Dreyse model 1907

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Dreyse model 1907
Dreyse M1907
general information
Civil name: Dreyse 07
Military designation: Dreyse M1907
Developer / Manufacturer: Rheinische Metallwaaren- und Maschinenfabrik AG
Development year: 1905-1906
Manufacturer country: Germany
Production time: 1907 to 1915
Weapon Category: gun
Overall length: 160 mm
Total height: 116 mm
Total width: 20 mm
Weight: (unloaded) 0.650 kg
Barrel length : 78 mm
Technical specifications
Caliber : 7.65mm Browning
Ammunition supply : With a stacking magazine of 7 shots each
Number of trains : 4th
Twist : R.
Charging principle: Self loader
Lists on the subject

The Dreyse Model 1907 ( Dreyse M1907 or Dreyse 07 for short ) is a semi-automatic pistol designed by Louis Schmeisser . The pistol was named after Nikolaus von Dreyse , the designer of the Dreyse needle gun .


The Dreyse arms factory was acquired in 1901 by Rheinische Metallwaaren & Maschinenfabrik Sömmerda , but the pistols developed there continued to be marketed under the Dreyse name. There is also a 6.35 mm pocket version (also as model 1907). In 1912 the Dreyse Model 1912 for 9 mm Parabellum was created as the successor to the pistol. The main production period was from 1907 to 1915. The last pistols were made in 1919, then the Versailles Treaty banned the manufacture of weapons.


Early Dreyse models 1907 bear the mark “DREYSE Rheinische Metallwaaren- & Maschinenfabrik ABT. SÖMMERDA ”on the left side of the case, the handles are marked with the“ RMF ”logo. Later pistols only bear the mark “DREYSE RHEINMETALL ABT. SÖMMERDA ”.


Military users in World War I were both the German Empire and Austria-Hungary . In 1915 about 100,000 of these pistols were procured by the German military and given to rear services and troops at home in order to alleviate the shortage of pistols 08 . Austria-Hungary also bought Dreyse pistols for its military during the First World War. During the Second World War the pistol was used by the Wehrmacht , and most recently by the Volkssturm .

The Dreyse model 1907 pistol was above all a popular weapon of the police , which was introduced in 1910 at the royal Saxon gendarmerie and the Berlin police headquarters . In the twenties, the pistol was part of the standard equipment of the Prussian police and was also in police service during the Second World War. Even after 1950 the Dreyse 07 was still used by the East German People's Police .

In 1912, the Papal Swiss Guard also acquired thirty of these pistols for use by officers and non-commissioned officers. They remained in service until 1990.


  • Martin J. Dougherty: Pistols and Revolvers: From 1400 to the present day , Amber Books Ltd, 2017, p. 181, ISBN 978-1-78274-266-1 .

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Gun details: Dreyse M1907 at www.swisswaffen.com
  2. Data sheet: Dreyse 07 on waffensammler-kuratorium.de