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Malečov (Czech Republic)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Basic data
State : Czech RepublicCzech Republic Czech Republic
Region : Ústecký kraj
District : Ústí nad Labem
Area : 2368.7446 ha
Geographic location : 50 ° 38 '  N , 14 ° 7'  E Coordinates: 50 ° 37 '55 "  N , 14 ° 7' 11"  E
Height: 515  m nm
Residents : 817 (Jan. 1, 2019)
Postal code : 400 02 - 403 27
License plate : U
Street: Ploskovice - Ústí nad Labem
Status: local community
Districts: 10
Mayor : Antonín Mareš (as of 2009)
Address: Malečov 36
403 27 Malečov
Municipality number: 568104
Website :
Location of Malečov in the Ústí nad Labem district

Malečov (German Malschen ) is a municipality in the Czech Republic . It is located seven kilometers southeast of Ústí nad Labem or north of Litoměřice and belongs to the Okres Ústí nad Labem .


Malečov is located in the right Elbe part of the Bohemian Central Uplands on a saddle between the headwaters of the Suchý potok and Olešnický potok. To the north rises the Varta (379 m), in the south the Kukla (673 m) and the Trpasličí Kameny (671 m), to the southwest the Široký vrch (659 m) and to the west the Malý Ostrý (571 m) and Vysoký Ostrý (587 m) m).

Neighboring towns are Svádov, Březí, Varta, Vítov, Velichov and Velké Březno in the north, Bukovina, Jankův Mlýn and Byňov in the northeast, Horní Zálezly in the east, Proboštov and Pohoří in the southeast, Tašov and Němčí in the west, Brná in the south-west as well as Nová Ves, Kojetice, Olšinky and Budov in the north-west.


The Malse farm was first mentioned in writing in 1057 in the founding document of the Leitmeritz chapter. At that time there were six properties and a garden here. Later the place was called Malessov , Malessow , Malečov , Maliczow or Malschen . Wenceslas IV pledged the village in 1410 together with Kojeditz to Hašek von Robeč. In 1548 the Lords of Salhausen acquired the goods. In the berní rula of 1654, twelve farms are shown for Malschen, two of which were desolate. By 1750 the village belonging to Gut Schwaden had grown by 18 cottages. In 1676 the Schwaden manor was attached to the allodial rule of Ploschkowitz , with which they remained until the middle of the 19th century. In 1833 a windmill was built outside the village. The parish was Proboscht.

After the abolition of patrimonial Malschen formed from 1850 a political municipality in the judicial district or district . In 1854 the Czech name Malečov was introduced as the second official name. The windmill was shut down in 1879 and later dismantled. In the center of the village was the windowless chapel of the Virgin Mary, which was later converted into a syringe house. In 1930 Malschen had 215 inhabitants, most of whom were Germans. After the Munich Agreement , the community was added to the German Reich in 1938 and belonged to the Aussig district until 1945 . In 1939 the community had 197 inhabitants. In 1945 Malečov returned to Czechoslovakia and the German residents were expelled. In the same year Němčí was incorporated. In 1948 the community was assigned to the Okres Ústí nad Labem-okolí and came back in 1961 to the Okres Ústí nad Labem . The syringe house was demolished in 1950 when the town center was being redesigned. Since 1957 Pohoří has ​​been a part of Malečov. Březí was added in 1960 and Čeřeniště, Horní Zálezly, Proboštov, Rýdeč and Tašov in 1980 . Tašov broke up again in 1990. The district Malečov had 268 inhabitants in 2001.

Community structure

The municipality of Malečov consists of the districts Babiny I ( Babina I ), Březí ( Presei ), Čeřeniště ( Tschersing ), Horní Zálezly ( Salesel ), Malečov ( Malschen ), Němčí ( Nemschen ), Pohoří ( Pohorz ), Proboštov ( Proboscht ), Rýdeč ( Ritschen ) and Řetouň ( Retaun ), which also form cadastral districts. Malečov also includes the settlements Bukovina ( Buchbusch ) and Vimperk ( Winterberg ).


  • Chapel, southwest of Malečov at the foot of the Trpasličí Kameny, built at the beginning of the 19th century
  • Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist in Proboštov, documented since 1352
  • Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary Helper of Christianity in Březí, built in 1936
  • Chapel of St. Anthony of Padua in Řetouň, built in 1932
  • Chapel in Březí, from 1780

Web links

Commons : Malečov  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  2. Český statistický úřad - The population of the Czech municipalities as of January 1, 2019 (PDF; 7.4 MiB)