Norman Bordin

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Norman Bordin as a speaker at a demonstration

Norman Bordin (born August 12, 1976 in Duisburg ) is a German neo-Nazi based in Ottobrunn near Munich . From 2006 to 2008 he was chairman of the NPD youth organization Young National Democrats in Bavaria. From October 2007 to 2009 he was Deputy JN Federal Chairman.


Comradeship activist in North Rhine-Westphalia

Born in Geldern , Bordin became active in the neo-Nazi scene in the early 1990s. In the following years he worked closely with the Duisburg "comrade leader" Michael Thiel and maintained good contacts with the Düsseldorf "comrade leader" Sven Skoda . After moving to Velbert in 1997 , Bordin set up the “Nationale Forum Niederberg” (NFN), which worked closely with the “Kameradschaft Düsseldorf” and was part of the spectrum of the “ Freie Kameradschaft ”. The Velbert "Siepensturm", which was mainly made up of neo-Nazis and right-wing extremist skinheads and known for the attacks they had committed, was also affiliated to the NFN. The NFN disintegrated in early 1999.

Activities in southern Germany

After moving to Freilassing again , Bordin and Manfred Eichner soon established the “Action Office for National Resistance Freilassing” and organized a demonstration on August 5, 2000 that was finally banned under the motto “Stop the EU dictatorship - solidarity with Austria!” .

Following a program organized by the “Freizeitverein Isar 96 e. V. ”organized a birthday party for Martin Wiese on January 13, 2001, in which activists from the“ Action Office ”also took part, about 20 neo-Nazi skinheads attacked a 31-year-old Greek who only survived due to fortunate circumstances.

In December 2001, Bordin founded the “ Comradeship South - Action Office South Germany” (AS), which formed a catchment basin for the members of the “Leisure Club” after its dissolution. After Bordin's imprisonment in the summer of 2002, the right-wing extremist Martin Wiese took over the leadership role in the comradeship, which later became known, among other things, because of his conviction for ringleadership in a terrorist organization in connection with a planned attack on the laying of the foundation stone of the Jewish community center in Munich.

After his release from prison, he became a member of the Kampfbund Deutscher Sozialisten (KDS) and since May 8, 2004 has been the "base manager" of the KDS in Munich. The website of the KDS base in Munich appeared on the Internet under the umbrella of the “National Resistance South Germany” (“ Resistance South ”), which also includes the “Action Office South” and the “ National Information Telephone (NIT) South Germany”. Bordin was appointed by Friedhelm Busse as his successor "in the leadership of the National Resistance".

Functionary of the NPD

Norman Bordin at a demonstration on December 11, 2004 in Dorfen near Munich

Since the summer of 2004, Bordin has increasingly moved away from the KDS and, like the entire "National Resistance of Southern Germany", increasingly approached the NPD . For example, on August 23, 2004 they demonstrated in front of the Feldherrnhalle in Munich with party flags, in return the NPD reported on a “ national Monday demonstration ” organized by Bordin . On September 29, 2004, Bordin joined the National Democratic Party of Germany. In a broadcast of the ARD magazine Report Mainz , the then Bavarian Minister of the Interior Günther Beckstein (CSU) said: “It is completely clear to me that Bordin is a person who is prone to violence. But he also makes speeches that can clearly lead other people to consider violence to be justified. ”At the same time, Beckstein referred to the NPD's new strategy of integrating neo-Nazis from the so-called“ Free Comradeships ”and warned against infiltration of the NPD Violent forces: "If the NPD accepts violent people into its organization, then they are still dangerous because they could plan actions - under the guise of the NPD." In a press release, Bordin urged other "revolutionary forces" to join the party to enter: “It's what this system is afraid of. A legal structure that is practically 'un forbidden'. ”Comments by KDS boss Thomas Brehl on Bordin's entry into the party aimed in a similar direction .

Bordin now appears nationwide at NPD and neo-Nazi events as a registrant and speaker and is considered an important cadre of the neo-Nazi scene. In the 2005 Bundestag election campaign, he ran unsuccessfully as a direct candidate in the Munich-Land constituency (constituency 223).

In early 2006, Bordin became regional chairman of the Young National Democrats in Bavaria. On April 27, 2008, he handed over the office to Matthias Fischer (Fürth). From October 2007 to 2009 Bordin was deputy of the JN federal chairman Michael Schäfer. In May 2006 he was also elected to the NPD state executive.

More activities and connections

Neo-Nazi concert in Mitterskirchen

On November 13, 2005, Spiegel TV and subsequently numerous national media reported on a neo-Nazi concert organized by Norman Bordin in Mitterskirchen , Bavaria , which had been officially registered as an NPD party event, but which was backed by the banned organization Blood and Honor . During the concert, the bands also played forbidden songs by the neo-Nazi band Landser and publicly encouraged crimes. In the months before, Norman Bordin had ensured that neo-Nazi concerts in Mitterskirchen were given official status as a party event; at least one of them was considered a concert by the internationally active Hammerskin Nation in neo-Nazi circles . The concert in October 2005 was a major trigger for the nationwide raids against the existing Blood and Honor structures in early March 2006.

Planned Rudolf Hess vigil in Munich

Bordin announced a so-called vigil for Rudolf Hess , Adolf Hitler's deputy , on Marienplatz in Munich on August 17, 2007, but this was forbidden by the responsible district administration department as a substitute for a previously banned demonstration in Wunsiedel .

Anti-abortion demonstration in Munich

On October 4th, 2008, 300 to 400 anti-abortion opponents took part in a march through Munich under the motto “1000 Crosses for Life”. 30 to 40 neo-Nazis, including Bordin, joined the march. In their appeals and leaflets, they claimed that “foreign families are becoming more willing to give birth” and that these “non-German offspring” are leading Germany into “a catastrophic future”.

Neo-Nazi demo in Munich

A neo-Nazi demonstration held on January 21, 2012 “for a Patriotic Meeting Center” in downtown Munich was led by Norman Bordin. He also acted as the organizer and had scheduled the meeting. At the beginning of the march, with reference to the right-wing extremist terror group NSU, the melody from The Pink Panther was played publicly over loudspeakers. The state security department of the Munich criminal police saw when playing the melody in this context a criminally relevant approval of criminal offenses . In addition, the suspicion of "disparaging the memory of the deceased" according to § 189 StGB is examined. Since public playback via a loudspeaker system at the event was also to be viewed as a public performance requiring a license, GEMA sent Norman Bordin an invoice for EUR 30.82.

Suspected terror in South Tyrol

On November 8, 2012, MdL Susanna Tausendfreund explained in the BR program “ quer ” how Bordin and other German neo-Nazis had prepared terror attacks on migrants in South Tyrol with Italian “comrades”. The basis are findings of the Italian secret service Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Interna (AISI). Bordin, the Würzburg neo-Nazi Uwe Meenen and the Thuringian NPD cadres Frank Schwerdt and Patrick Paul are said to have discussed attacks on shops such as kebab stalls with representatives of the group "Skinheads Tirol - Meran Section". The neo-Nazi Ralf Wohlleben - in custody for supporting the National Socialist Underground - is said to have brought 20,000 euros to Italy in 2009. The recipients, Alexander and Patrick Ennemoser, are activists of the international, in Germany banned, Nazi terror network " Blood and Honor - Combat 18 ". Bordin lawyer demanded a penalty of a "penalty of 5,000 euros" cease and desist , as the "individual rights" Bordin "massively violated by the factual allegations" were.


On February 21, 2012, Norman Bordin applied for membership in the football department of TSV 1860 Munich . The Presidium rejected the request of the multiple convicted criminal with reference to the statutes.

Criminal offenses

Norman Bordin's criminal record includes eight entries for assault and libel. He has already served three prison sentences, including a 15-month sentence without parole for assault and attempted bodily harm in connection with the assault on a Greek on January 13, 2001 in Munich. The Munich Regional Court stated in the course of the proceedings: "The numerous, including relevant previous convictions, identify the defendant Bordin as a violent neo-Nazi whose right-wing extremist political convictions appear almost irreversibly entrenched" and "Furthermore, at the expense of the accused, it had to be taken into account that he was even during the course of the present proceedings even mocked foreigners and attracted attention in the detention center with Nazi slogans ”. In 2004, just five months after his release, he sneaked unjustified unemployment benefits for two months from the employment agency and was therefore sentenced in the first instance by the Munich district court to four months' imprisonment without parole. After both Bordin and the public prosecutor's office appealed against the judgment, a sentence of six months' imprisonment with probation followed on July 30, 2008 before the Munich District Court I. 80 working hours were set as probation. Bordin's lawyer announced in the courtroom that he would appeal the judgment to the Higher Regional Court.

Bordin was acquitted in January 2013 when he was on trial for playing the Paulchen Panther theme song during a demonstration. The Munich public prosecutor's office I appealed against this ; on May 19, 2014, the acquittal was confirmed by the Munich Higher Regional Court .


Web links

Commons : Norman Bordin  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Previous convictions, but eligible: Munich neo-Nazi take on Otto Schily. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , August 4, 2005
  2. ^ Prohibited organization: NPD organized concert with "Blood and Honor". In: Spiegel Online , November 12, 2005
  3. Rally on Marienplatz: Greens and Verdi call for a ban on the Hess demonstration. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , August 16, 2007
  4. ^ Rudolf-Heß-Mahnwache: City prohibits neo-Nazi marches. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , August 17, 2007
  5. Neo-Nazis march with anti-abortionists. In: , accessed on March 25, 2014
  6. ^ Catholic bishop marches with right-wing terrorists. In: aida , October 7, 2008.
  7. Paulchen-Panther-Song on a Nazi demo: Braun plays rose red. In: the daily newspaper , January 23, 2012
  8. Pink Panther melody at Munich right-wing extremist demo: Gema sends neo-Nazis a bill. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , March 27, 2012
  9. ^ Neo-Nazi Norman Bordin threatens MdL Susanna Tausendfreund. ( Memento of the original from June 9, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In: , December 6, 2012 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  10. writing Norman Bordin lawyer. ( Memento of the original from January 13, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In: , December 6, 2012 (PDF; 1.1 MB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  11. 1860 against the right: neo-Nazi are not allowed to become members. In: Abendzeitung , March 21, 2012
  12. “Election campaign” understood literally: NPD beats Republicans. In: Die Tageszeitung , September 23, 2008
  13. Neo-Nazi steal unemployment benefits. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , December 19, 2006
  14. ↑ Obtaining unemployment benefits: NPD functionary convicted. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung , July 31, 2008
  15. ^ Brawl at the Munich Nazi trial! In: , accessed on March 25, 2014
  16. Munich Higher Regional Court confirms acquittal for neo-Nazi after playing the Paulchen-Panther melody in the demo. In: beck current news , May 19, 2014