List of phobias

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This list of phobias mainly includes those phobias that can be distinguished from the other anxiety disorders and that relate to specific objects or situations.

Unless otherwise stated, these are specific phobias (also: isolated phobias; according to ICD-10 F40.2). General information on the definition and classification of different phobias and fears can be found in the article on anxiety disorders . For those that can be assigned to faults, a diagnostic class is given in the last column.

Research questions the relevance or meaningfulness of many separate terms for specific phobias as diagnostic terms. So z. B. Fears of animals are summarized - not least in order to be able to work with a sufficiently large number of cases. However, it is also believed that a precise distinction is essential for therapists.

This list mainly contains the anxiety disorders dealt with in the specialist literature and those that are recognized as medical diagnoses or independent disorders. Nevertheless, there are numerous collections of names for phobias in the literature that are more or less clearly disruptive, sometimes more in the direction of aversion . These are listed when they have found sufficient dissemination in popular scientific sources or in popular literature. The list does not claim to be complete.


Surname fear of ICD-10
Abortion phobia Miscarriage F45.2
Achluophobia Darkness, also nyctophobia
Acrophobia see acrophobia
Aelurophobia see ailurophobia F40.2
Agoraphobia (Spatially) wide open spaces, trips and / or crowds F40.0
Aichmophobia pointed or sharp objects (see also trypanophobia , syringes) F40.0
AIDS phobia AIDS F45.2
Ailurophobia Cats F40.2
Acarophobia Insect bites / stinging insects or infection by mites and ticks F40.2
Algophobia Pain
Acrophobia Height and depth F40.2
Altophobia see acrophobia
Amaxophobia Drive F40.2
Androphobia Men
Anemophobia from wind (drafts) and / or storms
Anthophobia Flowers
Anthropophobia People and society F40.1
Apiphobia Bees
Aphephosmophobia Contact by other living beings; a form of fear of contact
Aquaphobia specific fear of water, also known as hydrophobicity - cf. but hydrophobicity (disambiguation)
Arachnophobia be crazy F40.2
Workplace phobia Workplace F40.8
Doctor phobia Doctors F40.2
Astraphobia Fear of lightning and / or thunder
Athlemophobia Sports
Autophobia alone and / or To be on your own or to be afraid of yourself
Automatonophobia Fear of dolls
Aviophobia flying


Surname fear of ICD-10
Bacillophobia, also called bazillophobia Microbes
Bacteriophobia, also called bacteriophobia bacteria
Fear of contact Body contact
Fear of images see iconophobia


Surname fear of ICD-10
Caino (to) phobia see Neophobie
Cancerophobia see carcinophobia
Chaetophobia Hairy, hairy people and places where there is a lot of hair (hairdresser)
Chiraptophobia see fear of contact
Cleisiophobia see claustrophobia
Chemophobia Chemicals or chemistry
Chionophobia snow
Coitophobia Sexual intercourse (also: coitophobia)
Contreltophobia / Contrectophobia sexual abuse
Coprophobia Excrement (also: coprophobia)
Coulrophobia Clowns


Surname fear of ICD-10
Demophobia Crowds and crowded places, see also agoraphobia
Dentophobia Dentist, dental treatment (also: dental treatment phobia, dental phobia, oral phobia or odontophobia)
Dysmorphophobia distortion F22.8


Surname fear of ICD-10
Enochlophobia In crowds F40.0
Emetophobia Vomit F40.2
Erythrophobia blush F40.2
Ergophobia Fear of work, fear of work


Surname fear of ICD-10
Gelotophobia to be laughed at
Gephyrophobia bridges F40.2
Gerontophobia Old age / old people
Gravidophobia pregnancy F45.2
Gymnophobia Fear of one's own or someone else's nudity F40.2
Gynophobia Women (see also misogyny ) F40.1
Gynecophobia see gynophobia


Surname fear of ICD-10
Hematophobia blood F40.2
Halitophobia Bad breath
Haphephobia , also known as haptophobia see fear of contact , of being touched or of being infected by touch F40.2
Herpetophobia Lizards, reptiles, crawling / crawling animals - also used reduced to fear of snakes F40.2
Heart phobia Heart disease F45.2
Hoplophobia Firearms F40.2
Hydrophobicity Water, drinking water (also: aquaphobia); also: no longer a common synonym for rabies - see also hydrophobicity as a water-repellent property of substances, A82.9


Surname fear of ICD-10
Iconophobia also fear of images, fear of images or the rejection of portraits


Surname fear of ICD-10
Cairophobia decisions
Cacorrhaphobia to fail
Cancerophobia cancer F45.2
Cardiophobia Heart disease F45.2
Carcinophobia cancer F45.2
Cathisophobia sitting still
claustrophobia tight spaces F40.2
Coitophobia Fear of intercourse and sexual acts
Copophobia fatigue
Coprophobia Excrement (also: coprophobia)
Cynophobia Fear of dogs F40.2


Surname fear of ICD-10
Laughter phobia Fruits and / or vegetables
Ligyrophobia sudden loud noises
Logophobia Speak
Lysophobia rabies


Surname fear of ICD-10
Methatesiophobia Change and / or success (also: fear of success)
Misophobia see also mysophobia , dirt and grime
Molysmophobia see also mysophobia , dirt and contagion
Mysophobia Uncleanliness and transmission through germs F40.2


Surname fear of ICD-10
Necrophobia Dead, death and things associated with it
Neophobia Innovations
Nomophobia being without cell phone contact
Nosophobia to get sick F45.2
Nyctophobia Darkness, also achluophobia


Surname fear of ICD-10
Ochlophobia see also agoraphobia ; Crowds F40.0
Ombrophobia Rain (also in biology as an intolerance of plants to longer periods of rain)
Oneirogmophobia wet dreams (dreams of sexual content)
Odontophobia Teeth or dental treatments (also: dentophobia, dental treatment phobia, dental phobia or oral phobia)
Ornithophobia Birds


Surname fear of ICD-10
Parasitophobia Parasites, see delusion of dermatozoa F40.2
Paraskavedecatriaphobia the number 13
Phobophobia Fear, see fear sensitivity
Phonophobia (certain) noises
Photophobia Light (also: light shy ) H53.1


Surname fear of ICD-10
Radiophobia Radiation, x-rays (also: radiation anxiety )


Surname fear of ICD-10
Scholionophobia see fear of school
School phobia, school fear of school, both as a disorder and in the broad sense of aversion
Pregnancy phobia pregnancy F45.2
Siderodromophobia Trains, train travel or rails
Sitophobia (sitiophobia) food F40.2
Social phobia (sociophobia) To be judged negatively towards society or people in general / in social situations F40.1
Spectrophobia own reflection / mirroring in general
Fear of injections see trypanophobia F40.2


Surname fear of ICD-10
Thanatophobia the death
Taphephobia (taphophobia) Cemeteries / to be buried alive
Technophobia technology
Tetraphobia the number four
Animal phobia also zoophobia , animals F40.2
Triskaidecaphobia ( tridecaphobia ) the number thirteen
Trypanophobia Syringes, injections F40.2


Surname fear of ICD-10
Vaccinophobia Vaccinations, see also trypanophobia F40.2


Surname fear of ICD-10
Dental phobia Dentist, dental treatment (also: dentophobia, dental phobia, oral phobia or odontophobia)
Zoophobia Animals (also: animal phobia) F40.2

Other phenomena called phobias

The following terms do not describe fears, but different types of "rejections", for which a term with the Greek word component " -phobia " has been established in German .

Rejection in social culture

  • Heterophobia , the rejection of people with different traits and / or attitudes
  • Homophobia , the rejection of homosexuality and people who live it out
  • Xenophobia , the rejection of strangers

Rejection of nations

Rejection of religions

Rejection in chemistry

  • Hydrophobicity , the tendency of a substance not to mix or dissolve with water
  • Lipophobia , the tendency of a substance not to mix or dissolve with fats or oils

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Phobia at DUDEN online
  2. Studies on the commercial lexicography of contemporary German, Volume 1 Herbert Ernst Wiegand Tübingen Niemeyer 2003 p. 276
  3. Algophobia In: Lexicon Spectrum of Science , 2000
  4. Androphobie in WIKTIONARY
  5. Lexicon Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Medical Psychology UH Peters, Elsevier, Urban & FischerVerlag, 2016 p. 34
  6. Lexicon Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Medical Psychology UH Peters, Elsevier, Urban & FischerVerlag, 2016 p. 34
  7. Athlemophobia. Retrieved April 4, 2020 .
  8. Lexicon Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Medical Psychology UH Peters, Elsevier, Urban & FischerVerlag, 2016 p. 61
  9. [1]
  10. Lexicon of Psychology
  12. Entry at
  13. Chionophobia on
  14. Coitophobie on
  15. Contreltophobia on
  16. Coprophobia on
  17. Demophobia at DUDEN online
  18. Gephyrophobie DUDEN online
  19. Gravidophobie on
  20. Haptophobia (fear of contact) at PSYLEX, accessed April 27, 2020
  21. [2]
  22. Peter Reuter: Springer Lexicon Medicine. Springer, Berlin a. a. 2004, ISBN 3-540-20412-1 , p. 1177.
  23. Coprophobia on
  24. Lachanophobia in the list of phobias on
  25. Lyssophobia DUDEN online
  26. Metathesiophobie on
  27. necrophobia in Duden online
  28. Ochlophobie in Duden online
  29. Ombrophobia at
  30. Oneirogmophobia on
  31. Ornithophobia at
  32. What is phonophobia? at
  33. Spectrophobia at
  34. Maxeiner & Miersch: Column: Victims of Technophobia. In: . February 15, 2008, accessed October 7, 2018 .
  35. Zoophobia at WIKTIONARY


  • Uwe Henrik Peters: Lexicon Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Medical Psychology , 6th edition, Elsevier, Urban & Fischer, 2007, ISBN 3-437-15061-8
  • Peter Reuter: Springer Lexicon Medicine. Springer, Berlin a. a. 2004, ISBN 3-540-20412-1 .
  • John G. Robertson: An excess of phobias and manias: a compilation of anxieties, obsessions, and compulsions that push many over the edge of sanity , Senior Scribe Publications, 2003, ISBN 0-9630919-2-1