List of German ambassadors in Lebanon

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The list of German ambassadors in Lebanon lists the highest-ranking consular representatives of the German Reich , the German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany in Lebanon . The embassy is based in Beirut .

German Empire

From 1927 to 1939 the German heads of mission in Syria were double accredited for Lebanon.

Surname Term of office Remarks
Paul Schröder 1882-1885 consul
vacant ? 1885-1888
Paul Schröder 1888-1909 Consul General
Max Hesse 1910-1917
Friedrich-Werner Graf von der Schulenburg July 1917
Heribert Schwörbel 1927-1931
Kurt Ziemke 1931-1933
Johannes Kirchholtes 1934-1935
Ferdinand Seiler 1935-1939
1939: end of diplomatic relations

German Democratic Republic

Diplomatic relations between Lebanon and the German Democratic Republic had existed since the end of 1972.

Surname Term of office
Gerhard Herder 1973
Bruno Sedlaczek 1973-1978
Achim Reichardt 1978-1981
Bruno Sedlaczek 1981-1986
Horst Lindner 1986-1988
Siegfried Lion 1988-1990

Federal Republic of Germany

Diplomatic relations between the Federal Republic and Lebanon were established in 1953.

Surname Term of office Remarks
Herbert Noehring 1953-1957 Envoy
Walter Hellenthal 1953-1957 Envoy
Hans Schwarzmann 1960-1963
Kurt Munzel 1964-1965
1965–1972: Break in diplomatic relations
Walter Georg Nowak 1973
Michael Schmidt 1973-1976
Rüdiger von Pachelbel 1975-1979
Horst Schmidt-Dornedden 1979-1982
Tono Eitel 1982-1987
Wolfgang Göttelmann 1987-1990
Peter Kiewitt 1990-1993
Wolfgang Erck 1993-1997
Peter Wittig 1997-1999
Gisela Kaempffe-Sikora 1999-2003?
Günter Rudolf Knieß 2003-2005
Marius Haas 2005-2007
Hansjörg Haber 2007-2008
Birgitta Maria Siefker-Eberle 2009-2013
Christian Clages 2013-2015
Martin Huth 2015-2018
Georg Birgelen 2018-2020
Andreas Kindl since 2020

Web links

supporting documents

  1. a b c Tobias C. Bringmann : Handbuch der Diplomatie 1815-1963. Foreign heads of mission in Germany and German heads of mission abroad from Metternich to Adenauer . Saur, Munich 2001, ISBN 3-598-11431-1 .
  2. Hans Booms, Konrad Reiser, Cabinet Protocols 1964