MG 13

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Machine gun MG 13
Munster MG13 (dark1) .jpg
general information
Military designation: Dreyse 13 light machine gun
Country of operation: German Empire
Manufacturer country: German Empire
Production time: 1930 to 1935
Model variants: 13, 13k, 13kd
Weapon Category: Machine gun
Overall length: 1341 mm
Weight: (unloaded) 11.4 kg
Barrel length : 718 mm
Technical specifications
Caliber : 7.92 x 57 mm
Possible magazine fillings : 25/75 cartridges
Ammunition supply : Cam magazine / drum magazine
Cadence : 550 rounds / min
Fire types: Single, continuous fire
Number of trains : 4th
Twist : right
Visor : open sights
Charging principle: Recoil loader
Lists on the subject

The MG 13 was a light German machine gun that was introduced to the Reichswehr as a standard machine gun for a few years .


The background to the development of the MG 13 was the need to replace the cumbersome automatic fire guns of the MG 08 type , which were water-cooled in their first variants. Instead, the German military leadership demanded an air-cooled MG that should be as universal as possible both as an infantry weapon and as an on-board weapon in armored vehicles and aircraft. The conditions of the Versailles Treaty forbade the development of new machine guns, but this was undermined. The water-cooled MG Dreyse 13, which was only used as a makeshift weapon during the First World War, served as the basis for the construction. In 1930 the improved model was added to the arsenal of the Reichswehr. However, it only stayed there for a short time, as the development of a standard machine gun had already begun in the spring of 1931. From 1936 the MG 13 was largely retired and replaced by the more modern MG 34 . Towards the end of World War II, the reserve stocks were given to the troops due to the lack of other weapons.


The MG 13 is an air-cooled, shooting blowback gun with a short barrel return. The cartridges were fed from the left by means of curve magazines with 25 rounds or double drum magazines with 75 rounds capacity. The MG 13 had a trigger with which, as with the later MG 34, single fire and the lower part could be fired continuously by actuating the upper part . The shoulder rest was foldable like the bipod. A recoil booster sat on the muzzle .


  • MG 13 : standard version, long barrel
  • MG 13k : short version, barrel length reduced to 600 mm
  • MK 13kd : Short version with a more massive barrel for longer continuous fire


  • Günter Wollert, Reiner Lidschun, Wilfried Copenhagen : small arms . (1945-1985). In: Illustrated encyclopedia of rifles from around the world . 5th edition. tape 1 . Brandenburgisches Verlagshaus, Berlin 1988, ISBN 3-89488-057-0 , weapons, p. 183-186 .
  • Karl R. Pawlas: The MG 13 (Dreyse). In: Waffen-Revue No. 28, Nuremberg

Web links

Commons : MG 13  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files