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The Lupfenturm on the summit of Lupfen

The Lupfenturm on the summit of Lupfen

height 975.5  m above sea level NHN
location at Talheim ; District of Tuttlingen , Baden-Württemberg ( Germany )
Mountains Swabian Alb ( Baar )
Dominance 9.3 km →  Dreifaltigkeitsberg
Notch height 270 m ↓  south of Schwenninger Moos , near Bad Dürrheim
Coordinates 48 ° 1 '25 "  N , 8 ° 40' 16"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 1 '25 "  N , 8 ° 40' 16"  E
Lupfen (Baden-Württemberg)
Type Zeugenberg
rock White Jura
particularities Lupfenturm ( AT )
View over Talheim to Lupfen

View over Talheim to Lupfen

Template: Infobox Berg / Maintenance / BILD1

The Lupfen , also called Hohenlupfen , is 975.5  m above sea level. NHN the highest mountain of the Baar at the transition to Baarjura or Baaralb . It is located near Talheim and Durchhausen in the Baden-Württemberg district of Tuttlingen .

The Lupfen is a witness mountain and is also called King of the Baar . The Lupfenturm stands on it .



The Lupfen is in the municipal areas of Talheim in the south, Durchhausen in the north and Seitingen-Oberflacht in the east. It is located - including the summit region - predominantly in the municipality of Talheim. Parts of its northern slope belong to Durchhausen and lower layers of the eastern slope are near the Seitingen-Oberflacht district of Oberflacht .

The Schönbach , which is fed by the Mühlbach flowing east of the mountain, flows past Lupfen in the north , and the Krähenbach in the south . Large parts of the Lupfen landscape protection area ( CDDA no. 322864; 1996; 5.02  km² ) are located on the mountain . In the north-eastern neighborhood there is the Hohenkarpfen ( 911.5  m ), another witness and cone mountain.

Natural allocation

The Lupfen belongs to the natural spatial main unit group Gäuplatten des Neckarland (No. 12) and in the main unit Baar or Baarhochmulde (121) to the subunit Baar-Albvorberge (Baaralbvorberge) or the northern Baaralbsockel and Lupfenbergland (121.2 and 121.3).


On the Lupfen stands the 22.5 m high Lupfenturm , which was built and is maintained by the Swabian Alb Association . The top of the wooden observation tower dominates the mixed forest . According to a board in the tower below the platform, it should exceed the 1000 meter mark. The view extends far over the Nordbaar and the Neckar spring area in the north to the most striking Black Forest mountains such as the Feldberg and the Hornisgrinde in the west, in the east to the mountains on the Albtrauf, which are approximately at the same height, such as the Dreifaltigkeitsberg , the Klippeneck and the Lemberg as well in the south to the Swiss (e.g. to Säntis ) and Austrian Alps .


The Lupfen was the seat of the Earl of Lupfen , one the Swabian Ur needle associated mighty noble family. They had Hohenlupfen Castle , first mentioned in 1065 and destroyed in 1416, built on the Lupfen .

See also

Web links

Commons : Lupfen  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Map services of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation ( information )
  2. Friedrich Huttenlocher : Geographical Land Survey: The natural space units on sheet 178 Sigmaringen. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1959. →  Online map (PDF; 4.3 MB)
  3. ^ Alfred G. Benzing: Geographical land survey: The natural space units on sheet 186 Konstanz. Federal Institute for Regional Studies, Bad Godesberg 1964. →  Online map (PDF; 4.1 MB)
  4. Lupfenturm near Talheim (Schwäbischer Albverein), on