Matthias Fischer (right-wing extremist)

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Matthias Fischer (* 1977 in Templin ) is a German neo-Nazi and active in the right-wing extremist small party Der III. Way . He was one of the most important leading figures of the right-wing extremist scene in Bavaria and one of the key activists in the neo-Nazi comradeship scene in southern Germany, such as in the umbrella organization Free Network South (FNS), which was banned in 2014 . Fischer was the Bavarian state chairman of the Young National Democrats (JN), the youth organization of the NPD . He has lived in Brandenburg since 2014 and is instrumental in building up the neo-Nazi party “Der III. Weg “in the eastern federal states.


Matthias Fischer is a trained painter and has a criminal record for various violent crimes . In 2014 he moved with his family to Angermünde in northeast Brandenburg.

Activist in comradeships and with the NPD

In 1998 Fischer had contact with the three members of the National Socialist Underground (NSU). In the early 2000s he was one of the trend-setting activists in the Nazi group "Nationalists Nuremberg". A short time later the "Franconian Action Front" (FAF) was founded, in which Fischer, the former drummer of the neo-Nazi band Hate Society , was also active in the management team. He was responsible under press law for the publications of the Landser magazines, in which he was involved.

Matthias Fischer ran for the constituency of Fürth in the 2005 Bundestag election and achieved 2.4 percent.

On March 15, 2007, the ARD television magazine Panorama showed secret footage of a meeting to honor fallen SS members in Budapest . The then NPD federal chairman Udo Voigt took part in the meeting. There were anti-Semitic and racist abuses at the accompanying music event . The members of the cadre of the NPD, Norman Bordin and Matthias Fischer, could be seen on the recordings with "Heil-Hitler" shouts. In a later interview, Udo Voigt then described the Hitler salute as a "peace salute", which should be allowed 60 years after the end of the war.

In the state elections in Bavaria in 2008 , Fischer took second place in the list for the NPD . Also in 2008 he tried in vain to be elected to the city council of Fürth . After the FAF was banned, he acted as district chairman of the NPD in Fürth.

Fischer later became head of the Young National Democrats (JN), the youth organization of the NPD. In May 2010 Matthias Fischer resigned from the NPD. He resigned from his position as chairman of the NPD district association in Middle Franconia. In NPD circles, the association was "always the heart chamber of the party in Bavaria" (South German). Fischer joined at this time as the main organizer of the monthly march of right-wing extremists in the Upper Franconian Graefenberg on.

The Lower Franconian NPD leader Uwe Meenen , until 2010 NPD regional vice-president, ran again in May 2010 at the NPD party congress near Landau (Lower Bavaria) in a fight against the then Bavarian NPD leader Ralf Ollert . In his first bid for a fight, Meenen failed in 2008 with a two-vote difference to Ollert. The young organization of the NPD accused Ollert in 2010 of being responsible for the poor result in the 2010 state elections with 1.2 percent. A third of the delegates left the party congress with Meenen.

In the meantime, the Fürth rights around Fischer appear as the “Citizens' Initiative Social Fürth” (BiSF) and distribute racist flyers throughout the city of Fürth. The self-declared aim of the BiSF was to take part in the city council elections in 2014 and to enter the Fürth city parliament with a representative.

Fischer also called for the nationwide advertised "National May 1st Demonstration 2013" in Würzburg .

Fischer has contacts with a number of nationwide active neo-Nazis, including Thomas Wulff . Fischer counts as an activist of the anti-antifa . Fischer's connection to the right-wing terrorist organization NSU, which murdered at least nine people in Germany for racist motives, remained unresolved. Fischer was listed as a contact for Nuremberg in the phone book of the NSU terrorist Uwe Mundlos .

During a search by the Bavarian State Criminal Police Office (LKA) on July 10, 2013 against the neo-Nazi comradeship Free Network South (FNS), the rooms of Fischer in Stadeln (Fürth) and Norman Kempken from Nuremberg, where several neo-Nazis were also reported, were searched.

For many years Fischer was one of the most influential activists in the “Free Network South”. In this role, he called for the “National May Day” in 2014 and, together with Tony Gentsch , called for immigration to be stopped in order to prevent the influx of “wage pressers”. The “representatives of the trade unions”, the social democrats and the left attacked them as traitors to the “German working people”.

From 2013 until the ban and confiscation in 2014, Fischer and Tony Gentsch operated the Final Resistance dispatch, which Daniel Weigl founded in 2010 and which was observed by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, in the Oberprex district of Regnitzlosau .

Aryan Hope member

Matthias Fischer is a member of the group “Aryan Hope” (Eng. “Aryan Hope”). This strives for a worldwide network of combat communities and propagates the "white supremacy". Like most of the members, Fischer also had the English slogan tattooed over his left ear.

Activist at the party The III. path

Since the FNS was banned, mainly southern German nationalists have organized themselves in the party “ Der III. Way "; so does Fischer. He is significantly involved in the structural development and expansion of the party in the eastern federal states.

In the summer of 2014, Fischer moved with his family to Angermünde in northeast Brandenburg, near his hometown Templin. He works closely with Maik Eminger, twin brother of the NSU trial defendant André Eminger , from Grabow. Maik Eminger registers meetings and is the party's lead activist in Brandenburg.

On January 9, 2016 it came to the establishment of the "regional association center" of the party The III. Way in Berlin. This structure includes the federal states of Thuringia, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Brandenburg and Berlin. Matthias Fischer was proposed as "Area Association Manager Middle" and elected to office with 96%.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Florian Sendtner: Blacked files on the series of murders. In: Bayerische Staatszeitung . December 21, 2012, accessed June 28, 2014 .
  2. Andrea Röpke : Brown comradeships: The militant neo-Nazis in the shadow of the NPD . Ch. Links Verlag, Berlin 2005, ISBN 3-86153-365-0 , p. 64 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  3. Profile of Matthias Fischer (NPD) for the parliamentary elections in 2005 on
  4. Risky research - secret recordings of NPD officials. In: Panorama. March 15, 2007, accessed June 28, 2014 .
  5. Olaf Przybilla: Bavaria's NPD before the split. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung . May 17, 2010, accessed June 28, 2014 .
  6. ^ Timo Müller: Raid against neo-Nazis in Fürth. "Citizens' platform Fürther Freiheit" (Ed. Ralph Stenzel, ViSdP Christofer Hornstein), July 13, 2013, accessed on June 28, 2014 .
  7. Andreas Speit : Neo-Nazis on May 1st: National banks on anti-capitalism. In: April 28, 2014. Retrieved June 28, 2014 .
  8. Johannes Hartl: Change of ownership with brown mailing. In: terminus right Bavaria. December 15, 2013, accessed June 28, 2014 .
  9. Nazi stickers on Bavarian police vehicle. In: May 21, 2014, accessed June 28, 2014 .
  10. ^ Constitutional Protection Report Bavaria 2013. (PDF (p. 48); 2.1 MB) (No longer available online.) P. 95 , archived from the original on June 18, 2014 ; accessed on June 28, 2014 .
  11. ^ Free state forbids neo-Nazi organization., July 23, 2014
  12. ^ NSU Watch Brandenburg: Dossier: "The III. Weg ” , September 21, 2016, accessed June 24, 2017
  13. "The III. Away. ”A product of the crisis of the“ National Resistance ”? , Antifa information sheet, December 16, 2015.
  14. ^ Regional association “Mitte” of the party “Der III. Weg “ ( memento of July 8, 2016 in the Internet Archive ).