List of personalities from Minusio

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Coat of arms of Minusio

This list contains personalities born in Minusio and those who had their sphere of activity in Minusio without having been born there. The list does not claim to be complete.


Michail Bakunin on a photograph by Nadar
Gustav Eberlein, 1903
Stefan George
portrait by Reinhold Lepsius
Hans Huber
Margarethe Faas-Hardegger
Horst Janssen (1968)
  • Giuseppe Frizzi (born February 10, 1797 in Minusio; † October 13, 1831 Montafia ), architect in Turin
  • Angelo Brofferio (born December 6, 1802 in Castelnuovo Calcea , † May 25, 1866 in Minusio), politician and poet
  • Mikhail Alexandrowitsch Bakunin (1814 1876), Russian revolutionary, anarchist
  • Ludovico Nabruzzi (1846–1920), socialist agitator
  • Gustav Eberlein (1847–1926), German sculptor, painter and writer
  • Rinaldo Simen (1849–1910), free thinker, politician, Ticino State Councilor
  • Hans Huber (1852–1921), composer, director of the Basel Conservatory
  • Giuseppe Cavagnari (* 1862 in Romano di Lombardia ; † 1940 ibid), writer, he lived for a while in Minusio with Giovsanni Battista Mondada
  • Giovanni Battista Mondada (born February 5, 1864 in Minusio; † July 23, 1927 ibid), journalist, director of the newspaper L'Unione with Filippo Meda, friend of Luigi Guanella , first president of Lepontia
  • Stefan George (1868–1933), writer, translator, poet
  • Elisar von Kupffer (1872–1942), founder of a religious movement, artist, anthologist, poet, translator and playwright
  • Hugo Arnold Strauss (born November 21, 1872 in Makassar , † December 19, 1944 in Minusio), landscape painter
  • Paul Lazarus (1873–1957), German radiologist
  • Eduard von Mayer (1873–1960), writer, critic, historian
  • Theodoor Hendrik van de Velde (1873–1937), director of a women's clinic
  • Lennart von Zweygberg (* 1874 in Jyvaskyla Finland , † 1960 in Minusio), violinist
  • Wilhelm Schwerzmann (born June 22, 1877 in Zug (city) ; † June 7, 1966 in Orselina), sculptor, sculptor and designer of puppets
  • Margarethe Faas-Hardegger (1882–1963), Swiss women's rights activist, trade unionist
  • Ugo Zaccheo (born September 5, 1882 in Locarno, † June 15, 1972 in Minusio (Rivapiana)), painter, draftsman, illustrator, drawing teacher
  • Rudolf Gaberel (1882–1963), Swiss architect
  • Hermann Aellen (1887–1939), Swiss writer and journalist
  • Ulisse Assuelli (born March 6, 1888 in Minusio; † July 5, 1960 in Locarno), lecturer, painter, engraver, miniature painter and draftsman
  • Hans Richter (1888–1976), German painter, graphic artist, writer
  • Adele Margrit (Margaretha) Bay (born May 20, 1888 in Oberdiessbach , † March 17, 1939 in Minusio), sculptor
  • Karl Otten (1889–1963), writer
  • Albert E. Henselmann (1890–1974), painter and sculptor
  • Giovanni Bianconi (1891–1981), lecturer, form cutter, ethnographer, poet
  • Valerio Abbondio (1891–1958), Swiss teacher and poet
  • Fiorenzo Abbondio (1892–1980), sculptor
  • Richard Huelsenbeck (1892–1974), writer, psychologist
  • Max Uehlinger (born June 28, 1894 in Zurich; † February 3, 1981 in Minusio), sculptor, draftsman, illustrator
  • Mario Martinoni (1896–1981), Swiss officer, colonel, regimental commander
  • Robert Gilbert (1899–1978), German lyricist, poet, composer, singer and actor
  • Piero Bianconi (1899–1984), lecturer, writer, art critic
  • Amedeo Boffa (born August 3, 1900 in Bosco Luganese , † June 13, 1966 in Minusio), Ticino Grand Councilor , National Councilor , President of the Ticino Press Association
  • Luigi Leoni (born February 10, 1903 in Minusio; † May 3, 1980 ibid), painter, sculptor, xylograph
  • Silvio Baccaglio (born October 12, 1905 in Minusio, † October 25, 2000 in Locarno), lecturer, painter, screen printer, restorer
  • Giuseppe Mondada (born November 28, 1907 in Minusio, † 1997 in Locarno), school inspector, researcher, local historian, publicist
  • Rosita Genardini (1916–1995), social worker, politician
  • Silvestro Mondada (born January 29, 1917 in Minusio; † January 30, 2007 in Locarno), painter, graphic artist, xylograph, engraver
  • Livio Leoni (born May 15, 1919 in Minusio; † May 17, 2006 ibid), painter, portraitist
  • Cherubino Darani (born August 18, 1921 in Chironico ; † November 10, 2016 in Minusio), lawyer, Ticino Grand Councilor, editor, regional director of Radiotelevisione Svizzera
  • Giovanni Lombardi (1926–2017), Swiss civil engineer
  • Horst Janssen (1929–1995), German draftsman, graphic artist, author,
  • Sandro Bianconi (* 1933), linguist, film critic, former director of the Locarno International Film Festival
  • Remo Lardi (*? In?), From Poschiavo , politician, colonel in the Swiss Army
  • Elfriede Rüsch called Elfi (* 1938? In Locarno?), Researcher, art historian, publicist lives in Minusio
  • Renato Martinoni (* 1952 in Minusio), doctor of Italian literature, private lecturer at the University of Zurich
  • Pedro Pedrazzini (born November 11, 1953 in Roveredo GR ), sculptor
  • Felice Dafond (born June 11, 1957 in Minusio), lawyer, mayor
  • Annina Martinoni (born May 9, 1957 in St. Gallen), painter, draftsman
  • Fabio Bacchetta Cattori (born July 26, 1961 in Locarno), lawyer, politician, Ticino Grand Councilor
  • Giovanni Merlini (born May 27, 1962), lawyer, politician, National Councilor

Individual evidence

  1. Ursula Stevens: Giuseppe Frizzi. In: Retrieved March 20, 2016 .
  2. Lara Calderari: Giuseppe Frizzi. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . February 11, 2004 , accessed December 6, 2019 .
  3. Angelo Brofferio (Italian) at (accessed on: July 17, 2016.)
  4. ^ Rodolfo Huber: Giuseppe Cavagnari. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . April 9, 2015 , accessed December 6, 2019 .
  5. Giuseppe Cavagnari (Italian) on (accessed on: July 28, 2016)
  6. Giovanni Battista Mondada on
  7. ^ Antonio Gili: Giovanni Battista Mondada (1864-1927). In: Alberto Lepori, Fabrizio Panzera (ed.): Uomini nostri. Trenta biography di uomini politici. Armando Dadò Editore, Locarno 1989, pp. 23, 55-57.
  8. ^ Hugo Arnold Strauss. In: Sikart , accessed January 7, 2016
  9. Eduard von Mayer in (accessed on: June 17, 2016.)
  10. ^ Wilhelm Schwerzmann. In: Sikart
  11. Ugo Zaccheo. In: Sikart
  12. Ugo Zaccheo in (accessed on: June 17, 2016)
  13. Ulisse Assuelli. In: Sikart
  14. ^ Adele Margrit (Margaretha) Bay. In: Sikart
  15. Albert E. Henselmann on
  16. ^ Renato Martinoni: Giovanni Bianconi. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . November 12, 2002 , accessed December 6, 2019 .
  17. Max Uehlinger. In: Sikart
  18. ^ Renato Martinoni: Piero Bianconi. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . April 28, 2004 , accessed December 6, 2019 .
  19. ^ Pablo Crivelli: Amedeo Boffa. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . May 24, 2004 , accessed January 13, 2020 .
  20. ^ Alberto Lepori, Fabrizio Panzera (ed.): Uomini nostri. Trenta biography di uomini politici. Armando Dadò Editore, Locarno 1989, p. 16.
  21. Luigi Leoni. In: Sikart , accessed January 25, 2016
  22. ^ Graziano Mandozzi: Silvio Baccaglio. Le serigraph 1997-2000. Tipografia Poncioni, Losone 2000
  23. Giuseppe Mondada Bibliography on
  24. Silvestro Mondada. In: Sikart , accessed January 22, 2016
  25. Livio Leoni. In: Sikart , accessed January 25, 2016
  26. Pasquale Genasci: Cherubino Darani. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . September 27, 2017 , accessed April 2, 2020 .
  27. ^ Remo Lardi President of the Orizzonti Filosofici
  28. Elfi Rüsch Bibliography on
  29. Renato Martinoni and bibliography (Italian) on (accessed on November 18, 2017)
  30. Pedro Pedrazzini. In: Sikart
  31. Pedro Pedrazzini website
  32. Felice Dafond mayor on
  33. Annina Martinoni. In: Sikart , accessed January 21, 2016
  34. Fabio Bacchetta Cattori (Italian) on
  35. Giovanni Merlini on the website of the Federal Assembly (accessed on October 9, 2016)