MP 3008

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MP 3008
MP 3008
general information
Civil name: Volkssturm MPi
Military designation: MP 3008
Country of operation: German Empire
Production time: 1945
Weapon Category: Submachine gun
Overall length: 760 mm
Weight: (unloaded) 3.1 kg
Barrel length : 190 mm
Technical specifications
Caliber : 9 × 19 mm
Possible magazine fillings : 32 cartridges
Ammunition supply : Bar magazine
Cadence : 450 rounds / min
Number of trains : 6th
Twist : right
Closure : Mass closure
Charging principle: Recoil loader
Lists on the subject

The machine gun device Neumünster MP 3008 , also called the people's machine gun , was a replica of the English MP Sten . The Sten-MP had been captured in large numbers by German troops, but was long regarded as too primitive to be used in the Wehrmacht . Instead, the stens were stored in reserve arsenals. Only the acute shortage of weapons from 1943 forced a rethink.

The Neumünster device uses the bar magazine of the MP 38 / MP 40 , but with a magazine shaft pointing downwards. This characteristic of the weapon distinguishes it from the Potsdam device , the Mauser replica of the MP Sten, which had the magazine slot on the left like the original. The term "MP 3008" comes as an abbreviation from the German device no. 1-3-3008. More than 30 suppliers are said to have been involved in the parts production, and 14 companies in the assembly. As the last great hope for the army and the Volkssturm , the Feldzeuginspektion ordered 1 million pieces of these weapons on November 15, 1944, available in monthly installments of 250,000 pieces. According to American studies, a maximum of around 3500 pieces were assembled. It is unclear how many of them made it to the Volkssturm before the Allies took over the production facilities .


  • Darrin Weaver et al. Blake Stevens: Desperate Measures - The Last-Ditch Weapons of the Nazi Volkssturm
  • Article: Volles Rohr: Device 3008 from: Das Deutsche Waffen-Journal , issue 10/06.
  • Terry Gander, Peter Chamberlain: Encyclopedia of German Weapons 1939-1945 - Hand weapons, artillery, captured weapons, special weapons , 2nd edition, Motorbuch Verlag, Stuttgart 2008, ISBN 978-3-613-02481-6 .
  • Reiner Lidschun, Günter Wollert: Infantry weapons. Illustrated encyclopedia of infantry weapons from around the world up to 1945 , Parragon Verlag, ISBN 978-1-4454-3816-0 .

Web links

Commons : MP 3008  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. MP-3008 (People's Machine Gun ) ( Memento from May 11, 2018 in the Internet Archive )
  2. a b Reiner Lidschun, Günter Wollert: Infantry weapons. Illustrated encyclopedia of infantry weapons from around the world up to 1945 , p. 149 ff.
  3. a b Terry Gander, Peter Chamberlain: Encyclopedia of German weapons 1939-1945 - hand weapons, artillery, captured weapons, special weapons , p. 65