List of Swiss-Japanese town and municipality partnerships

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This is a list of town and community partnerships between Switzerland and Japan .

Swiss community Canton Japanese community prefecture Remarks
St. Moritz canton of Grisonscanton of Grisons Grisons Kutchan HokkaidōHokkaidō Hokkaidō
Montreux Canton of VaudCanton of Vaud Vaud Chiba ChibaChiba Chiba
Geneva Canton of GenevaCanton of Geneva Geneva Shinagawa TokyoTokyo Tokyo Friendship agreement
Romainmôtier-Envy Canton of VaudCanton of Vaud Vaud Nagaoka NiigataNiigata Niigata
Zermatt Canton of ValaisCanton of Valais Valais Myōkō NiigataNiigata Niigata
Grindelwald Canton BernCanton Bern Bern Matsumoto NaganoNagano Nagano originally with Azumi-mura , which was merged with Matsumoto-shi in 2005
Davos canton of Grisonscanton of Grisons Grisons Ueda NaganoNagano Nagano
Brienz Canton BernCanton Bern Bern Shimada ShizuokaShizuoka Shizuoka
Neuchâtel Canton of NeuchâtelCanton of Neuchâtel Neuchâtel Shinshiro AichiAichi Aichi not as a bilateral partnership, but as part of the "Neuchâtel of the World" initiative
Interlaken Canton BernCanton Bern Bern Ōtsu ShigaShiga Shiga
Yverdon-les-Bains Canton of VaudCanton of Vaud Vaud Kagamino OkayamaOkayama Okayama

There is also a regional partnership between the Canton of Bern and the Prefecture of Nara . Canton BernCanton Bern NaraNara 


  • 自治 体 国際 化 協会 Jichitai kokusaika kyōkai , English CLAIR : List of international partnerships of Japanese local authorities by country / territory, Switzerland (Japanese, English ), accessed on August 17, 2019.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Association d'amitié Genève-Shinagawa : Charte d'amitié (French)
  2. Ville de Neuchâtel: Neuchâtel du monde (French)
  3. Website "Newcastles of the world" (English)
  4. Shinshiro-shi: List of "Newcastle alliance" conferences (Japanese)