Martin Rade

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Paul Martin Rade (born April 4, 1857 in Rennersdorf ; † April 9, 1940 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a Protestant theologian and left-liberal politician ( NSV , FSV , FVP , DDP ).

Live and act

Martin Rade attended grammar schools in Bautzen and Zittau and studied Protestant theology at the University of Leipzig . After being employed as a private tutor, he became pastor in Schönbach in Upper Lusatia and from 1892 to 1899 in Frankfurt am Main at the Paulskirche .

In 1899 Rade received a professorship for Protestant theology at the University of Marburg . From 1919 to 1921 he was a member of the German Democratic Party of the Prussian Constitutional Assembly .

As a university lecturer and publicist, Rade had a great impact on contemporary theology. He is considered to be a main representative of cultural Protestantism .

In 1886/87 Rade published the first year of the journal Evangelisch-Lutherisches Gemeindeblatt for the educated members of the Protestant churches from the publisher Friedrich Wilhelm Grunow in Leipzig . Co-editors and collaborators were other students and supporters of the Göttingen theologian Albrecht Ritschl . From the following year 1888/89 the magazine appeared under the name Die Christliche Welt .

The Christian World appeared in 55 volumes up to the war-related termination in May 1941, last edited by Hermann Mulert . Since 1922 it was published in Leipzig by the Gotha publisher Leopold Klotz (1878–1956), who had taken over the magazine from Rade a year earlier.

Martin Rade had been married to Dora Naumann (1868–1945), a sister of the left-liberal party leader Friedrich Naumann , since 1889 . His son Gottfried (1891–1987) also became a theologian, but then worked full-time for the DDP in the constituencies of Hessen-Nassau and Dresden and emigrated to Switzerland in 1933 , where he served as pastor for many years.




Entries in biographical dictionaries

Further literature

  • Jörn-Peter Leppien: Martin Rade and German-Danish relations 1909–1929. A contribution to historical peace research and the problem of nationalism . Wachholtz, Neumünster 1981 (Sources and Research on the History of Schleswig-Holstein, Volume 77), ISBN 3-529-02177-6 .
  • Axel Meißner: Martin Rades “Christian World” and Armenia. Building blocks for an international ethics of Protestantism (= studies on oriental church history. Volume 22). Lit, Berlin / Münster 2010, ISBN 3-825-86281-X .
  • Anne Christine Nagel : Martin Rade - theologian and politician of social liberalism. A political biography (= Religious Cultures of Modern Age. Volume 4). Kaiser, Gütersloh 1996, ISBN 3-579-02603-8 .
  • Johannes Rathje : The world of free Protestantism. A contribution to the German-Protestant intellectual history. Depicted in the life and work of Martin Rade. Klotz, Stuttgart 1952.

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Individual evidence

  1. Cf. Finding aid on the Gottfried Rade holdings in the Archive of Liberalism of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom , Gummersbach , N 116.