Mario Ferrari Aggradi

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Mario Ferrari Aggradi

Mario Ferrari Aggradi (born March 13, 1916 in La Maddalena , then Sassari Province , Sardinia , † December 24, 1997 in Rome ) was an Italian politician of the Democrazia Cristiana (DC), who was a member of the Camera dei deputati between 1953 and 1976 and several times were ministers in different governments. Among other things, he was Italy's Finance Minister for a few months in 1968 . Later he was a member of the Senato della Repubblica from 1979 to 1992 .


Ferrari Aggradi completed a law degree after attending school and later held a professorship in law. In 1943 he was a member of the staff at Codice di Camaldoli , the economic program of the Catholic Democrazia Cristiana.

In the election of June 7, 1953 , as a candidate of the DC, he was elected for the first time as a member of the Chamber of Deputies (Camera dei deputati) and represented the interests of the Province of Venice in this until March 2, 1976 .

On June 17, 1953, Ferrari Aggradi was appointed to a government office for the first time by Prime Minister Alcide De Gasperi and subsequently held the position of Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Budget (Sottosegratario di Stato al Bilancio) in the De Gasperi VIII cabinets , Pella , until July 1, 1958 , Fanfani I , Scelba , Segni I and Zoli .

In the second Fanfani cabinet , Ferrari Aggradi took over his first ministerial office on July 1, 1958 and served as Minister of Agriculture and Forests (Ministro dell'Agricoltura e Foreste) until February 15, 1959 . He was then from February 15, 1959 to July 26, 1960 in the Cabinets Segni II and Tambroni Minister for State Participation (Ministro delle Partecipazioni Statali) . At the same time he held the post of Minister of Transport (Ministro die Trasporti) from April 11 to July 26, 1960 .

In the first and second Moro cabinet , Ferrari Aggradi was again Minister for Agriculture and Forests between December 4, 1963 and February 23, 1966. In the second Leone cabinet , he was Minister of Finance (Ministro delle Finanze) from June 24 to December 12, 1968, and then in the first Rumor cabinet between December 12, 1968 and March 24, 1969 , before moving to a cabinet reshuffle on March 24, 1969 and on March 27, 1970, he was Minister for Public Education (Ministro della Pubblica Istruzione) in Cabinet Rumor I and Cabinet Rumor II . In the third Rumor cabinet , he served between March 27, 1970 and August 6, 1970 as Minister without Portfolio for Relations with Parliament (Ministro senza Portafoglio per i Rapporti con il Parlamento) .

Ferrari Aggradi was then Minister of the Treasury (Ministro del Tesoro) between August 6, 1970 and February 17, 1972 , and then Minister for Public Works (Ministro die Lavori Pubblici) in the Andreotti I cabinet from February 17 to June 26, 1972 . In the second Andreotti cabinet that followed , he served again as Minister for State Participations between June 26, 1972 and July 7, 1973, and again as Minister for Agriculture and Forests in the fourth Rumor cabinet from July 7, 1973 to March 14, 1974 .

Ferrari Aggradi resigned his seat in the Chamber of Deputies on March 2, 1976, but was elected to the Senate (Senato della Repubblica) in the elections on June 27, 1979 for the Democrazia Cristiana and belonged to this until April 22, 1992. During This time he was a member and chairman of various committees and special committees of the Senate, including between August 1983 and July 1987 chairman of the budget committee (Commissione Permante di Bilancio) .

After his death he was buried in Castelnuovo Bocca d'Adda in the province of Lodi , where his ancestors came from.

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