau, Max on
  13. a b Saarbrücken, Demnig, Stolperstein, Fürst, Herbert and Olga on
  14. a b c d Saarbrücken, Demnig, Stolperstein, Kaempfer, Georg, Herta, Evelyne and Marion on
  15. a b Saarbrücken, Demnig, Stolperstein, Bonem, Heinz H. and Lotte on
  16. a b c 3 stumbling blocks in memory of Fritz Dobisch, Peter Roth and Wendel Schorr relocated in front of Saarbrücken City Hall ( memento of the original from November 3, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Press release of the state capital Saarbrücken
  17. a b c Saarbrücken, Demnig, Stolperstein, Dobisch, Fritz; Roth, Peter; Schorr, Wendel at
  18. a b Stumbling blocks for Paula Loeb and Emilie Kaiser ( Memento of the original from November 3, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Press release of the state capital Saarbrücken
  19. a b Saarbrücken, Demnig, Stolperstein, Kaiser, Emilie and Loeb, Paula on
  20. Saarbrücken, Demnig, Stolperstein, Cahn, Dilla on
  21. a b c d Saarbrücken, Demnig, Stolperstein, Blum, Salomon and Ida; Peiser, Ernst and Erna on